The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

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The Owensboro Messengeri

Owensboro, Kentucky

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THE MESSENGER OWENSBORO KY SUNDAY 'APRIL 30 1939 SECTION ONE PAGE TWO mo mow 139 Court Cases CLEAN UP DRIVE Mission Day Combine Services COMMENCEMENT In SHOT TO DEATH TO OPEN ON MAY 8 TO BE HELD HERE ATSENIOR HIGH of WEEK IW 8 SCHOOL ON 25 MUSIC WEEK TO PENDERGAST IS BE CELEBRATED INDICTED AGAIN Heard About Town Stout: John Court News po a ACADEMY PLANS SENIOR RECITAL the 21 to IELDS WIDOW REED MURDER was PARIS GOES TO ROME Paris and Har SPEC1AL GRAND JURE the Our Customers tell the Story why folks choose this bank! CITIZENS STATE BANK MERY MUNN MAE' QUEEN A Horne Owned Hank Institution Owensboro Ky be held them In Commis to leave any the and of to soap thus deli valocllc Dorothy address will be Miss Marguerite Burks Mrs Bannister and Gorman Is soliciting The cast included fifty James A Casey is the The Rev Leo Dienes pastor of the cathedral Petit: Loren and ne for ad Ella Ow Burgos Spain April 29 Madrid soon is to became the capital of Spain again it was understood to day Gen rancisco ranco was ex pected to remove his government from Burgos to Madrid at an early date possibly coincidentally with the Madrid victory parade May 15 elected to be canii Alvey Bros of Owensboro have applied to the United States Engi neer's office Louisville for a permit to construct a coal chute on the Ohio river bank at the foot of Cen ter street here The chute would be four Ret wide and be supported by wood piling MOTORISTS HEADING OR TRAIC SAETY RECORD SCOUTS TO GIVE MINSTREL AT ST TONIGHT Thefts from automobiles reported to police Saturday were a fog light belonging to red Sipes at Twelfth and Triplett streets and a tire tube and wheel belonging to Onis Greer in West Ninth street To freshen shredded coconut soak it in sweet milk for a few minutes before using TWO ASHLAND MEN KILLED IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT IPBOBIJCMS ACED BY NEGROES DISCUSSED AT RANKORT 21 was arrested by Assistant Morris and Patrolman Cole on charges of being drunk Sheriff's Arrest Sledge was arrested Sat Deputy Sheriff Morton a warrant charging him BURROW PI ANS VISIT TO SOT COAL GOES INTO EECT TODAY 29 Martin approved the motion of tne state it had insufficient erf ines Assessed In Police Court April Aggregate 1382 He of many articles on ourth Street and Central Presby terians to Hold Joint Services Today There were 139 cases disposed by Judge A Roby in police court in April with fines totalling $138200 being assessed along with $19210 costs Of the fifty eight persons jailed in default of fines forty two were persons charged with drunkenness Twenty cases were dismissed two persons were given thirty day jail terms and five persons filed mo tions and grounds for new trials Drunkenness led in the total num ber of cases docketed with 55 Other cases disposed of were as follow breach of the peace 23 parking cars in restricted zones 15 double park ing 8 overtime parking 8 reckless driving 6 speeding 4 vagrancy 4 disorderly conduct 3 slot machines 3 improper licenses 2 street walk ing 2 angle parking parking by fire plug driving while drunk car rying concealed weapon selling beer on Sunday operating car without license one each' RANCO SOON TO MAKE MADRID CAPITAL AGAHV The Wilson ferry resumed opera tion Saturday after having been forced to suspend because of the high level of the Ohio river The Ellis and Smeathers ferry began running riday The stage of the river at Dam 46 early today was 296 feet Cape or a Quick EVash Up The fussy jacket" that mother used to wear has been super seded by a trim rubber cape which has many other uses besides keeping stray hairs from settling on a clean dress or blouse Slipped on and off in a jiffy it is ideal for repairing complexions and for washing up at odd moments when there's isn't time to disrobe One of the newest make up capes on the market has a little pocket in the form of a flower for holding hair pins powder puff or comb The soft ruboerized fabric taaes to and water like a dish cloth making it possible to keep its cate pastel colors flower fresh Those Sasse Sand Susan