The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

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The Owensboro Messengeri

Owensboro, Kentucky

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2 A THE OWENSBORO KY SUNDAY MAY 23 1948 MORTUARY Je ac walkout You conf take it with you in swimming and will be con Viola board Tuesday night CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY Progressive Bank MEMBER EDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Redford until June To Men of the conducted by Coro High School CLASS an '48 CONGRATULATIONS EARNED IT! SELI Army and Air orce Recruiting Service CITIZENS STATE BANK Growing By Serving MEMBER EDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION A UTURE CAREERS WITH Air orce and both petition by an not He the four sisters Mrs Harvey Robards Mrs Beatrice Henderson Mrs Edmond' and Mrs inas Holeman Morgan Taylor the the of be at cease in the union Willie Arnie was announced Henderson president Mr serving as vice board of direc Owensboro Mrs Hugh John ort Lauderdale la and Henry Thrasher Lewisport sons Jesse Emmick Troy Sterling Knox Horace and INCREASE IN REIGHT RATES OB A intra June Memphis Tenn Lf) Win go has whipped the problem of mowing the lawn at night He put a headlight on his electric mower if he cut the grass at night miss his favorite radio pro grams So Wingo attached a radio to his mower he calls it REV HENRY BEACH JR BECOMES UTICA PASTOR JUSTICES PEACE DENY BOND REUSED OENDERS 5 PCT STATE MAN WOUNDED BYl LOVER'S HUSBAND DIES AT COVINGTON STATE GARDEN CLUBS MEET TO OPEN MONDAY 2 MINERS CHARGE UMW WITH UNAIR LABOR PRACTICES Lawrence Workins Henderson uneral services for LawrCnce (lunk) Workins 40 who died suddenly Thursday night were held at 3 Saturday afternoon at the Benton and Son chapel1 Rev Wade Weldon of the irst Methodist church officiated Burial was in ernwood cemetery Surviving are the wife lorence three sons Donald Robert and Edward mother Mrs Nancy Ann Workins Henderson father Matt Workins Youngstown Ohio three sistefs Mrs Emily Schwartz and Mrs Alice Hanco*ck of Henderson and Mrs Mattie Lou Reed of Spottsville and a brother William of Henderson ARMERS TO VIEW GROWING EXPERIMENTAL CROPS CHOOSE YOUR IELD SPECIAL TRAINING BEORE YOU ENLIST! 350000 persons were shipped to Eu rope last year Several roundtable and panel dis cussions are planned An informal dinner is scheduled Monday night with banquets book ed for Tuesday and Wednesday nights rankfort Ky May 22 five per cent increase on state freight rates effective 1 was approved today by the Ken tucky Railroad commission The boost brings to 25 per cent the total increase in intrastate rates since last October Two 10 per cent increases had been grant ed since that time The latest five per cent increase will not apply to gravel crushed slag and stone sand rock and liquod asphalt and other commodi ties used in road building The State Highway department has protested the latest increase on grounds it will increase cost of road work The commission will hold a special hearing later to de termine whether these materials should be brought under the five cent jump These road items how ever are subject to the earlier 10 per cent increases Lexington Ky May 22 (AT The Blue Grass automobile club said today two Powell county justices of the peace had submitted affida vits they had never refused bond to traffic violators The club through its secretary Glen Weinman had charged that officials had refused bond to mo torists arrested in Powell county for traffic violations and had threatened the offenders with jail confinement The club said the two justices were Caudill and Letcher Dalton The latter's affidavit said no traffic cases had been heard in his court in the past five months statement said that eighteen traffic cases had been tried in his court and all offenders pleaded guilty At no time he said Sprayed by Plane Spraying of California fruit or chards often is done by means of airplanes While flying at low alti tudes they lay down a bgrragq of gas which exterminates the in sects Mrs Lon Taylor Livermore Mrs Lula Tay lor 77 wife of Lon Taylor died at her hpme near Livia riday Mrs Taylor is survived by her husband two sons Elza Taylor Livia Wesley Taylor Livermore two sisters Mrs Annie Taylor Livia Mrs Emma Chissom Lou isville one brother Biggers Calhoun and one grandchild uneral services will be held at 2 today in the Pleasant Hope General Baptist church the Rev Rodney Holder officiating with burial in the church cemetery Elmer Johnston Providence Ky Elmer Johns ton 51 prominent Providence busi ness man died of a heart ailment Thursday morning in Vanderbilt' hospital at Nashville Tenn Surviving are the wife a daugh ter Mrs Emmett Couta of Atlanta Ga two sisters Mrs Utley and Mrs Mum King of Providence four brothers