What Color Should I Get My Braces? - OC Dental Center (2024)

We’ve received many questions from patients throughout an extended period of time. However, if there’s a question that stands out is, “What color should I get my braces?

The last thing you need is a color choice that will leave you with regrets. Should the color match your wardrobe? Can you pick your favorite color? Which colors should you avoid, and why should you avoid them?

With so many color options available, getting the right color shouldn’t be complicated. You can show your fashionable and playful side while still straightening your teeth. However, there are some things you may want to consider before choosing the best braces colors for you, even if it’s only a temporary color!

If you want to know how to end up with the perfect color for you, it’ll be a grave mistake not to read this guide. Without further ado, let’s dive in.

What Color Should I Get My Braces – Get Festive With Your Choice

Orthodontists understand that having the right color for your braces boosts your confidence as you are straightening your teeth. When you visit your clinic, you can pick your color from the available colors on the braces color wheel and have a nice alternative to your traditional braces.

As you make your color choice, you should consider whether you want your colors to stand out or blend in. If you wish to show off your fashionable side, rainbow braces would be a perfect choice. However, if you are working on an office set up, that color combination isn’t appropriate.

The bottom line is, you shouldn’t rush over the decision of picking the best color for your braces. You need to consider all factors and options available carefully. You don’t want to regret the choice of your braces when you already have them on.

Since you’ll often be changing the elastics, you’ll have a chance to try out different braces color combinations. If you are not happy with your current pick, you will only leave with it for a few weeks before changing to a better option.

Note, you can expect changes in the braces color with time. In the course of the one month that you’ll have the braces, most elastic ligatures become stained. How much the color of the original ligatures gets stained depends on several factors including:

Your Teeth-brushing habits

Are you so hard on your teeth when you brush? What quality of toothbrush do you use? Toothpaste can make your elastic ligatures prone to stains.


If you have bacteria that get embedded on the elastic, then it will get stained faster in the course of the month.


The brand of the elastic ligatures also matters in determining how fast they become stained. High-quality elastics will withstand for longer before changing color.

What Color Should I Get My Braces? - OC Dental Center (1)

Food and drinks you consume

If you like colored and flavored drinks, your elastics can get stained faster than others. The pigments of the food that you take can also stain the braces quickly.

Additionally, as you make your color choice, note that some colors are more susceptible to decolorization than others. For instance, clear and light-colored braces will become discolored faster than ones with a darker shade.

What Colors Can You Get For Braces

What colors should you go for? Here are some braces colors ideas:

  • You can choose colors that match your eyes.
  • If you have dark skin, you can go for darker skin tones such as lavender braces, dark blue, royal blue, navy blue, turquoise, green, or other colors that would complement your skin color.
  • For lighter skin tones you should choose colors like purple, light blue, bronze, dark purple, or reds because these colors will complement lighter skin tones.
  • If you wish to make your teeth whiter, you should consider darker skin tones for your braces. Blue and green braces would be an excellent option.
  • Grey and silver colors will make an excellent choice if you wish to match the metal brackets.
  • For a more discrete look, white braces and clear braces would make an excellent choice.
  • You can also consider taking brace colors that match the clothes that you wear most often.
  • Also, you can go festive with green and red colors during Christmas. Black and orange braces would be perfect for Halloween, while red, white, and light blue braces are an excellent choice for the summer.

Which colors should you avoid?

  • People may mistake green and brown colors for food particles on your teeth.
  • If you have yellow teeth, you can consider avoiding the yellow color as it will make your teeth look even more yellow.
  • If you go for black, it may seem as if your teeth are rotting or you have food particles on your teeth.
  • White color stains more efficiently and also make your teeth look more yellow.

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What Color Braces Are Best for Yellow Teeth

It is natural for your teeth to become less white with age. As you age, the enamel on your teeth wears, and the pale yellow dentin underneath the teeth starts to show.

Getting the right color for your traditional braces is not an easy task. You have to consider many factors, including your setup, and skin color, among others. Having yellow teeth makes deciding the right color even harder.

Many people are not very comfortable with yellow teeth. Therefore, it will be a wrong move if you choose braces color combinations that accentuate the yellow color of the teeth.

So, what are the best braces colors for people with yellow teeth?

If you have yellow teeth, you should stay away from white or pale yellow braces. The white rubber bands are a huge comparison to the yellow hue on your teeth. Therefore, they accentuate the yellow color even more.

Yellow braces are also not a good choice as they will add to the yellow on your teeth, making them even more conspicuous. The best option would be dark braces since they will make your teeth appear whiter in contrast to the braces’ dark color. Some darker colors you can consider are dark purple and navy blue.