Mary Estate Transfers Brodie administrator of Nina As fresh and springlike as a bed of daffodils are the entrancing finger bowlh of iridescent glass which a gay butterfly of spun glass posed on the edge They give color and anima tion to a table that no April hos tess can afford to overlook and they seem especially appropriate for any one entertaining for the spring bride Incidentally they will make a charming wedding gift CLEVELAND ROOTER BIRD DIES ATER HAL CENTURY Troop No 4 of the Bpy Scouts will sponsor a minstrel show at St Stephen's auditorium at 8:15 pm today members director assistant is scoutmaster and Joe Urban as sistant scoutmaster Everett urday by Estes on with housebreaking in the alleged theft of gasoline from the garage of Kirk three miles south of Ma sonville He was placed in the Da viess county jail pending arraign ment hr quarterly court Hard earned dollars are taking no chances these days Money that represents long hours of work for which you have made every sacrifice to save demands thorough protection Danville Ky April 29 Men students at Centre college Miss Mary Munn junior queen of the annual college val June' 2 Chicago April 29 American motorists were headed today toward the best traffic safety record in ten years The National Safely Council re ported a twelve per cent decrease in automobile fatalities during the first quarter of 1939 and piedicted that if the downward trend con tinued the death total for the year would approximate he low est since 27996 were recorded in 1928 Real David the estate Dallas Rector a lot between Moseley reels Mabel Lee Hardin din to Bennett and Ella Bennett a lot at Twelfth street and Nassau avenue Miss Elizabeth Smith a Sopho more at DePauw university Green castle Ind has been elected a mem ber of Mu Phi Epsilon national Junior honorary music society mem bership being based on scholarship and musical ability Miss Smith is one of five selected from the school of music of the university for this honor She also has been made a member of the Madrigal club com posed of fourteen voices from the school of music incluring young men and young women She is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Smith of Owensboro Experienced management deposit insurance and a moral obligation to be true to the trust im posed by the community will continue to make our institution a refuge of safety for the man with the dollar Cox Snook In Ninth street and Sweeney Norwalk April 29 W) Mrs Coletta Schlett 28 today was freed from prosecution on a first degree murder indictment linking her with the automobile killing of her hus band Carl Judge release on which said dence to make a case and cileu the acquittal Thursday of Harold Hastings 33 Mrs Schlett's lover for 18 months on the same charge The first boat excursion on the Ohio river out of Owensboro is scheduled for Monday night May 8 on the Steamer St Paul one of the largest excursion boats on in land waters The boat ride will be given under the auspices of tire Ow ensboro of Elks No 144 Proceeds from the excusion will go to the Elks Tuberculosis and char ity fund Tickets for the boat trip have been placed on sale at downtown stores advance ducats may be secured at a savings of one third the price charged on the boat the night of the excursion ate Marable and his 12 piece Cotton Pickers orchestra will fur nish the music for the dancers The orchestra will also broadcast over WOMI from 1:30 to 2 on Mon day May 8 or Easy Carving A slanting frame of chromium In to which a baked or boiled whole ham its perfectly makes carving no trick at all It has a wooden handle to hold on to and points which se cure the hame at an angle so that neat and easy carving is assured rankfort Ky April 29 fared by negroes in ob Ttaimng and retaining emplojmentwere discussed hero today at the 'first of a scries of conferences on Ithe subject scheduled toln twenty states most ofthe South Approximately 100 white gro invitees were present dresses by four speakers and floor discussion with members of bothraces participating A "finding committee" headed by William Hutchins of Berea college promised a report to Industrial Delations Commissioner Willi am Burrow next week Lawrence A Oxley Washington negro field representative of the employment