Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2024)

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Richmond Times-Dispatchi

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Fourteen Classified Ads RicHmoiid Times-Piipatcli Saturday August 1 1936 iJ A Entsininger 69 Dies at Clifton Forge Tines-Dispatcb CASH RATES Capps 64 Traffic Expert Dies in Norfolk For WAnt Ads 3 or 4 dare rate can include a Sunday if ad runs consecutive days (Friday hatnrriay Monday Tuesday Wednesday) Count 5 Average Automotive Automobiles tor Sale 1 1 Plymouth oJ Coupe rtwly motor revet brakes go Ca- speadld condl- Orly Station! Motor Co 7P3 CARY Chrysler Airflow Sedan rost 'tout Drver 2600P mile- I Kk a-like ucw car rST A Edloe Donnan 16O6-8-10 FT DUO ID Dial 4-7171 Open Night 25o to 40 Reduction Freight Train Kills Physician At Glade Spring Dr DF Buchanan Hurt Fatally Crossing Tracks GLADE SPRING July David Buchanan about 45 was injured fatally when struck by a westbound freight train here at 3:40 ML today The wheels of the locomotive rolled over his body severing both legs The accident occurred at Wildasin Crossing 200 yards west of the railroad station As the physician started across the tracks witnesses said he was watching the movements of a passenger train on a side track and failed to see the freight train approaching on the main track He died at the George Ben John ston Hospital in Abingdon 20 minutes after reaching there Was World War Officer Dr Buchanan was a son of Mrs William Buchanan of Glade Spring and nephew of the late Lieutenant-Governor Buchanan of Marlon and of Dr David Buchanan Marlon physician He was a World War captain and was sttached to Base Hospital No 11 with the A in France For the last 18 months Dr Buch ansn had been camp physician of a CCC camp at Swarthmore Pa He and his wife came to Glade Spring three weeks ago to visit his mother Surviving are his widow his mother two brothers and one sister His father a Glade Spring merchant and farmer died 15 years ago Burial will be In Arlington National Cemetery Monday morning May Buy Site of Hotel At Yorktown Park Officials Report President Allots $187500 WASHINGTON July National Park Service authorities reported today President Roosevelt had signed an executive order making available $187500 for the purchase of the Yorktown hotel site property by the Federal Government The Park Service is seeking the property to round out the Yorktown Battlefield area of the Colonial National Historical Park Attorneys of the Park Service said negotiations with John Braun of Philadelphia and his Yorktown Hotel Corporation were virtually complete and the deed for the property would be executed shortly Skeleton Standing The hotel project was started at Yorktown on a high bluff overlooking York River several years ago but was abandoned when only a structural skeleton of the building had been erected The site Is one of the most historical of the battlefield area at York-ton Park service officials said the old framework will be razed as soon as the property is acquired The money was said to have been transferred to the Park Service from funds previously impounded for relief purposes which now are being liquidated Repair Program Done At Alleghany Schools COVINGTON July School officials have undertaken this summer the largest Improvement program for Alleghany County schools in many year Improvements have been confined to general repairs construction of houses for busses and painting and drainage work to remove surface waters from the vicinity of school buildings At the Edgemont School the electric work damaged recently by lightning has been checked and replaced In some throughout the building to eliminate fire hazard from this source At the Jeter Graded School all the deska on the top floor have been re finished The accouztics in the auditorium are being improved The floor of the gymnasium is being replaced with a new hardwood floor At the same time construction work on the new Selma School in the Clifton Forge district has been going CLIFTON FORGE July 11 Joseph Alexander Ents-minger 69 Chesapeake and Ohio carman and a resident of Clifton Forge for 33 