You can also go for clear or silver braces that are less conspicuous and will attract less attention to your teeth.

However, it would help if you were careful with the clear rubber bands as they stain more easily.

What Color Should I Get My Braces? - OC Dental Center (2)

Braces Colors That Make Your Teeth Look Whiter

Getting a solution to your crooked teeth is an incredible feeling, but it is also a process. As you wait to see the final results, it would help keep your smile as appealing as possible until you get your final results.

Thus, it matters a lot the braces that you choose for your teeth straightening process. If you choose the right color for your braces, you’ll have a functional and confident smile that you will be proud to show off.

If your teeth are not naturally bright white, you should choose bright colors as your braces color. For instance, if you go for darker colors like dark green or dark brown colors, it will make your teeth look like you have food stuck on your teeth. You don’t want that. Do you?

So, what are the best colors to use with white teeth?

Note, no brace color will make your teeth whiter. Rather, it will make your teeth appear whiter.

One rule of thumb is to avoid very light colors. The more contrast there is between your teeth and the rubber band color, the brighter your teeth appear. Lighter colors, on the other hand, may bring out the stains on your teeth.

Thus, avoid white rubber band color. If you have to choose between lighter colors or darker shades, go for the darker option.

Whether you have bright white teeth or not, you should avoid yellow rubber bands or rubber band colors with a yellow base. For instance, if you choose a green color, it shouldn’t have a yellow tint. Red braces with bright blue or orange undertones would also be better.

Dark colors provide the perfect contrast that makes your teeth appear brighter. It would therefore be best if you go for dark elastics. But what about if you want some color on your elastics? Go for dark colors such as navy blue or red.

If you still want to wear bright colors, hot pink and light blue braces would do better than pink.

You can also decide to go neutral with your color combinations by using elastic bands that blend with your braces. You can choose gray rubber bands, or go for clear or silver bands. Note, these colors won’t make your teeth appear whiter, but also, they won’t bring out the stains on your teeth.

What Color Should I Get My Braces? - OC Dental Center (3)

What Color Braces are Most Attractive

Are you wondering what color braces are the most attractive?

How attractive braces are depends on the individual’s preference. For some, rainbow aligners are the way to go at any time. They are easily noticeable and make a statement wherever they go.

On the other hand, clear braces are the most attractive for conservative individuals, including professionals and senior members of society.

Additionally, your choice of color for your braces says much about you and your personality.

For example, black braces can be a sign of elegance, power, authority, or evil.A darker palette is a suitable match for some of the darker menswear, including blue or black suits.Alternatively, white braces can be a sign of purity and faith. White braces can also depict cleanliness, goodness, and innocence.

If you choose purple braces, they can show that you are creative. It also indicates that you think outside the box, and you don’t care what other people say or think about you.

Yellow is the color of happiness, energy, sunshine, and warm feelings. Yellow aligners could depict that you love life, you are cheerful, and you demand attention.

Green color braces are a sign that you are always on the go. It also depicts stability, growth, generosity, endurance, and good luck. You can also choose different shades of green to put across different messages. Olive green, for example, is a symbol of peace while dark green is associated with money and ambitions.

What is the Least Noticeable Color on Braces?

After deciding to use braces to straighten your teeth, the next step involves choosing the most convenient ones. Your choice of braces should be not only effective but also inconvenience-free.

Look at it this way. Assuming you decide to take up orthodontic treatment to restore your confident smile. Do you want everybody in the office to see your braces and know what you are going through?

The answer is probably no. As much as some people show off their braces, other people prefer invisible braces. Some braces are very conspicuous, which causes unnecessary inconvenience. If you want to be discreet while undergoing orthodontic treatment, you should be careful with the braces color you choose.

However, choosing the right color for your braces shouldn’t be a challenging affair. There is no shortage of colors of braces in the market, and the choice depends on you.

The young ones and kids prefer shiny and glittery braces with good brace colors that they consider fancy. On the other hand, professionals and adults prefer inconspicuous braces. This they go for the clear or invisible braces.

Before you can settle for unnoticeable braces, you should consider a few factors.

What Color Should I Get My Braces? - OC Dental Center (4)

First, consider how cute braces will look after you brush your teeth a few times. Some colors get stained fast and may make your teeth look dirty.Colors that can make your teeth appear stained are extremely dark colors, such as black and dark brown, as well as very light colors like yellow and white.Also, clear rubber bands sound like a good option, too, until you consider that they stain easily, as well.

The other factor you should consider is how the braces colors complement your skin. There should be a connection between the braces colors and your complexion. For instance, black people with braces look better in gold or bright green colors.

The least noticeable braces are white and silver. However, it would help if you were careful with the colors as they also stain fast.