service said it was "not a fault finding confer ence not to take up Individual complaints but to consider the problems of the negro as a whole" RUMANIAN DIPLOMAT VISITS WRECK WIDOW ASKS $10000 DAMAGES Steamer St Paul To Give Boat Ride Under Aus pices of Owensboro Elks Police Court Emmett Cox negro charged with grand larceny in the alleged theft of 154 pounds of copper wire from the Owensboro Municipal Light plant was held to the grand jury following his examining trial Sat urday before Judge A Roby in police court William Paine negro charged jointly with Cox in the alleged theft was dismissed The case of Joe Cristil charged with buying and possessing metal with a fraudulent intent was re duced to a misdemeanor and his trial reset to next Saturday Marriage Licenses 25 to Mar Delbert Glenn will direct a group of Settle Memorial members who after lunch at the church will between 1 and 3 today cover the city and community seeking pledges on a debt raising campaign to end next Sunday with cash pay ments which the pastor the Rev Wade and Prof Snyder chairman of the board of stewards hope will total $5000 to apply on the $50000 debt incured in building the church educational plant ten years ago is ideirtilied with advance equality of among children in ircmen extinguished two auto mobile fires Saturday the first in a machine belonging to William El min at ourteenth and Triplett streets at 12:08 and the sec ond in a car belonging to Thomas McSwina in Griffith avenue at 11:15 Mayor Harry Smith and Mrs Smith received an invitation from Grover Whalen president of tlie New York World's air of 1939 and former mayor of New York to be platform guests at the opening of tire fair today but were forced to decline because of Mayor Smith's recent illness of pneumonia He returned to his office riday after being dismissed from the city hos pital Thursday Quarterly Court Granville Davis negro operator 'of restaurant at 1030 East Ninth street was arraigned before Judge James Wilson in quarterly court Saturday on a charge of possessing liquor without a license and his hearing was set for riday Chester Clements operator of a place on the River road was arraigned on a charge of selling 'beer without a li cense and his hearing was set for Wednesday The warrant against each as taken by Payne Rodgers Held agent for tire department of levenue and the warrants were served by Deputies Sheritf Richai McDaniel and I Dishman The trial of Owen Masterson charged with conversion cf property was set for Tuesday ano breach of the peace chaiges against John Wesley Saddler and Lawrence Coomcs were continued generally Divorce Suit Srllie Tutson Hied suit in Da viess circuit court Saturday for di vorce from Sam Tutson charging cruelty They were married in 1919 and separated ebruary 15 1939 Birkhead attorney Because of the absence from the city of the Rev Hart pastor of Central Presbyterian church eld ers of Central church and ourth Street Presbyterian church announc ed Saturday the two churches will hold combined church services Sun day The Rev George Vick co pas tor of ourth Street church will preach both sermons Morning services for both con gregations will be conducted at the ourth Street church at 11 a and evening services for both con gregations at the Central Presby terian church at 7:30 The Rev Mr Hart was called to Maryville Tenn Saturday by the illness of his daughter Miss Pa tricia Hart a student at Maryville college ederal Government Says Kansas City Boss ailed To Report ull Income The Saturday Musicale will spon sor Music Week May 7 to 13 accord ing to tire annual custom The club will present In addition to a radio program over Station WOMI an or gan recital at Settle Memorial church at 8 Tuesday May 9 to which tlie public is cordially in vited Mrs A Smith organist a member of the club and of the Am erican Guild of Organists will pre sent the program assisted by Mrs Reynolds of Evanston Ill vocal soloist formerly of Owensboro hiving been Miss Evngene Church will have special programs next Sunday 7 opening the week and ministers will use Music Week as general them cither al the morning or evening services The city schools will have special pro grams during music week under the direction of Miss Virginia are Stout supervisor of