Edgar and Estel of Madisonville and Arthur and Wal ter of Dalton four grandchildren and a great grandchild uneral services were held at 2 Saturday afternoon at the irst Baptist church Rev Conway officiating Burial was in Lakeview cemetery MAN SOUGHT IN STATE SHOOTING charges in his was threatened group of pickets and stated he was threatened ELECTED PRESIDENT rome Parker Conrey (above) was unanimously elected to the office of president of the NCCS in the ten colleges and universities of the Cincinnati region at the recent Dayton Ohio regional meeting of the National ederation of Calho lic College students The NCCS colleges include Xa vier Our Lady of Cincinnati and Mopnt St Joseph of Cincinnati Nazareth of Nazareth Ky Naza reth and Ursuline colleges Louis ville Villa Madonna college of Covington Ky University of Day ton St of the Springs Columbus Ohio and Marian col lege Indianapolis Ind Mr Conrey is a student of Xa vier University at Cincinnati and is the son of Mr and Mrs Jerome Conrey of Owensboro EXAMINING TRIAL IS CONTINUED HEAPLIGHT RADIO USED AS LAWN MOWER chapel of the Taylor uneral home at Lewisport Rev Ivan Allen pas tor of the Lewisport Methodist church officiating with burial in the Lewisport cemetery Pallbearers: Charles Mastin Harry Emmick Lloyd Taylor Sam Baker Biuy inrasner Henry Thrasher man died today from wounds received April 16 Campbell County Police Chief George Benz said Huff was shot in the chest twice and that William Vought 34 was arrested at the time on a charge of shooting with intent to kill Vought free on bond is out town for the week end but will surrendered to Benz Monday noon according to William Hop kins his attorney According to Benz Vought hid in the trunk of Huff's automobile when Huff was accompanied by Mrs Vought to a tavern at Cold Spring Ky The police report gave this count of what happened: When the couple arrived at tavern Vought leaped from trunk and fired wounding Huff Then with the help of another man he put the wounded man in the car and Mrs Vought drove to the hospital Mrs Vought was named defend ant last week in an alienation of affection suit filed in Kenton cir cuit court by wife Mrs Mabel Huff 34 LOUISVILLE MAY HIKE OCCUPATIONAL TAX PATIENT AT STATE HOSPITAL HANGS Thomas Brown Scottsville Ky May 22 Thomas Brown 97 dyed in the wool Democrat who claimed for himself the distinction of having voted more times than any other living Kentuckian died at his home here tonight He voted for his seventy seventh time in the general election last November All of his votes were cast for Democratic candidates Believed to be Allen old est resident he served as jailer from 1905 to 1913 He also served as a guard for several years at Eddyville penitentiary uneral services will be conduct ed here Monday James Wade Crabb Bowling Green Ky May 22 (Al James Wade Crabb 90 teacher in Warren Edmonson and Butler county schools for fifty three years died here Saturday morning at the home of a son James A Crabb He was father of Dr A Crabb professor of education at George Peabody college for Teachers Nashville Other survivors include a sister Mrs Callie Lamsaters Cromwell Danville Ky May 21 Coro ner Jimmy Randolph said today a patient at Kentucky State hospi tal hanged himself last night He identified the man as Ben Hurst 59 a former Wayne County resi dent who had been an inmate state institutions since 1932 Ran dolph said the body was found in a ward at the hospital after Hurst asked to be excused from physical exercises Louisville Ky May 22 Mayor Charles arnsley today called a special meeting of the board of aldernjen for Monday night to boost the rate of the proposed occupational tax on in dividuals The mayor said he took the ac tion at the request of the alder manic finance committee He said an amendment would be offered to the proposed ordinance calling for a one per cent tax instead of three fourths of one per cent Sev eral other amendments to the pending ordinance are to be of fered One would reduce effective period of the tax from two and one half years to two years Other changes are principally of a tech nical nature intended to simplify collection and bookkeeping prob lems city finance director Edward Dieruf said The proposed tax may be en acted or rejected at the meeting Mrs Bettie Emmick Lewisport Ky Mrs Bettie Em mick 90 died at her home at Lew isport at 9:40 riday fol lowing a lingering illness Mrs Emmick is survived by three daughters Mrs Charles Mas den son Mrs five Ind Powers Emmick of Lewisport two brothers Casper Greathouse Lex ington Harry Greathouse Lewis port one sister Mrs anny Lou Holland Lewisport several grand children and great grandchildren uneral services will be held at 2 this afternoon in the The Citizens joins with the entire commun ity in extending best wishes and congratula tions to graduates Whether