years died In the C- dc Hospital here yesterday morning He was a native of Rockbridge County He entered the employ of the railway company when he came to Clifton Forge to make his horns In 1903 He was a member of the Baptist Church the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen the Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America He Is survived by his wife three children Mrs Reynolds of Birmingham Ala Mrs Willis Landis and Joseph A Entsmlnger Jr both of Clifton Forge six brothers and sisters Mrs Mor ley of Erwin Tenn: Mrs A Nicholson of Columbia Va Mrs Beard Mrs Cynthia Goodbar Andrew Entsmlnger and John Entsmlnger all of Collien-town and one granddaughter The funeral will take place at the residence at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon with Interment in Crown Hill Cemetery The Rev Connelly pastor of the Baptist Church will conduct the services WILLIAM PORTER WARE NECK July Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at Abingdon Episcopal Church for William Porter 28 line foreman for the East Coast Utilities who was Injured fatally Monday while at work Mr Porter had been an employee of the East Coast for about nine years Dr Herbert 8 Osburn rector of Abingdon Church conducted the services Mr Porter Is survived by his wife Mrs Jennie Rowe Porter one sister Mrs Gazelle Eubank and one brother Henderson Porter both of Kilmarnock MRS AMANDA DEAVERS RILEY VILLE July 31 Funeral services for Mrs Amanda Deavers 80 of Gordonsvllle were conducted today at Rileyvilie Church by the Rev A Kiracofe Mrs Deavers died In Gordonsvllle at the home of a daughter with whom she had been living She was the widow of James Deavers She is survived by three children a son and daughter at Gordonsvllle and Mrs A Bailey of Rileyvilie FRED 1IADEN Fred Haden of 2235 Monument Avenue died last night at a local hospital at the age of 33 years Funeral arrangements had not been completed early this morning Mr Haden Is survived by his wife Mrs Frederica Miles Haden and one son Frederick Merrvman Haden ROBERT ELMORE WILKINSON Robert Elmore Wilkinson died yesterday at his residence 2206 Jackson Avenue He is survived by his parents Mr and Mrs Wilkinson six brothers and six sisters The funeral services will be held at 5 tomorrow afternoon from the Joseph Bliley Funeral Home Third and Marshall Streets Burial will be In Maury Cemetery Shenandoah Family Plans Clan Reunion TOMS BROOK July (Special) Arrangements are being made by the IIotcel-Keller Memorial Association of Toms Brook for the annual reunion of descendants of Johannes and Margaret Hottel Swiss Immigrants who landed in Philadelphia September 11 1732 On the old Hottel homestead about three miles northwest of here August 27 It Is said that 40 per cent of the population of Shenandoah County belongs to the Hottel and Keller genealogy Kinsmen from distant localities will be entertained by local kins people who requested that such persons mall their names and addresses to the reception committee H-K Reunion Toms Brook as soon as possible Gloucester Appoints Director of Welfare WARE NECK July The Board of Supervisors of Gloucester County has announced the appointment of Miss Emily Janney daughter of Mr and Mrs Janney of Roaring Springs as superintendent of public welfare for this county Miss Janney hgs had several experience as a registered nurse and social worker She will begin her work August 1 Returns From England WAYNESBORO July Mis Fred A Daniels has returned to her home bn Lyndhurst Road here from England where she was the guest for two months of her mother Mrs Miller and her sister and brother-in-law Mr and Mrs Bamber She arrived in New York City Monday on the Queen Mary and was met there by her SPECIAL LOW RATES FOE 7 10 AND SO DAYS LEGAL ADVERTISING tOe PER AGATE USE Office Open Daily From 9 A to 9 Telephone 3-3431 Announcements Death BUTLER Died July 30 at his residence Ellers on Va Charles Butler He Is survived by his wile Mrs Algla Napier Butler one brother John Butler one sister Mr John Butler Services 3:30 Friday from 304 Brookland Boulevard Interment Rlverview HADEN Died at Stuart Circle Hospl-tal at 10 July 31 1936 Fred