If you want the least noticeable braces, it would be best if you consult your orthodontist. With their experience, orthodontists are better placed to offer you advice on braces that will be discrete and complement your complexion at the same time.

Popular Braces Colors

It’s upon you to choose the best braces colors to use. Though your orthodontist may make some suggestions depending on your teeth’ color, the decision to use the braces colors remains with you.

You can decide to select a color depending on its popularity, or you can go for original color combinations such as teal and pink braces. All the same, some braces are more attractive than others, and they make a better fashion statement.

So, which are the most popular braces?

  • Rainbow colored braces

If you can’t choose between two of your favorite braces colors, you can decide to go for rainbow rubber bands instead. The rainbow look is more conspicuous and a perfect option if you want to make a fashion statement.

However, some orthodontists restrict the use of color bands to two colors. Therefore, you should check to see if your dentist will allow their use.

  • Pink Braces

Pink braces are an attractive choice for girls. Nonetheless, boys can wear them as well.

Pink color for braces is an excellent choice for ladies, especially if you want to add to it a pink shade of lipstick.

It is also an attractive choice if you want your teeth to appear whiter and brighter.

  • Blue braces

Do you have blue eyes?

If so, then dark blue or light blue colored braces would be an excellent choice for you. It would be great to match the braces color to that of your eyes.

Dentists offer a variety of shades of blue color braces. You can pair lighter and darker shades of blue and you can go wrong with it.

  • Invisible braces

Clear braces are a popular option, especially if you want to be discreet about your teeth straightening process. Unlike conventional braces, invisible aligners don’t have metal parts.

They have a transparent plastic construction that makes them hard to notice. The fact that you can remove them for an hour or two during the day also makes them popular. If you have a special occasion where you don’t want to have them on, you can simply remove them.

They also enable better oral hygiene as you can remove them while eating and drinking to avoid stains. They also make it easy to clean your teeth to eliminate any bacteria before having them back.

How Often Can I Change My Braces Color?

Many patients are excited by the thought of straightening their teeth to win back their beautiful smiles. At the same time, they dread the fact that they will have the braces for almost two years. Orthodontists understand the mixed reactions in patients and try to make the dental procedure more enjoyable by allowing you to change braces colors. The braces color wheel comes in handy in helping you pick a color.

After choosing a specific color for your braces, you may later feel like it wasn’t the right color for you. No need to worry as you can change the color the next time you visit your orthodontist.

After getting your braces, you’ll require to visit your orthodontist from time to time for a checkup and evaluation of the treatment process. During the visits, the doctor examines whether the teeth are shifting as they should.

The doctor also tightens the braces if they are loose and may recommend other refinements. The visits happen every 6 to 8 weeks throughout the treatment process. Thus, you can expect to have about 12 to 20 color changes during your treatment process.

Therefore, you can experiment with different braces color combinations, including wearing maroon braces and other cool braces colors.

Adolescents and Adult Braces Colors

Do you go shopping with your adolescent son or daughter, and you are amazed by the color choice of the outfits they like? Do you allow them to pick the colors anyway?

What Color Should I Get My Braces? - OC Dental Center (5)

If you go with your adolescent kid to the orthodontist, you may be left mouth wide open by their choice of colors. Should you let them pick the colors?

Yes, you should. Their crazy choice of petty braces colors is just a way for them to express themselves.

The adolescent may not even be excited about the idea of having braces. Allowing them to choose their colors makes the experience more enjoyable for them. You can use a braces color picker to picture how the colors would make your teeth look once fitted.

You can also train your child to take care of the braces by:

  • Avoiding certain foods that would stain the braces
  • Cleaning and flossing the braces daily

Adolescents will also be happy with clear braces with colored rubber bands.

On the other hand, adults want to be under the radar with their choice of braces colors. They are more concerned about being seen with the aligner that they would go for unnoticeable braces at any time. As mentioned earlier, as somebody gets old, their teeth start to turn yellow.

Thus, adults will avoid all braces colors that will accentuate the yellow color. Dark colors would be a better option if you want to make your teeth look whiter. While some adult accessory enthusiasts may not have a problem with braces, many don’t consider them a part of self-expression.


If you have decided to take orthodontic treatment, the next question you gamble with is, “What color should I get my braces?” Determining your right color shouldn’t be a complex challenge as long as you consider certain factors. For instance, does the color complement your complexion? Is it very conspicuous or discrete? Choosing the right color for your braces makes orthodontic treatment enjoyable.

Clear braces would be a better option for adults and professionals, but they are easily stained by soft drinks, tea, coffee, or red wine.

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What Color Should I Get My Braces? - OC Dental Center (2024)
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