you continue schooling or enter business we will be watch ing your progress with interest And remem ber our latchstring is out a stand ing invitation for you to use our complete facilities and services to meet your increas ing need for dependable banking services It will be a real privilege to serve you A pocketful of cosh is always a worry especially when you're on a vacation But convert your funds into Collins Calhoun Ky May Collins 95 retired Publisher of McLean county died at 11:30 a riday at the home of Mrs John Rogers after a long illness Mr Collins was a veteran news paper man having been publisher and owner of the McLean County News for more than twenty six years Before coming to Calhoun he was connected with a newspaper at Sebree Before his retirement several years ago he took an active part in civic affairs and was largely in strumental in the construction of good roads in McLean county and the construction of the James Bethel Gresham bridge over Green river between Calhoun and Rumsey Mr Collins was a member of the Baptist church He is survived by one son Grover Collins Lexington and one grandson Paul Chisholm of Louisville formerly of Owens boro uneral services were conducted at 2 Saturday in the Muster funeral home the Rev Gen try officiating Pallbearers: Howard Whitaker Raymond Bennett Landon Wills Louis Bennett William Pearce and Smith Prestonsburg Ky May 22 (Al Authorities were searching for two persons one wanted in a fatal shooting and the other in con nection with a fire at Gio Ky Johnson County Sheriff Troy Sturgill said Jarvey Hamilton was wanted in the death of Monroe Bryant 35 Hamilton had been charged with shooting and wound ing Bryant in an argument con cerning Bryant's piling rocks on land Bryant died yesterday but the sheriff said Hamilton who had been released under $1000 bond on the first charge had disappeared The other object of a search was a 17 year old boy whose brother is being held in the county jail in connection with the Thursday fire at the Glogora Coal Co Sheriff Sturgill said the 15 year old boy in custody at first admitted that he and his brother set fire to the general store after they stole some merchandise The store the general engineer ing office and the postoffice at Gio were destroyed at a loss of about $75000 However he later denied having anything to do with the fire No charges have been filed pending capture of the older boy a big day coining the day when you get your diploma At your graduation exercises hear two things mentioned often the opportunities and the obligations of manhood Those just words They deserve the serious thinking of every high school graduate As an American citizen ypur opportunities are greater than in any other country on earth And for that very reason you have an obligation to defend America and its freedoms to make this way of life secure By enlisting in the Army or Air orce after gradu ation you will be discharging your debt to ypur coun try At the same time you can take advantage of one of the finest opportunities ever offered a young man Mrs Marie Davis Mrs Marie Davis 42 died at her home 1106 West Second street at 1 a Saturday following a heart attack Mrs Davis was born at Prince ton Ky July 11 1906 but had been a resident of Owensboro for the last thirty five years She was a member of the irst Baptist church Surviving are her mother Mrs Shewmaker Owensboro one sister Mrs Hugh one brother Mack of Princeton uneral services ducted at 11 a Monday at her residence the Rev Lester Seel pastor of the Nazarene church will officiate with burial at Prince ton Ky The body is at her late resi dence of the four courses you have selected and a place will be reserved for you in that course Then you enlist for 3 4 or 5 years and after passing the physical and mental examinations and completing basic training you will be guaranteed training in your chosen field The Air orce offers a similar opportunity in its Aviation Career Plan giving you a pre enlistment choice of 3 among the more than 40 USA Specialist Schools There is no better way to get a start in the great and growing field of aviation Either plan gives you good pay excellent training and a splendid chance for advancement in a real career You can get full information including lists of avail able Specialist Schools and Technical Courses at your nearest Army and Air orce Recruiting Station Harlan Ky May 22 Charg ing unfair labor practices under the Taft Hartley law two Harlas county coal miners today filed peti tions with the National Labor Rela tions Board at Cincinnati against the United Mine Workers of Amer ica The miners Williams of Evarts and Richard Collins of Wallms former members of Local 5355 at the Woods mine of Harlan Wallins Coal corporation at Evarts state in their petitions they were threatened and man handled by union