Haden aged 83 of 2235 Monument Avenue He Is survived by hi wife Frederica Miles Haden and one tpn Frederick Merryman Haden Funeral notice later Died at his residence 2206 Jackson Ave at 12:40 A July 31 1938 Robert Elmore Wilkinson He Is survived by his parents Mr and Mrs Wilkinson six brothers and six slaters The remains rest at the Joseph Bliley Funeral Home 3rd and Marshall where services will be held Sunday at 6 Interment in Maury Funeral of Thomas Bunson will be held Sunday at noon at First Baptist Church South Rlchmopd The funeral of Reginald Crowder will be held Sunday 1 from Ebenezer Baptist Church Died at a local hospital July 29 1938 James Pickens of 822 28th St Funeral notice later Died at her home 5015 Fulton Street Friday July 31 et 9 A Mrs Laura Terrell Fi neral Sunday 1 Calvary Baptist Church Militia Called Out In Racial Trouble ANNISTON ALA July 31 (P) State militia were ordered into Calhoun County for the-second time in a month today to preserve order during search for a Negro accused of Insulting a white girt A 16-year-old girl said the unidentified Negro approached her while she was milking and made an Insulting proposal Reports from the rural area said approximately 100 armed posaemen were searching river bottoms near Ohatchle Governor Bibb Graves ordered guardsmen to the scene upon request of Judge Carr Less than a month ago another rural section of Calhoun near Alexandria was the scene of a manhunt after attack upon a white faimwife The arrest of a Negro suspect was followed quickly by a tense racial situation In Anniston State troops patrolled the Negro residential sections for several days to preserve order The Negro arrested for this offense was taken to Kilby State Prison at Montgomery where authorities said he confessed the attack 4 Negro Boys Sentenced To Reform School for Theft PAMPUN July Sheriff McKinney arrested four Negro boys Wednesday for breaking in the stores and filling stations of Pamplin For S'veral weeks stores here have been entered frequently at night and money and groceries stolen On Tuesday night an attempt to rob the grocery store operated by Briga-bertt resulted in the capture of the boys Trial Justice Leslie Ferguson sent the youths to the reform school for one year All of them were under 16 years of age Hall Damages Appomattox Crops APPOMATTOX July A severe hailstorm hit the Hixburg neighborhood of Appomattox County on Tuesday afternoon doing great damage to the tobacco crop Many farmers suffered heavily on their leaf prospects for the year Funeral Is Held For Family of 4 Killed in Crash Father 3Iotlier Child Sister Are Buried in Orange (Special to The Times-Dtipatch) ORANGE July Funeral services for Eujp-ne Mlnnlck 35 his wife Mrs Agnes Wolfrey Mlnnlck 27 their 3 -year -old daughter Gladys Mae and Carrie Wolfrey 14 Mrs Minnlck's sister victims of an automobile wreck Wednesday were held from New Hope Baptist Church hi lover Orange County County Wednesday afternoon Services for all four were conducted at the same hour by the pastor the Rev Stephens and burial waa In the church cemetery The little rural Baptist Church presented a scene never before experienced In its history when three caskets were brought and placed side by side in the church the baby having been put In the casket with her father Survived by Parent Mr Mlnnlck Is survived by his parents Mr and Mrs I Mlnnlck of Gold Dale a lister Miss Lottie of Gold Da and the following brothers Lucian and Jack Mlnnlck of Maryland and James Walter and Pearley Minnick of Gold Dale Mrs Minnick who had just passed her 27th birthday and who was the last of the four victims to die is survived by her father Tom Wolfrey of Gold Dale two brothers ClifUm and Everette Wolfrey of Gold Dale and one sister Miss Levin ia Wolfrey of Chancellor Vs Car Truck Collide The tragedy occurred Tuesday morning about three miles west of Fredericksburg on the Orange-Fred-ericksburg Highway when the car in which the Minnick were returning to their home at Gold Dale from Fredericksburg where they had gone to take their baby to see a doctor turned out to pass a truck In front of them and crashed into the truck which was going