vocal music Music week school broadeasts have been arranged from May 8 through May 12 All will be quarter hour afternoon programs with the excep tion of the Senior high vocal music department's offering which will be a 30 mlnute program and will be presented at 8'39 Tuesday May 9 The committee from the Saturday Musicnle having charge of Music Week plans includes Miss Stout chairman Misses Rose Bailey and Martha Lester The first annual Mu sic Week observance was held in Owensboro in May 1922 Taken rom Constable By Brothers of Boy Killed By Taxi To Be Given At St rances Auditorium riday Night May 6 Police Summons Hershel Grigsby was issued lice court summons last night by Patrolman Whittinghill on a charge of breach of the peace Henry DeVerner To Instruct Membership Solicitors At Annual Dinner Meet Covington Ky April 29 A special session of the Kenton county fraud Jury was called for Mav 8 to day by Circuit Judge Jolnist North cutt The court ordered new names placed in the jury wheel but did rot disclose whether the jury would continue an Investigation cf alleged violations of gambling end liquor laws A jury silting at Indepen dence tlie county seat returned 196 indictments recently rankfort Ky April State Industrial Relations sinner Burrow is Monday Gov A Chandler said today to over the general situation" in Kentucky's soft coal ficdls The governor said he was ing in touch with the situation" and predicted a settlement soon in negotiations between Appalachian field operators and the United Mine Workers ot America "I think both sides are trying to 'hold the line' peacefully and I'm glad to applaud the sensible atti tude shown by both sides in seeking a adjustment" Chandler said Saturday Musicale To Give Recital jChurches Schools To Have Programs of hire Department Sponsors Awards To Be Made To Schools or Records Parade Entries to Da and its a story of complete banking satisfaction Customers of any business have a right to ex pect satisfying service In banking where service is the only "com modity" sold satisfaction is dou bly important Mayiefld Ky April 29 Orene McAlister widow of Sam Mc Alister Mayfield druggist and na tive of ulton who was Injured fa tally in a motor accident last Octo ber 28 filed suit in Graves circuit court against Covington Jr for $10000 damages Covington was driver of the car that collided with a Memphis Tenn truck north of Metropolis Ill last fall as five May fieldians Covington McAlister Dr uller William Hunt and James Seay were cn route to South Bend Ind for a football game All were seriously hurt and McAlister died two days later in Paducah hospital Joseoh Bernal Peak garct Ester Ashley 20 both of Ow cn'iboro Molden Crowe over Belle Sutherlin over 21 both of cnsbnro Harold Hall 35 to Grace eld kamp 27 both of Owensboro Orville Lee Burch 21 to Mary Louise Ramey 17 both of Evans ville David ulton 35 to Sue Alice Gillin 36 both of Detroit Edward Owen Turner 26 Johnie Mae Boone 16 both of viess coimtv Samuel Walker 23 to Helen Alcorn 21 both of Owensboro Joseph Arthur Newton 20 of Ow ensboro to Rua Burnette Denham 18 of Maceo April 29 Rumanian Minister Brlgoic Gafcncu Rome tonight amid rench gratification over Ashland Ky April 29 Jack Cunningham was killed outright and Charles Banga 25 both of Huntington West Virginia was fa tally injured here at 12:20 this niurnlng when a car Cunningham was driving struck a power line tower Two other young men Elmer Baild Clarksburg and Edward Jackson Huntington were seriously injured in the same Sam Berry Boyd county patrol man said today the death car failed to make a curve on Highway 60 in East hit the steel tower front of the car was the four posts and way up the tower Jackson Dr Hall javz fracture a leg possible skull knocked unconscious Baild was cut and bruised Daytona Beach la April 29 Lee Snell negro taxi driver was shot to death on a highway near here today while being taken to jail and Constable James Dur den told a coroner's jury the slay ers were two brothers of a boy fatally injured by Snell's taxi sev eral hours earlier Durden Identified the two as Everett and Earl Blackwelder Snell had been arrested after the death of Benny Blackwelder 12 who was struck by the taxi while riding a bicycle The constable said the men armed