The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)

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le TO ost HOME EDITION PRICE TWO CENTS 8 WEATHER FORECAST for Kentucky: Fair Tuesday night and Wednesday slightly warmer Wednesday -V SECTION TWO PARTS TUESDAY JULY 27 1937 EnUrwl at CtncUaeU ateoat Clan MatUr Jan 18k UN Act at 1878 60 Years a Printer Is Record of "Uncle Jameson Who Still Busy at the Age of 75 NEWPORT FLOOD CONTROL PLAN SEEN POSSIBLE PRECAUTIONARY ACTION TAKEN IN PARALYSIS FIGHT Remembers Time Candidates All Had German Cards Recalls Collapse of Two Local Papers One His Own City and Officials Decide on Plan to Reopen Hospital on Kyles Lane for Treatment of Victims of Disease Only City in Northern Kentucky Expecting To Be Able to Take Advantage of Pro- gram Set Out by Army Engineers RAWLINGS SEES HOPE FOR FUTURE BATHING POOLS WILL BE CLOSED Refuses to Give Details of Scheme Now Parents To Be Warned Against Allowing Children to Gather Money Left From Presidential Ball Fund May Be Used Under Consideration Others Unable to Raise Funds Is Indication though and nothing daunted moved into roomier quarters Those quarters are located at 35 Pike street where he has been ever since He admitted with a grin that he had managed to become quite familiar with the place since he moved there He has the walls of his four rooms pasted solid with posters stickers calling cards and cards of every mementoes of Jobs he haa done Recall Old Times He likes to look at them and be can recall a lot of -things that please him when he looks them over He has cards around that are printed both In English and German Those he explained were jointed back in the early days when a fellow lost at least half of his vote If he have the cards jointed in German too His five employes were busy printing posters and candidate's cards while Uncle Bob was talking about the old ones He watched Ms boys run the joesses a little while and then turned and said printed the cards for about 25 Of the candidates thla year Nope not going to be looking for newjobs for a long tlmeat thla When quitting time cornea around in the afternoons he usually Is the last to leave his shop He makes sure everything Is In order and then leaves for his home on Dudley pike His neighbors out there know him as the tomatoes is my he explained Included among the things he calls his work is a position with the Kenton County Water Commission and that the first official Job he haa held Way back in 1897 he waa elected an alderman In Covington He has been Interested In politics ever since that time though sometimes it was Just In doing his favorite Job jointing cards for other fellows BY HENBY CHILDRESS Kentucky Post Staff Writer (Uncle Bob) Jameson 75 years of age was busily engaged in setting up type for a printing Job when we found him on the second floor of the building at 35 Pike street Covington He was busy all right but notion that Uncle Bob would never be too busy to sit and a A weatherbeaten sign bearing the word in big letters and a much smaller sign announcing hang outside the door that leads to the stairs to Uncle shop Those signs are a tip-off He a bit backward but he push himself at anyone He answered all questions easily but volunteer any information Just that scot of a fellow Bom in Falmouth Unde Bob ms bom in Falmouth Ky where he lived for 16 years and got his first Job as a He never has been able to wipe the Ink off his hands since that time He moved to Wllllamstown where he lived for two yean and since then he has made his home in or near Covington In 1881 he was hired as a compositor by the Commonwealth an old northern Kentucky paper In the IS yean of connection with that paper he rose from his first Job through the position of foreman and ended up as business manager Hard time came and the Commonwealth folded up It was then for the lint time that Uncle Bob started an enter i keeps busy at 75 With the report of three additional infantile paralysis cases in Kenton county and one in Boone county Kenton I county and Covington officials took four steps to halt a i'possible epidemic and spread of the disease I At a meeting of the Covington city commissioners the Kenton County Fiscal Court the Kenton County Board 'of Health and the Covington Board of Health It was decided to: 1: Open the Kyles Lane Branch Hospital as an Isolation hospital for victims Close Swimming Fools 3: Close all swimming pools to adults as well as children 3: Warn against the children gathering 4: Request Harry Mackoy Covington attorney for $24877 left In the fund after the 1938 Presidential Ball was held for the benefit of infantile paralysis victims One of the new cases discovered this morning has been moved to the General Hospital Cincinnati when authorities there lifted the ban due to the nature of the case The victim a resident of Latoni a had to be placed In an iron lung Names Given Names of the victims were given NEWPORT STRIKE CONFERENCE ON Agents of Burial Association Meeting With Employers on Settlement