towards Fredericksburg The truck en route from Ar-vonia Buckingham County to Washington with a load of slate had three occupants none of whom were seriously hurt The Minnick car held five passengers only one of whom escaped dca'h Pearley Minnick 18 brother of Eugene Minnick MRS SARAH BONPURANT LYNCHBURG July Mrs Sarah Alice Eondurant 84 died at the home of her brother Hughes near Gladys Thursday afternoon after an Illness of a week She was a resident of Lynchburg and member of Memorial Methodist Church She waa a daughter of Mr and Mrs Littleberry Hughes and the widow of James Bondurant Mrs Bondurant Is survived by the following half-brothers and sisters: Hughes Mrs Mary Oragn Mrs Taddle Mooran of Gladys and Mrs Get tie of Roanoke and two brothers and Hughes of Gladys Funeral services were lield here this afternoon at Memorial Methodist Church and burial was In Spring Hill Cemetery HUGO HERFURTH ALEXANDRIA July Hugo Herfurth Sr 81 prominent retired tobacco merchant died today at his home here alter an Illness of several months He was a native of Elsenburg Germany He came to this country In 1877 and engaged In the wholesale and Ktail tobacco business In Washington until he retired In 1919 Mr Herfurth la survived by his wife six sons Dudolph Walter and Paul Herfurth of Alexandria George and Hugo Herfurth of Washington and Oscar Herrurth Norfolk and two daughters Mrs Paul Snyder Alexandria and Mrs Llnwood Walters Miami Funeral services will be held Sunday with burial in Union Cemetery here MISS IV A I MORNINGSTAR SOUTH BOSTON July Miss Xva Ethel Iola Mornlngstar 17 daughter of John Mornlngstar and the late Mrs Marie Tuck Moming-star died at the home of her father near Virgilina Halifax County Tuesday Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon at the Virgilina Christian Church by the Rev Newman with Interment In the Union Cemetery Miss Mornlngstar was bom In Halifax County She is survived by her father and several brothers and sisters SIRS WOOLARD EMXERTON July Mrs Kate ao lard wife of Woolard of Emmerton Richmond County died at her home early this week Funeral services were conducted at Jerusalem Bgptist Church by the Rev 8 Craig She la survived by her hus-Ixnd and one daughter Mrs Fuller Sanford THOMAS KENNEDY WARSAW July Thomas Kennedy died at his home In Washington after an illness of many years Funeral services were held at his home in Warsaw and his body brought to Westmoreland County his old home Interment was in Ebene-aer Cemetery The service was conducted by the Rev Otis Clsrke He is survived by his wife two sons Thomas and Frank two brothers Harry and Ben and one sister Mrs Eli Delano of Warsaw For a number of years he was a member of the Washington police force MRS LAURA BROWN WARE NECK July Mrs Laura Lewis Brown 88 widow of James Brown died Monday at the home of her niece Mrs A Tillage at Tide-mill Funeral services were held Wednesday by the Rev Carter at Bethany Methodist Episcopal Church with interment in the church cemetery Youth Dies of Gun Shot In Lynchburg Hospital Automotive Automobiles for Sale 1 1 -34 Master Coupe $375 WOMBLE CO 2030 Chaaiberiyne 5-9167 IrEO Tinder A WtK'd M-vor Co 1016-18 North Boulevard 5-6320 $150 DOWN payment on a new Ford V-8 Will sell for $100 Call 4-4461 LAUGHAN Motor Co Pi in-1 Soto dealer 1410 Hull St Dial 2-4168 1931 Foid Tudor bedan 1933 Terra plane 8 Coach 37: 1934 Plymouth Coach S425 1935 Ford Coach S515 WILLS-RITCHIE MOTOR CO 712 Broad 5-3690 FORD DR LUXE TUDOR SEDAN SPECIAL $265 JIMMIE JONES 1016 HULL ST DIAL 2-1986 34 CHEVROLET COACH IN SPLENDID SHAPE SPECIAL AT $365 GAULDING BROS MOTOR CO Ssndston Va Eastern 210 or 250 Chevrolet 35 Sport Roadster Radio electric dock air horns: driven less than 10000 mile: lipht tan with cream wheels $495 A Edloe Donnan 18A6-8-10 WrST UROtr Dial 4-7171 Open Nights tt EFK-rNI SPECIALS 35 '33 Chevrolet Master Sedan Ford 4-Dnnr Touring Sedan Eonl Sedan Delivery Chrysler I -Door sedan Bn irk H-tt heel 4-llimr Sedan Dodge Coupe 4 new lire Clieiroler Coach Chevrolet Couch Pon lac Sport Roadster 8495 -25 313 49 29 39 73 29y 163 53 29 33 '31 McKIMMIE MOTOR GO 603-829 West Hroail Street Dial 3-3383 Open