with a shotgun and a ri(le overtook him and his prisoner west of the airport on the Daytona Beach Deland highway blocked the road and forced him to halt said he scuffled but was overpow ered Then said the constable Earl Blackwelder shot Snell with the rifle and Everett fired a shotgun 1 into the negro "I had hold of the shotgun when it went off" said Durden "I thought he was going to shoot The constable said one of the brothers covered him with the gun while' the other turned their car The two drove away towards Day tona Beach Three negro motorists who said they saw part of the action cor roborated Durden's description of the slaying New York April 29 Daylight saving lime becomes effective in a number of states at 2 a to morrow and will continue until Sun day Sept 24 at 2 a There will be state wide observ ances ot daylight saving in New Jersey Massachusetts New Hamp shire and Rhode Island virtually state wide observance in Connecti cut Most of Maine will set the clock ahead a substantial part of Vermont and those sections of In diana and Illinois in the vicinity of Chicago There will limited observance of daylight saving in i Michigan Idaho Georgia and Dela ware Albert Albert Paris III Will Deliver Address Class Includes 124 Can didates The Owensboro Cooperative Con cert association will open its fourth annual membership campaign with a dinner for tlie officers and mem bership solicitors at Hotel Owens boro Monday evening May 8 Henry DeVerner representative of the Cooperative Concert Service New York will be here to assist with the campaign and will give the final instructions at the dinner Mr De Venter assisted with tlie 1937 cam paign Mrs Loren Whitely is chair man of the membership campaign and Mrs Isaac Bresler co chair man Mrs Yewell Bottorf is chair man of tlie dinner committee and will be assisted by Mrs Gene Mob berly and Mrs Hany Ray president of the Concert association According to the plan of previous years three concerts will be pro vided for the season talent depend ing on the number of memberships placed Membership dues will be $350 in order that better known artists may be presented Student tickets will remain at $1 The Callas will be headquarters throughout the campaign week Officers for tlie coming year' will be as follows: President Mrs Harry Ray 'first vice president Mike Callas second vice president the Rev George Vick third vice president Miss Virginia fourth vice president Mrs Hamvas secretary Mrs letcher Barr: treasurer Bartlett press Mrs Henry membership chairman Mrs Whitely membership co chairman Mrs Isaac Bresler Mrs James chairman Mrs Memibers of the advisory council include Gene Mobbcrly chairman the Rev Robert Scott Sam Levy Joseph Weill Mesdamcs James Snyder Yewell Bcttorf Bernard Alvey Charies Hunt Misses Ovela O'ljmn and Mary I ee Broeker Mount St Joseph College and Academy Students Observe Day said has a injury mid a fracture He Triflic Summons Courier was charged with parking an automobile on a side walk by Patrolmen Weideman and Clark and was summoned to appear in police court to answer charge In joint session Mount Saint Jo seph Junior college and academy stu dents observed Mission day on ri day April 28 The entire student body attended mass and received Holy Communion and offered special prayers for the spread of the faith throughout the world A special program of music was carried out during the mass with congregational singing Various banners were dis played for designating the various sections and achievements of the un its 'Hie Seventh and Eighth grades of Saint Alphonsus school delighted the audience of teachers students parents and friends with their beau tiful and well rendered program of choral verse reading in tlie after noon under the direction of the in structor of speech Miss Nora Hal lisey The numbers read were: Pied Pipe of by Browing Old Clock" Long fellow and three old ballads nie At tlie air" Plaint of the Caurnl" and After the program they visited the museum Tlie Mother Aloysius unit of the Student Mission Crusade presented an original radio skit on Christian democracy in the evening participating were: Theresa Agripeta Gomez Catherine Helen ischer reda Teder Nalley Georgia Bickett and Margaret Berry The academic students presented panxlies