Henry Radel president of the John Rsdel Co Cincinnati and Newport was In conference today with striking collectors and solicitors: of the Newport Benevolent Burial Association at the association offices 822 York street Newport The strike was called yesterday by Charles Stevens president of the local union The strikers have prise of his own' and he has been his own boss ever since Several yean after he started his printing shop he decided to get back in 'the newspaper game He bought the old Democrat" a paper being sold at auction for $1300 He had la big staff for that time with 13 men working under him- Funny thing to Unde Bob about the -Democrat was he even tell whether the waa it was all In German and he read It He bore the title and dignity of owner and publisher however and was happy in those capacities Huy printed the paper daily including Sundays for 13 months Then It went under Maybe the "date eras wrong a time or two too many He still had his printing shop WILL OF REV HALL IS PROBATED HERE ROGERS WILL TALK IN WEST END TONIGHT Reopening of Tacoma Is Still Left in Doubt ff 'etwiw vt No Move Made as Yet for Federal Court Order Davies in New York Where Tracks Are Operated Say Held Legitimate There Newport alone of all the northern Kentucky cities af fee ted by the flood may be in a position to take advantage of the federal flood control program now up for consideration in the Senate it was indicated today The program is not acceptable to other cities here it was intimated in official circles Although John Rawlings New part city manager would not disclose hla city1! plan of meeting requirements laid down in the federal program he Indicated that a flood wall might be erected for half the cost set out to the estimates of the A Amy engineers Not for Covington 1 On the other hand City Manager Theodore Kluemper of Covington mw no hope for hla city to go' ahead under the federal plan The expenditure of approximately $568- 000 share of the cost as outlined to the government's plans Is out of the question be said will the cone Mr Kluemper asked Covington he said could raise such an amount and still be within the legal -debt limitation of $5-000000 but such a move would burden the taxpayers beyond endurance Present bonded indebtedness I of the city is $3879000 the report of William Newhall city auditor showed today Levies Too High 1 While declining to commit them-selves officially Dayton Ludlow capture three youths who they say and Bromley leaders said that they fired bullets at them from the Cov- believed the coat to be levied on the Ington show of the Licking River cities was too much for the local they attempted -to cross to a I residents to bear boat from Newport I Martin city clerk of Ludlow Vannlngberg and Daniels said the said that though Ludlow would be youths ranging towage from 9 to less than other local com- 12 years began firing at thn munltles under the plan It -seemed shortly after they left shore a Abort impractical to him The tax-payers distance above the Fofcrth street stand for the Increase that would be necessary Mr Martin said They continued row across the I (Ujded jjg felt he was ex- 1 expressing the opinion of the ma- Jority of the Ludlow Council sued across the bridge Two of the youths threw their Ts Be Council Topic rifles Into the river Daniels Mayor Fred Mader of Dayton said caught the third one taking his that the plan would be discussed rifle While en route to police at a meeting to be held by Council headquarters the boy broke away next Monday night Hla personal and fled opinion waa that the amount to be Daniel turned the rifle ova to pM by Dayton $412000 was too police and reported the incident high He expect any definite Although some of the bullets came action to be at close none struck them the men I meeting even If the plan has passed arid land been presented to the city by the Washington officials He said that such a plan as that needed a lot of consideration and It would be sometime before any definite decision was reached Mayor Hacks tadt iff Bromley said that the plan was "ridlcu- I lous and that even If It nassed it Flood rehabilitation Works Prog- work for Bromteywhere ress Administration and pubbe the proposed assessment la $300000 works expenditures were greater the property to Bromley isn't than anticipated for the first si I worth much more than that Mr months of this year and as a result I Hsckstadt said Covington exceeded Its budget by rnci $32063 a report of William New-1 Costs Divided hall city auditor showed yesterday The city spent $39022 cm WPA Iot Newport Covington project which had not been taclud-ed to the budget Mr Newhall 1L Twenty-five thousand dollars as given been Sowed for flood rehabilitation I nood Conta)1 but the city spent $49507 the report i-m-i showed Unanticipated Covington pumphouse repairs amounted to t91 I Newport 1411000 545000 Corinth 1673000 568000 totaled $681385 Only $649332 had Ledlow 954000 24000 Tha widow and son of Rev Edward Hall 619 Ft Thomas avenue Ft Thomas