Nights Building Confidence and Goodwill BECAUSE WE fFIL MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR CUSTOMERS RETURN TO BUY AGAIN AM AGAIN WE SEE TO IT OUR CABS ABE BETTER NOW $598 WAS Graham (Supercharger) sedan Graham Economy '33 '33 6) Sedan Graham Sedan Graham Sedan Graham Sedan Chevrolet Cnaeh Chevrolet Coaeh Pleree-Arrow Sedan 173 Imeoln Sedan 395 Ilnpmohile 7-Sedan $325 Graham Cnaeh 135 Pleree-Arrow Coach 113 liiilek Sedan 95 793 $543 $193 375 $385 $383 $348 318 $348 $238 $338 $338 $298 8238 $145 68 68 68 '34 '33 '33 83 '31 '30 38 28 Simmons-Bynum Motor Corp 1010 Boulevard Dial 5-9363 Reconditioned and Guaranteed Chrysler Sedan New Paint and Seat Covers flJQOET excellent mechanical Dodge Coupe Excellent fljoorr Condition Hudson Coupe Absolutely Guaranteed Studebaker Dictator 6 Sedan Condition S425 Bulck Sedan $215 Bargains in Low Priced Cars '38 Bulck Sedan $30 71 Studebaker Sedan $60 26 Hudson Coach $60 '30 Hudson Coupe $135 28 Ilnpmohile Cabriolet $173 '30 Ilnpmohile Sedan $193 '28 Cadillac llninindne $173 '30 Bulck 5 Sedan $165 MOOERS MOTOR CAR COMPANY PACKARD DISTRIBUTORS 1117 4-3833 '33 PLYMOUTH SEDAN PONTIAC COACH PLYMOUTH COACH PLYMOUTH SEDAN CHEVROLET SEDAN PONTIAC SEDAN PONTIAC SEDAN PONTIAC DE LUXE COACH $365 $495 $525 $95 $225 $65 $50 $625 84 85 '30 '31 '30 29 85 Announcements Notices of Deaths WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL 12 o'clock Midnieht FOR PUBLICATION THE NEXT DAILY OR SUNDAY Card of Thanks MILTON We thank friends who exhibited ouch kindness and sym pathr during the and death of our husband and Jather John Milton MRS ALLICE MILTON AND FAMILY Mourning Goods 4 FUQUA SHEFFIELD florists Beautiful flowers artistically arranged 9926 Westhampton Ave 6-2862 PALMORE "For Flowera of Distinction" 10 Grace St Dial 3-0138 night 3-5204 WYATT FLORIST Lovely cut flowers lotted plants Funeral designs 3200 dlewood Ave 5-3087 night Funeral Directors MINOR Ss CO FUNERAL HOME (COLORED) 727 3RD ST 8-0430 8-1727 2-B957 Special Notice 64 EXPERT care given sick and Invalids in my home Comfortable room Reasonable rates 4-8682 LADY WONDER Educated mlnd-readlng horse Exhibited afternoons evenings 60c Stop 10 Petersburg Pike MADAM EONA has returned to her place of business at Stop 11 Petersburg Pike Friends welcomed PHOTOGRAPHS snapshots porcelain miniatures tinted 4001 Forest Hill Court DM 3-3501 POTATO SALAD Home-made 30c lb slaw salad 20c lb home-made lea 25c and 60o each delivered -0687 WHEEL (2) wanted by Methodist Orphanage Urgent 4-7050 HOUSE PAINTERS ATTENTION 1 For sale bargain price fine 7-passenger sedan: paint house as part pay-ment Apply 3231 Patterson Ave Personals Unsightly hair permanently removed Miss Ober 323 Grace St Room 2 Dial 8-1197 I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts made otherwise than by my-silf Paul Klcleta Meadow Va FOR PICNIO PARTIES Private amusem*nt park with beau tiful lake for bathing showers dancing pavilion and all accommo datlonib 2-5288 dose to city Phone Lost Found Strayed 10 Continued From First Page) REWARD Persona returning to owners lost articles advertis'd here will be given a reward et Two Tickets to Theatre Return lost article to owner then come to rhe Tlmes-Dis-patch office and get your tickets Black rough leather containing very Important papers Liberal reward Phone 4-3479 DOG Lost about June 20 black and tan setter name on collar Liberal reward for return or Information leading to return Fiaher Box 516 Petersburg Va Phone 1364-J HANDBAG Lost by Stuart Court Sunday night Please return Rut-ledge 8tuart Court Reward 4-8873 WIRE HAIRED fox terrier puppy dark brown white lost 4-4065 3 Automotive Automobile Agencies A "good used cars 605-621 Broad Bt Automobiles for Sale 11 CHEVROLET Sedan excellent condition 8225 Trade terms Gunn Motor Co 3-8085 CHEVROLET '35 coach good condl tion: driven 13000 miles $435 Dial 5-2761 before 6 CHEVROLET '33 standard coach like new Only 14000 miles sacrifice Call Mr Martin 2-9456 after 5 CHEVROLET '35 4-door sedan 6475 Richmond Motor Co Sales and Service Lot 9th 6c Marshall 8ts Dial 2-6525 Open nights FORD '33 V-8 De Luxe Tudor excellent condition License $285 Prl-vately