Somatic Stretching: How It Works, Benefits, and Getting Started Exercises (2024)

5 Simple Somatic Stretches for Beginners

If you’re curious about somatic stretching, here are five beginner-friendly somatic exercises to try. Warren recommends doing each for about five minutes and repeating them daily, to build awareness of how your muscles feel and potentially reap the cumulative benefits of releasing tension.

1. Standing Awareness

Before you do any other somatic stretches, Warren recommends simply standing and bringing awareness to various muscles in your body. Stand up straight with your feet rooted and notice how your feet grip the floor, she says. Try to contract and release those foot muscles. Take deep breaths and notice how your abdominal muscles expand and contract, bringing awareness to how this feels. Finally, scan your body from top to bottom, noticing how your different muscles feel, and especially any areas of tension.

2. Hang Your Head

Stand up straight, with your feet rooted on the floor, Keator says. Slowly hang your head, letting it fall as far down as it will comfortably go. As you do, notice how the muscles in your neck are feeling. Also notice how that neck movement has affected nearby muscles, joints, and tissues, like those in your shoulders and upper back. Identify an area that feels tense (for example, the back of your neck), and really explore (think about) how that tension feels. Notice how it feels to settle into the stretch. Try to release some of the tension you feel.

3. The Arch and Flatten

If you experience back pain, Warren recommends the arch and flatten, which allows you to release and then regain control of the muscles in your lower back and abdominals. It’s a slow movement done lying on the floor. Position feet flat on the floor hip-distance apart with knees bent. Take a deep breath, noticing how the muscles in your lower back and abdominals move as you do. Gently arch your back, bringing your belly upward and pressing your glute muscles and feet into the floor. Stay here for as long as feels comfortable. Then, slowly lower your back and flatten it against the floor. Repeat the movement very slowly, scanning the muscles in your torso for any tension and trying to release it. Watch Warren’s video to see how to do the movement.

4. Iliopsoas Exercise

The iliopsoas is the muscle group that attaches your spine to your legs, and many of us hold lots of tension in it. This progression brings awareness to these muscles and the muscles surrounding them, so you’re better able to release that tension, Warren says. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your right hand behind your head. Gently lift your head as you simultaneously lift your right leg, keeping it bent, about 6 inches off the floor. (This should look a bit like you’re doing a crunch with just one side of your body.) Scan the muscles in your lower back, hips, and legs for tension, and notice how they feel. Gently lower your leg and head. Do the same thing, this time straightening your leg slightly as you lift. Repeat these motions slowly and gently several times, then do the same on the other side. Watch Warren’s video to see how to do the movement.

5. Carpal Tunnel Exercise

If you spend large portions of the day typing on a computer or other device, this exercise may help release tension that may be building in your waist, shoulders, chest, hands, and wrists, Warren says. To do this exercise, lie on your left side with your legs bent at a 90 degree angle out in front of you and your head resting on your left arm (it can be bent or straight). Place your right hand on the ground, resting your upper arm on your body with your elbow bent at roughly a 90 degree angle. Move your right arm up and around your head, so that your right hand is near your left ear and your elbow points straight up. Gently guide your head up to the ceiling with your hand so that the right side of your waist contracts. (This is like a side crunch.) Notice those muscles contracting. When you’re ready, release and move your head back down as slowly as you can. Repeat this once. With your right elbow facing to the ceiling, gently roll onto your back with your right arm behind your head. Bring your left arm out to the side. Crunch your right arm, right shoulder, and head upward and toward the left side of your body. Release and lower your head and shoulder as slowly as possible. Repeat all these movements on the other side. Watch Warren’s video to see how to do this sequence.

You can find more somatic stretching exercises online.

Somatic Stretching: How It Works, Benefits, and Getting Started Exercises (2024)


How does somatic stretching work? ›

The core aim of somatic stretching is to release stress, trauma, and discomfort held in the body through mindful movement and stretching. Somatic stretching involves various forms of intuitive movement, often based on pandiculation (muscle contraction and release).

Do somatic exercises really work? ›

The bottom line. Although experts haven't yet found conclusive proof to support the benefits of somatics, some evidence does suggest these approaches may help relieve pain and tension and promote easier movement. Future research may shed more light on these benefits and other possible uses.

How do you start somatic exercises? ›

The key here is to move your body in a way that feels comfortable and natural for you. This might mean somatic stretching, dancing, or even jumping up and down. As you move, think about how each part of your body feels — starting with your toes and working your way up to your head.

How long does it take for somatic exercises to work? ›

The sweet spot of experiencing a release generally occurs between week three and week four of consistently doing your somatic exercises. However, it's also completely normal for people to experience a release in as little as three days of doing somatic exercises and even up to three months of doing somatic exercises.

Can you lose weight with somatic exercises? ›

Although by itself, somatic movement will likely not result in weight loss, it can be a great addition to your usual fitness routine, because of all the benefits we listed above. The truth is that losing weight is a mental game just as much as it is physical.

How often should I do somatic exercises? ›

Since these movements are so gentle, they can be performed daily. In fact, the Somatic Systems Institute recommends spending five to 15 minutes doing the above moves, per day.

Is somatic stretching real? ›

Normal stretching typically means moving or holding various parts of your body to extend the muscles. Somatic stretching focuses on releasing tension in the body through natural, unintentional movements.

What are the negative effects of somatic therapy? ›

Risks of somatic therapy include misinterpretation of touch, re-traumatization, breaking down of defenses, abusive touch and inappropriate regression.

How do somatic exercises release trauma? ›

In somatic therapy, a therapist will use different mind-body techniques that help a person release tension, stress, trauma, and negativity that has been locked away. A therapist may use techniques like breathing exercises, postures, gestures, and other forms of movement to help release these feelings.

What is the truth about somatic exercises? ›

Somatic experiencing is a type of body-based trauma therapy that aims to address the physical symptoms of trauma. Some early evidence suggests it may have potential as a PTSD treatment, but there is not enough evidence to firmly support its use.

What happens after somatic exercises? ›

The main effect of Clinical Somatics exercises is the release of chronic muscle tension. But along with the retraining of the nervous system can come a variety of sensations—some of which may be surprising and even unpleasant.

What is a somatic exercise? ›

Somatic movement is moving with full-body awareness, focusing more on how you're feeling rather than meeting a specific fitness goal. It's a way to connect your emotions to how you're feeling physically.

What time of day is best for somatic exercises? ›

You can also do it after work, before bed, when sitting at the computer for too long, in the middle of the day, or any time you feel like it to stay fluid, fit, and comfortable.

Is there a free somatic exercise app? ›

Free Somatic Exercises Tool | Somatic Exercises App | NEUROFIT.

What does a somatic release feel like? ›

You may take a deep sigh and notice an ability to breath easily, or you may feel like you've dropped a huge brick from your heart. Clients often express a lighter feeling after their body has properly sequenced through an event or emotional experience.

What does somatic release feel like? ›

You may take a deep sigh and notice an ability to breath easily, or you may feel like you've dropped a huge brick from your heart. Clients often express a lighter feeling after their body has properly sequenced through an event or emotional experience.

What's the difference between somatic stretching and yoga? ›

Somatic yoga is an offshoot of these therapies. A somatic yoga practice is more intuitive than a standard yoga class, which often asks you to move mechanically—flex this way, extend that way, stretch, hold, push. Somatics is about becoming more of an expert in yourself.

How does stretching release trauma? ›

Trauma release exercises (TRE) are stretches that induce natural, involuntary muscle spasms known as neurogenic tremors. These mechanisms may help in releasing trauma from the body. TRE is a self-help intervention rather than a professional treatment approach.

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