representatives after their refusal to pay a $50 fine imposed by the for working three days during the recent soft coal walkout The men stated they worked at maintenance work March 16 17 and 22 The nation wide started March 15 Collins that he unknown Williams with bodily harm if he returned to work Their petitions point out the con struct under which they were work ing provides employes would work while and Identical in one section the peti tions state: 16 17 and 22 1948 un dersigned though willing and able to work was warned to doing maintenance work mine by agents of said known participants being Lunsford General Gallon arley and Charlie Bryant the latter president of the local 22 1948 said local im posed a fine of $50 upon under signed for continuing work al though officials of said union during all such time were publicly pro claiming the union was not on strike Warning was given a rise would act if the fine was not promptly paid" Collins charges he was met May 3 at Evarts while on his way to work by a number of men in taxis He stated in his petition that Law rence Pennington Jr former miner at the Wallins pit a'ffi two unknown armed men forced Seaf Scott John Marks and his son to leave car Collins said Pbnnington then identified him the and the two other men dragged him from the vehicle threw him into 1 nearby creek threatening to kill him if he ever reported for work again saying the union would permit him work anywhere was given that choice or pay fine imnosed he said Williams charges a man identi fied as Charlie Bryant with inter cepting him on his way to work and with identifying him to a group of unknown men as nan that refused to pay his Williams also stated in his peti tion that ail unknown armed nlan in the group grabbed his mine light land threw it into a ditch ordering him to home and stay at the same time warning him never to return to work with a (threat of serious bodily harm The petitions stated the two men were driven from their jobs and that they are now without employ ment because of the threats of theunion men The petitions did not state speci fically what the two men sought as redress Informed of the action Bryant refuted the claim of Williams and Collins that they were without em ployment because of threats have not missed a Bryant said have been working in an abandoned mine at Black Joe prospecting for the he said Bryant added that before the work stoppage told the boys have a job and you can The union president said the lo cal had agreed to keeping mainten ance men op the job during the walkout He said the agreement was for the work to be divided with no man to work more than three days and Collins worked days and refused to lay off That is why they were Bryant said He added that the mine superintendent whom he did pot name refused to divide the work Bryant said Williams and Collins had not been expelled from the union and were still members but in good 1 Others named in the petition could not be reached for comment The Rev Henry Beach Jr be gan his work as pastor of the Utica Baptist church May 16 He came to Utica from the church at Union in Gallatin county Mr Beach received his A de gree from Georgetown college and his from the Southern Bap tist Theological seminary in Louis ville He is a native of Glencoe Ky Previous pastorates were at Pinckard Baptist church Union county and Ten Mile Paint Lick and Union churches in Gallatin county During his ten years at Union the membership of the church doubled and a building fund was raised for construction of a new church Mr Beach was accompanied to his home in Utica by Mrs Beach and their three year old daughter Kay Covington Ky May 22 (Al Melvin Huff 34 Covington a form er Kentucky state highway patrol bullet Louisville Ky May 22 Methodist Church leaders nouced here today that the Ken tucky Christian Endeavor union will hold its annual convention May 29 31 at Annville institute in Jackson county More than 100 representatives from churches over the state are expected to attend the three day meeting Among the speakers will be Ernest Bryan general sec retary of the international society DOCTORS' BUILDING MADISONVILLE KY PHONE 603 Lexington Ky May 22 (AT Plots of experimental small grains hays and grasses will be open to public inspection Thursday at the annual forage crop and small grain field meeting at the University of (Kentucky experiment station here armers and other interested persons will be taken groups to view the growing crops and hear explanations of the experimental work The tours will begin at 9 a Included in the tests are varie ties and strains of fescue orchard grass bluegrass red white and ladino clovers alfalfa barley wheat and fall and spring oats Also to be seen will be the effects of using 2 4 to control weeds in small grains and corn Explanations will be made of