owned 4-0692 FORD Model Touring Good ires and battery engine License included 620 cash 5-4492 TERRAPLANE 34 Priced right for quick sale Terms If desired Phone 4-6025 Packard 35 Sedan 120 model Driven 12000 miles radio trunk rack looks and runs almost like new S975 A Edloe Donnan 1606-8-10 WEST BROAD Dial 4-7171 Open Nights Studebaker 6 Sedan Driven less than 1500 miles new cor guarantee $875 A Edloe Donnan 1606-8-10 WEST BROAD Dial 4-7171 Open Nights statu HUGHES MOTOR CO 312 Broad St Dial 3-2130 Open lights il Robertson Used Cars 35 Chevrolet Master Coach $535 34 Chevrolet Master Town Sedan 8445 Ford V-8 Sedan 8435 34 Ford V-8 Coach $393 BARGAINS 36 Chrysler Roadster 47 26 Chevrolet Coach $39 26 Whippet Conch $39 TRADE AM) TERMS Robertson Chevrolet 1351 BROtD LOT: 1506-8 BROAD ST Dial 5-7444 Open Evening XT pays to read Times Dispatch Want Short Illness Is Fatal to Retired Railroad 31an NORFOLK July Charles Capps 64 who recently retired as chief traffic officer of the Seaboard Air Line Railway died at his home here today after a short illness Mr Capps retired on July 16 because of ill health after spending 48 years in active railroad service He began his railroad career as a messenger boy for the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad a predecessor of the Seaboard Air Line in 1888 Besides his connection with the Seaboarda he was vice-president and director of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company director of the Fruit Growers' Express Company and a director of the Railway Express Agency Inc He also was chairman of the Southeastern Passenger Association's executive board and was regarded as an authority on traffic problems During the World War he served as traffic assistant with the United States Railroad Administration He was a native of Princess Anne County and was educated at Roanoke College Funeral services will be held at 3 Sunday at St Andrew's Episcopal Church in Norfolk Survivors Include one sister Miss Fannie Capps of Portsmouth two half-sisters Mrs Victor Boatright of Portsmouth and Mias Adele Walker Montclair and three half-brothers Harry Walker of Omaha Neb James Walker of Norfolk and Robert Walker of Atlanta Sheriffs to Ask For State-Wide Radio System Association Meeting at Farmville Votes for Request FARMVILLE July The Virginia Sheriffs' Association voted here today to ask Governor Feery for a State-wide radio system for the use of law enforcement officers In another resolution the sheriffs complimented the Department of Justice for the "splendid service" given to local officers A representative of the department yesterday urged the sheriffs to cooperate closely with the Bureau of Investigation and to make use of its files and identification facilities Accounting Diacusoed The county officers were advised as to accounting methods and financial matters by Gordon Bennett of the State auditor's office and Sydney Day of the State comptroller's office The morning session was devoted principally to accounts and reports Senator William Tuck of Halifax In an address at last night's banquet recommended the establishment of a State-wide police and radio service with a bureau of criminal identification to be located at Richmond This bureau should have available special agents to assist local enforcement officers in crime investigation Senator Tuck said 100 Attend Meeting He also proposed that these State officers receive their positions through civil service examinations rather than by "political More than 100 sheriffs and other officers were in attendance at the two-day convention which adjourned at noon today 3Ian Gets Three Years For Automobile Theft NORFOLK July Haynes Julian Powell today was sentenced to three years in Federal prison by Federal Judge Luther Way on the defendant's plea of guilty of the theft of an automobile In Washington and its transportation to Fairfax County Powell and Carlton and Marlon Baughman of Columbia 8 previously had pleaded nolle contendere and Judge Way suspended Imposition of sentence In the case of the Baughman brothers and placed them on probation for five years They went-on to their homes Powell has a long