in verse to familiar melo dies of songs The lay instructors acted as judges for the parodies and awarded prize to the sopho mores Students of the music department are preparing for Music Week which will be observed the second week of May Ashland and So hard the driven inside climbed part Kansas City April 29 The federal government raised its claims on Boss Tom Pendergast today in a grand jury indictment charging he failed by $443550 to report his full income for 1935 and 936 An accusation that he received unreported income from business interests under names of other per sons was listed in the new indict ment against the man who rose from a saloon bookkeeper of the to the head of a Democratic organization that lias swung many state elections Previously on April 7 the grand jury charged Pendergast failed to report $315000 he was alleged to have received in connection with the compromise of a $9500000 state insurance case Today's indictment took in that earlier figure raising the basis for government tax claims by $128550 Pendergast who attributed his success in politics to the fact he handled his city organization as a business is accused in the indict ments of paying only $25946 in taxes for 1935 36 but in reality now ow ing the government $437316 in taxes and penalties as well as interest Aden Albert of Parts Ill past president of Rotary International author and educator and an in ternationally known speaker will deliver the commencement address for the 1939 graduates of the Ow ensboro Senior high at the Senior high auditorium Thursday evening May 25 His subject will be Leaders or a New Owensboro has been honored on two other occasions by visits from Dr Albert He was the guest speaker at Hotel Owensboro No vember 10 1938 the occasion hav ing been a Governor's night dinner held bv the Owensboro Rotary club in honor of Lawrence Hagergovernor of the 161st district He addressed the Owensboro club In 1915 soon after it was chartered coming on the invitation of Mr Hager a charter member Dr Al bert was one ot Hie outstanding speakers on the opening pro gram at tlie District Rotary meet ing held at Henderson April 17 Who in lists Dr Albert as having been among other jthlngs a lecturer in various col and universities Spanish American war correspondent chief editorial writer Washington Tinuseditor and associate publisher ofMinneapolis Tribune representativeto many European capitals com Innssioner to Japan and China con sultant to city development bodieswith ronmitssions on training camp 1 activities during the World war tmember of the American Academy Political and Social Sciences Ils the author Jelly planning and social change I Dr Albert movements to opportunity jcluding training in the arts to im jpreve county government for thesocial and economic planning of towns to preserve American hls torical records and tx advance in temational peace He has sjxikenin most of the coiuitries of Euroiie Asia as well as North America Jin the cause of international conferred with leaders of Ithougiit in many capitals i The Senior high school will grad luate one of tlie largest classes in 'its history tills year the candidatesnumbering 124 ni' ludmg three 'from tile Trade high school OUior Shadwick will deliver the tory address and Miss Eberhardt the salutatoryTfie baccalaureate sermon delivered by the Rev Wadepastor of Settle Memorial churchSunday May 21 Class night ex 'ercises will be held May 24 Tliecity schools will close for tire sum Jmcr vacation May 26 appointments Snyder dinner Yewell Bottort left for expressions of talks concerning Rumania's role in tlie alignment of European powers Alter Rome Belgrade was next on tin: itinerary of the Rumanian diplomat who already has visited London and Berlin in what some diplomats called a search for tlie bargain before Rumania com mits herself to cither the Itomc axis or the aris London blue Gafcncu and rench oreign Min ister Georges Bonnet was offi cially to have been in perfect ac but it was not disclosed whether Gafcncu had agreed or even had been asked to accept the rench British plan to enlist Soviet aid for Rumania in event of war Lewis Del April 29 Blrdy a parrot that cheered for President Grover Cleveland for a half a cen tury died yesterday Just learning to