superintendent of the Covington district of the Methodist Church are to receive his estate according to his will probated yesterday before Judge William Buten in Campbell County Court Rev farm livestock and equipment In Henry coirnty la left to his son John Hall- for 10 years and If he la living then will be his for life' His heirs shall receive it upon hla death Mrs Cora Hall the widow la to receive hla Ft Thomas home household goods and personal property She waa named executrix without bond demanded the reinstatement of three locked members of the Unions Negotiating Committee William McCormick Jesse Barlow and Her' man Wessling Charles Menninger president of the burial association said that he had no authority to reinstate the men and that he would have to eon' suit Mr Radel The three men were discharged It waa said for "outside activity" The officials have refused to enlarge -on that statement They de clared they had no objections to men Joining union Morris' Weintraub Newport attorney- and Henry -Seibert organizer' are representing the striking employes HgFIemen HONOR SHEARWOOD Assistant Fire Chief Edward Shearwood of Cincinnati was notified Tuesday he had been made an honorary life member of the Kentucky Association for his fellowship and The action ms taken at the A convention July 8 In Corbin Ky the letter stated The motion was made by Chief Russell Dyche London Ky and seconded by Cspt Joel Clore of Ludlow Ky James Rogers candidate for state senator is swinging into the stretch of his campaign members of his Rogers-for-8ena tor Campaign Committee said today Tonight he is to carry his drive Into the west end of Covington where he will speak at Eighth and Bakewell streets Refreshments will be served following his -address Today the Covington attorney restated his position in connection with the administration is 'enjoying the best government in 30 years of he declared "Why should anyone want to disrupt it except for selfish reasons am proud to carry the approval of the state administration and I pledge that I will do all in my power to further the cause of good government In our Reports that the Tacoma dog racing track would open tomorrow seemed without foundation today as a poll of the state and federal courts revealed that no action had been taken by track operators to Insure operation free of molestation by police Ataches at the Kentucky Court of Appeals and attaches in the ol- GET YOUR LICENSE to newspapermen but health auth-( critics requested they be not used In order to prevent needless hys- teria- "We are not in danger We are not having an epidemic1 they em phaslzed 'We are merely taking precautions that seem necessary The ydeclared that there Is an annual infantile paralysis cycle and this year it arrived earlier than usual At the close of the meeting Dr Theodore Sallee Covington city physician Dr White Kenton county health officer and A Parber Kenton county humane officer' were named members of a committee to take charge of all arrangements In combating the malady Two in Covington Dr White this meaning said that two of the new cases are in Covington one is in the county and the other he reported near Florence There are six all totaled He was anxious that citizens not become frightened No new cases were reported In Campbell county Dr Charles Shaw reported He la keeping in close touch he said with all physicians There now are 11 cases In Dr Shaw's territory No new cases were reported today from down-state communities The last additional cases were reported yesterday in Lawrence county Barred From Cincinnati The meeting today grew out of the action of the Cincinnati Board of Education in barring out-of-town cases than the Cincinnati General Hospital Most of the victims there at that time were residents of Kentucky and the rule was adopted as a protection for Cincinnati citizens Kentucky physicians did not blame Cincinnati authorities and declared that the disease could be treated at home Moving the pa' tient they declared is harmful Young Mother Is Found Dead By Neighbor SPEAKERS TO BOOST CAUSE OF ORPHANS Offices of the Kenton and Campbell Circuit Court clerks will resume regular hours after remaining open until 9 every night this week for the convenience of motorists seeking licenses In Kenton county in addition to the office of John A Herald Kenton Circuit Court clerk the licenses may bo obtained at the Northern Kentucky Motor Club 417 Scott street Covington Independence Courthouse Blaine office Ludlow and from Edward Taylor Erlanger In Campbell county In addition to the office of Richard Phillips the licenses may be obtained at the Kentucky Division of the Cincinnati Automobile Club 5 Sixth street Newport CRASH AT CHISEL BRIDGE INJURES 2 Mrs Jennie Ellen Peare 28 years old waa so tha oldest of her sons Robert 6 became worried and told Mrs Alice Han-icker 957 Spring street Covington about It Sirs Hanzkker found Mr Fears dead In bed when she investigated Dr James Riffe Jr acting coroner waa called He re- ported death due to a