record and Judge Way said previous paroles and lenlen-for him had done him no good and that he felt compelled to punish him roadway as his majesty came The mental anguish which drove him to act McMahon said dated back to during unjust following conviction for criminal libel in 1933 a conviction later quashed He had appealed in vain to Edward's father the late King George for redress he said Then ha turned to Edward No answer acknowledged his last appeal to the new monarch: "For sake do grant my humble to command- the Home Office to recompense him He decided upon a public gesture and turned toward the procession on Constitution Hill had been brooding an the subject for many months and In my weakness gave way to drink experienced the tortures of a damned He bit his lips flushed and swayed in the witness box when the prosecutor sought to establish the time a letter to Sir John Simon home secretary was written Hesitantly under rapid questioning McMahon admitted there waa a lapse of only 14 hours between the writing of the letter and his appearance with the crowds cheering Edward Contents of the letter termed a virtual ultimatum were not disclosed McMahon was ordered held for trial In the autumn at the conclusion of to-day's hearing Fonl Coaih I New Motor) Ply moil III 4-DMir eilan 31 wedun New I Iren A paint 39 Chevrolet Rnad-ler Pontlar Hnudvtrr 39 Itnid-ler Phelps Bowles co*cke Motor Co 2737 WET BROAD Dial 3-3334 Open Mglil MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR AT HUGHES MOTOR $385 $445 $495 $325 $465 $485 $385 $375 $375 $325 $195 JB HUGHES MOTOR CO 20 IS West Broad 312 West Broad Rial 5-3271 Open Miirlits BANG GO PRICES FOR OUR august: SALE $479 $369 $429 $399 $269 $269 $157 $59 $59 $29 Chevrolet blaster Coach 31 Chevrolet 31 lister Sedan 35 Ford Coaeh 31 Ponliac Coach 33 Plymouth Cabriolet 33 Chevrolet Coach 31 Chevrolet Sedan 32 Ford Roadster 29 Chrysler Coach llupinoliile Sedan Blanton Inc 512 Broad St 8-3247 Open Evening 'J 'Used Car That 34 PLYMOUTH CA9R COACH PONTIAC 2-DOOR SEDAN $485 '31 JONTIAC I QR CABRIOLET Ml 33 FORD COWII CQAE radio new motor '34 FORD CQR COACH OwOU 35 ford emeu 9R9R with radio 351 '34 CHEVROLET 90QR COACH QwW CAR LOT BBOAD STREET OPEX SIGHTS SCREEN ODDITIES byirptam Roscoe Fawcett 31cMalion Says Mental Misery Led to Against King LONDON July (J) George Andrew McMahon who wrote King Edward he suffered "tortures of a damned huddled in Brixton prison tonight to await criminal trial for hurling a pistol at his monarch For two hours while rain pelted the skylight of the dingy old courtroom in Bow Street pudgy baldpated McMahon poured out his story of mental misery Speaking in a meek hushed voice dropping at times to a sobbing whisper he recited in detail the brooding thoughts which led him to Constitution Hill when the king rode by two weeks ago At first the 34-year-old Scottish-born Irishman testified lie Intended to kill himself "I saw all the people happy and content Then I remembered I had hardly the price of a meal thought: la the good of was going to shoot But he added thoughts of hi wife deterred him "The thought suddenly struck me that if I could only draw the attention to the wrongs imagined had been meted out to me at least he would not allow his subjects to be so treated "I saw his majesty approaching through crowds of happy cheering people never pointed the revolver I stopped and slithered It to the VUAQQCNI WILL4AM WAS A SOM DIAL TMAY STRIKES THE WOUQS OP WE DAy rr is Dome BVMEAMf 1 1 OP A PWOTO- LJ ev En-Ttair ceu -1 ALSOP MOTOR CO PASSED COMMUNICATIONS EXAMINATIONS MlWEN SHE WAS OLD AND WAS rt3ANTED A LICENSE-AS A PROFESSIONAL RADIO OPERATOR AMHERST July CD Turner lAcks 19 died in Lynchburg hospital last night of a wound inflicted by a shotgun that Commonwealth's Attorney Walter Carter said had discharged accidentally while in the handa of a 12-year-old boy The official said Carter Pugh of near Sweet Briar told him he was tak ing the single-barreled gun from a siaanar child when it fired The chains wrtred an artery In Hicks' left thigh and he bled profusely USED 901-915 WEST DIAL 4-2961.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.