grass seed production work the fertilizing and clipping of grasses and different methods of sowing seed Mrs Viola Bryan Henderson Ky Mrs Bryan 40 died at 8 riday morning at her home in Baskett following a two week illness Surviving are the husband two daughters Mrs Charles Wal lace of Baskett and Mrs Tony Kloski of Muncie Ill the father William Nelson of Henderson four brothers Wayne Nelson of Hender son Marshall and Lloyd Nelson of Cairo and Bethel Nelson of Mor ganfield Allen of Love of Crocker of rural route 2 Morganfield and a grandchild uneral services will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the Baskett Baptist church the Rev Barnett officiating Burial will be inCorydon cemetery ATTENTION DAIRYMEN Attend our itting and Showing Demonstration next Tuesday May 25 at Claude Newman's arm Sorgho Ky Everybody welcome! West 9th Street Mill Just A Minute olks! If You Want To Took Your Best Have Your SHOE REBUILDING DRY CLEANING and PRESSING Done At MACK'S 309 REDERICA Owensboro's Most Modern Shop Of Its Kind 75c per $10000 We Can urnish You With Travelers Checks Promptly SLEEPING SICKNESS ATAL TO STATE BABY I Bowling Green Ky May 21 (Al The death of three ear old Bar bara Ray Oliver at a hospital here was attributed today to encephali tis The child became ill of sleep ing sickness May 1 and was ad mitted to the hospital May 4 She was the daughter of Mr and Mrs Ray Oliver Sugar Grove Butlerff county BANK BOARD William Sloane (above) has been elected chairman of the board of directors of the Citizens State bank succeeding the late A Rhodes it yesterday by executive vice Sloane has been chairman of the tors of the Citizens State bank since its organization in 1935 Taber Johnston was elected vice chairman of the board Mr Johnston who is president of the Union Pipe and Supply company was also a member of the first board of directors of the Citizens State bank Henderson executive vice president was elected a di rector of the bank had he threatened jail terms or refused bond view of the affidavits sub mitted by Justices Caudill and Weinman stated are happy to retract our statement as it pertains to tlje Powell county officials The automobile club has never opposed enforcement of our traffic laws but objects very strongly to motorists being refused bond or pressure being applied to extract a The club previously notified County Judge A Thomas of Stanton that no complaints had been received from motorists tried In Powell county court TRAVELERS CHECKS and your troubles are over Prompt refund in case of loss or theft Lexington Ky May 22 The National Council of State Garden clubs will open its 19th annual con vention here Monday with upwards of 400 delegates expected for the four day meeting The council rep resents the Garden Club federa tions of 41 states The first business session is scheduled Tuesday morning with Mrs Lewis Hull of Boonton the president presiding Oth er business meeetings are planned Wednesday and Thursday Several tours are planned during the meeting including trips to Blue Grass horse farms and to Harrods burg and rankfort Speakers will include Lyle Watts of Washington chief of the forest service of the Depart ment of Agriculture Tom Wallace editor of the Louisville Times Tom XJnderwood editor of the Lexing ton Herald and John Nash Ott Jr 'of Winnetka Ill The clubs will consider the future plans of the 'seeds of proj ect a program under which vege table seeds to provide food for ROOMS 1 5 (ENTER BUILDING (ormerly YMCA Building) OWENSBORO KY PHONE 3422 To Mon with 2 Years or More of College WIN YOUR WINGS with the Aviation Cadets If you are single 20 to 26 years old physically sound and have completed at least years or college or the equivalent you may be qualified for pilot training as an Avia tion Cadet Get full details now Next class starts July 1 1918 If you are 18 to 34 (17 with consent) and a high school graduate you can select your course of training in the Army or the Air orce before enlisting Under the Army Technical School Plan you can specify two different courses that appeal to you in each of two fields The Army will check to make sure there is an opening in one Glasgow Ky May 22 Ex amining trial for Duke Lecta charged with manslaughter and reckless driving in connec tion with the death of five persons in a collision of two trucks May 14 was continued today by County Judge Carroll 5 The verdict of a jury at tne inquest ner Charles urlong stated the ac cident was caused by reckless driving by Duke CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR PLANS STATE MEET I All ffi a ra VO wW 0 1 11 Wdli IM I llL yfclli HI Mff 1 Zi WA' jw 11 i tECI rA Ml Is I Jud nW 1X0 Il icl VM CAREERS WITH A UTURE Army and Air orce.

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The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.