talk when Cleve land took office the bird soon learn ed to shout for Cleve Birdy grew blind in la'er years but never forgot to cheer Our customers receive the benefit of four way service service in the form of (1) saftey for funds (2) facilities to meet every need (3) genuine interest in our cus finanical progress and (4) willing co operation to spend every transaction The importance of your finanical affairs deserves this guarantee of complete satis faction make this bank YOUil bank! St rances academy will present its Senior recital at the academy auditorium at 8:15 pm riday May 6 The program will be as follows: Orchestra selection Ivanovivi personnel vio lins Marian Allen Mary Margaret Baseheart Ethel Wimsatt Evelyn Scruggs Mary Ann White flutes Jean Wimsatt Margaret Hazel clarinets Jean Berry Norbert Dan hauer Joseph Wethington comets Angela Wethington Mary Rose Emler saxophone Rita Wething ton trombone Paul Wethington piano accordion Antoinette Cox cello Betty O'Bryan bass Mar guerite Realini drums George Bell piano Mary Evelyn AuU di rector Carmel Cox Piano Butterfly" Laval lee violin Severn Evelyn Scruggs: clarinet duo Road to Mandalay" Speaks Norbert Danhauer Joseph Weth ington piano Heller lorence Catherine Korrell violin Schubert Marian Allen flute Little Irish Lohr Margaret Hazel chorus olk Brahms Sophom*ore and reshman girls piano "Spinning Mendels sohn Murline Johnson: flute and clarinet duo Night in King Jean Wimsatt Jean Berry Piano de Verdi Hoffman Carmel Cox read ing Morning Jones Norbert Danhauer violin Haesche Mary Margaret Baseheart Glee Club Armitage cello in Williams Bet tye O'Bryan piano Mok rejs Mary Evelyn Aull cornet Clarke Marv Rose Emler: violin duo the Morse Marian Allen Mary Margaret Base heart Girls' Glee Club eske River" Dvorak Wil son piano "A la bien Schuett Eleanor Medley poem Happy Carmel Cox en semble Guitars" Horlick flute Helen Wethington cornet Angela Wethington saxophone Rita Wethington trombone Paul Wethington clarinet Joseph Weth ington chorus Bless Ameri ca" Irving Berlin boys Accom panists during the program Elean or Medley Sadie Emler Mary Eve lyn Aull Murline Johnson lor ence Horrell New York April 29 Sti cks I Steady price changes narrow Bonds Uneven some high priced lotuvs favored Curb Narrow: a few specialties marked up oreign ex change Steady: Belga at year's high Cotton Lower profit taking I Liverpool selling Higher I trade Cuban demand Coffee I Narrow switching dominates mar ket Chicago: Closed unchang ed to 1 2 higher Corn Closed 3 8 to 7 8 off on liquidation Cattle Nominally steady Nominally steady ItftUIMMCl MH A ro tM Mpojito i Plans are being completed for a Clean Up Paint Up lx Up Plant Up Dress Up Light Up and Mod ernize campaign sponsored by the Owensboro Chamber of Commerce and the fire department the week of May 8 The members of the Business and Professional club have about completed the first phase of their assignment securing prizes for the various awards to be made for meritorious work during the cam paign These awards are to be made to the room or otherwise designated group in each school making the best showing on projects completed by May 12 and tabulated on the offi cial report sheets in proportion to enrollment and one to the best and niost unique entry in the parade to be held on Tuesday afternoon May 9 Prizes also are to be awarded for fhe best wren house built entirely by a local boy the contest bring spon sored by the Garden club and for certain contests among school chil dren being sponsored by the Parent Teacher associations A committee from the Business and Professional club com poser! of resident Mrs prizes The silver cups for the grand prizes are being donated will be impossible for the wom en of the committee to contact everyone who would like to have a part in the clcan up program by awarding a prize for good work All interested are requested to call of the committee members or Chamber of Commerce office they will be visited Police Arrests Edwin Barbour 41 was arrested last night by Patrolmen Pate and Worthington and Junius Pulliam cniei both CONCERT DUNE IRST EXCIIffiill UN MOUNT 0 A Refuge of Safety.

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The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.