heart attack George Feare Jr her husband had left for work at hla auto repair shop at 1116 John street Covington four hours earlier Mrs Feare leaves three daughters Fataey Ann Garnet and Jennie EUen Feare two sons Robert Feare and George Feare III her parents Mr and Mr Emanuel Schappert two listers Virginia and Mary Jane Schappert and a brother William Schappert Services will he held at 2 Thursday at tha Allison and Rose funeral home Covington Burial will bo in Evergreen Cemetery ft post TO HELPH0N0R LEE The Legion and AuxiUlary of the Robert Johnson Post No 98 Ft Thomas has been invited to attend the celebration at the Wallace Costlgan Post Newport on Thursday: The celebration la to be held in honor of Ted Lee new state commander of the Legion All members of the Post are requested to meet at the Log Cabin Alexandria pike not later than 7 Thursday flee of the federal district court clerk at Lexington were Swatting the arrival of attorneys for the track At noon none had called Daniel Davies Newport attorney and one of the operators of the Tacoma Kennel Club waa reported to be in New York Investigating the operation of tracks there Those ovals were supposed to have faced and conquered a situation similar to the Kentucky one Three federal courts In New York are said to have ruled the dog racing business aa conducted under the option system entirely legal William Deupree Covington attorney for the Tacoma Kennel club said the operators probably would seek a federal Injunction Mr Davies left for the east last night after his return Iran Frankfort and his brush with the law In Franklin Circuit Court Yesterady the decision of Judge Charles Marshall In Franklin Circuit Court in dissolving a temporary restraining order which had prevented state police from closing the track threw the $1501100 kennel club Into darkness last night Operators of the track would not "hazard a as to when it would reopen but expressed the hope that it might the latter part of this week In giving his decision Judge Marshall commented on the contention of dog track attorneys that the racing la merely a procedure of obtain' ing an on the dogs by buying a in them saying la only a scheme to run races with dogs the same as horses are Dissolving of the restraining order came after lengthy arguments by Daniel Davies Newport William Deupree Covington and Henry McGuire Lexington attorneys for the track and Attorney General Hubert Merdith and Assistant Attorney General Jones of Lex Ington -In their arguments the track attorneys contended that betting at the track is not gambling but rather that patrons bought a in the dog of their choice and that when the club purchased the in accordance with the dog's showing the patrons received that sum of money They contended that their opera' tions are for the purpose of promoting breeding of dogs that the option tickets are similar to grain futures on the market and Mr Deu-pree told the court doge have been sold under these He said that within 10 minutes after the running of the race the holder of an option may exercise that option by! paying a price fixed by the amounfe of other options on the same dog CHANGES IN VOTING PLACES ANNOUNCED LIFE-SAVING TESTS PASSED BY GROUP Members of the first group In the life-saving class at Tacoma Park have passed their tests Cav-ana examiner said today He has been aided by Miss Jane Brunson and Warren Richards Senior life savers passed In the first group Include Paul Schwartz Melvin Gregory Irwin Bauer Ralph Whitehead and Virginia Chase Bellevue: Joseph Backsman El wood Moore and Ed Hermann Newport: Ralph Fulton Erlanger Harry Smith Robert Burke and Harold Schilling Cincinnati Elms Chase Dayton and SueScobee Ft Thomas Junior life savers Include Dutton Hewetaon and Adeline Wolf Day-ton Howard Simms Harry Them and Howard Shaw Newport and Clarence Albertson Jr Cincinnati REPORT OF WOMAN SCREAMING IN PARK Covington police Investigated at 11 yesterday a repeat that a woman was screaming for help near the Devou Park golf course A search of the vicinity did not reveal anything Lieut Edward Beebe said Morris Weintraub Newport attorney waa chosen last night by the Campbell Odunty Fraternal League to head ie Bureau created for ue purjiose of acquainting the public and the various organizations with the work and necessities of the Campbell County Orphan Home which is to hold its annual outing Saturday and Sunday MM Walter Ziegler joe si dent of the league announced that Mr Weintraub la arranging to have speakers at all organizations having meetings within the next week In an effort to have them give their active support In order to explain the necessity for this and the need for public support Mr Weintraub will give three radio talks over Station WKRC The first will be on Wednesday at a the second Thursday at 9 a and the last Friday at 2 Mr Weintraub last year headed the Bureau In the drive for the Good Shepherd Orphanage DELAY YOUTH CASE IN THEFT OF BOATS The case of a youth registering as William Spreckter 17 of 22 Grant street Bellevue charged with grand larceny was continued until July 30 when he was arraigned before Judge Alfred Maybury In Newport Police Court today i Spreckter eras arrested yesterday in connection with the theft of two row boats owned by Joe Vanntag-berg 425 Sixth street Newport July 19 Mr Vannlngberg swore to a warrant for the arrest Police are to make an investigation to learn if the youth should be jilaced In the hands of Juvenile authorities The boats were stolen from the foot of Fburth street Newport Melvin Wilson 22 of Lebanon is in St Elizabeth Hospital today minus several teeth and with a poe-slble fracture of his jaw and skull The Injuries are results of an auto accident on the Chisel Bridge about midnight last night The car struck an abuttment of the bridge located south of Covington Stanley Lanham 21 also of Lebanon received minor injuries He was in the car with Wilson Louis Boggs Madison pike took the injured men to the hospital t-anham waa released after treatment Wilson's condition has not yet been determined been budgeted Receipts for the period were 81133A49 which were! $89938 more than the collections lor the same period last year During the first six months' of I this year the city repaid loans of $150 000 contracted this year and also paid bond and coupon Interest July 1 Mr Newhall Mid Richard Hettel attorney 318 Gar- STOLEN AUTO FOUND mt Covington will be a Newport police received word last candidate fan Covtagton police Judge HETTEL CANDIDATE FOR POLICE JUDGE in the city Primary Election Oct 16 It was learned today Formal announcement of his can didacy will be made after the Aug night saying that an auto owned by Marshall Henderson Franklin tod which was stolen from 11th and Lowell streets Newport May 4 HAPPY ON THE AIR Due to a number of Campbell county homes carried away by flood waters and to meet other changing conditions Sheriff Albert Howe has msde a number of changes In voting places throughout the county Hie changes are: First Ward Newport: From Taylor Church to Fourth Street School Second Ward Newport: From 118 Central avenue to 208 Central Fourth Ward Newport: Rom Eighth and Patterson to 808 Patterson Fourth Ward A Bellevue: Rom 422 Berry to 444 Berry Fourth Ward Bellevue: Rom 424 Van Voast to 417 Van Voast Second Ward A Dayton: Frian 810 Fifth avenue to northeast corner Fifth and Clay streets Precinct Ft Thomas: Rom 1113 South Ft Thomas avenue to Ft Thomas and Grandview avenue Precinct Alexandria: Fran Garage to Junior Order HalL had been recovered In Kokomo Ind 7 Primary Election acordtag to reports Mr Hettel seeks to succeed Judge I Joseph Goodenough who although he has sot announced Is an almost certain starter for re-elec-I tlon Judge Goodenough la a Democrat I and Mr Hettel a Republican The ballot la nonpartisan however MEREDITH TO BE HERE Attorney General Hubert Meredith win be In northern Kentucky to contact Democratic leaders and work In behalf of his campaign either Governor Chandler announced that he will speak over hook-up of six radio stations next Saturday night from 8:45 to 9:45 central standard time (slow time) at Owenton He will reply to an attack on his administration made last Saturday by John Young Brown of Lexington Stations In the hook-up will Include WCKY Covington WHAS Louisville KMOX Knoxville WGBF at Evansville WPAD at Paducah and WLAP at Lexington tomorrow or Thursday It was announced today This will be Gen first trip to Kenton and Camp-ben counties In his campaign His opponent Francis Burke visited this section some time ago VIEW HOUSING PROJECTS City Manager John Rawlings and Commissioner A Livingston of Newport returned to Newport last night after Inspecting housing projects In Louisville and Lexington Newport officials are marking time pending passage of necessary legislation in Washington lodge to hold kites A special meeting of Henry Baines Lodge No 607 A will be held Wednesday at 1:15 at the Temple Dayton to conduct funeral services In the past master Millard Carr' The lodge will meet In the regular session tonight REDUCTION IN BRIDGE TOLLS BEING STUDIED Special to The Pott MAYS VXUK KY July 27 Maysville citizens were looking forward today to a survey iff traffic over the Maysville-Aberdeen bridge with a view toward reducing tolls John Marshall Mason county representative has received notice that a survey has been ordered Authoritative sources indicate that a reduction is virtually assured HELD ON CHECK CHARG2 Lee Judd 27 Chlllicothe I charged with passing spurious checks in Portsmouth July 10 I is to be returned to Portsmouth to-(day by Portsmouth police Judd was arrested to Covington last I night MAX INJURED IN FALL Charles Wilson 41 of 402 Johnson street Covington Is recovering today at Booth Memorial Hospital from a head cut suffeerd when he fell in front of his home early today Open Air Band Concert---Wednesday Night Devou Park-- -Weather Permitting.

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The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.