Solar Plexus Chakra Stones (2024)

Table of Contents
Amber Vitality | Motivation | Cleansing Amblygonite Confidence | Focus | Creativity Ametrine Guidance | Focus | Creativity Aragonite Grounding | Patience | Growth Auralite 23 Higher Self | Meditation | Spirit Guides Bismuth Connection | Journeying | Transformation Black Kyanite Purpose | Intuition | Alignment Blue Tiger Eye Communication | Focus | Manifestation Bronzite Self-Assurance | Achievement | Humility Bumblebee Jasper Purpose | Manifestation | Determination Carnelian Confidence | Courage | Passion Chalcopyrite Revitalizing | Meditation | Enlightenment Charoite Transformation | Clarity | Guidance Chrysoprase Love | Vitality | Hope Citrine Happiness | Manifestation | Creativity Clear Calcite Clarity | Cleansing | Manifestation Clear Quartz Personal & Spiritual Growth | Manifestation Covellite Inner Vision | Dreamwork | Spiritual Growth Dalmatian Stone Grounding | Playfulness | Loyalty Epidote Abundance | Cleansing | Positivity Golden Calcite Confidence | Abundance | Perseverance Labradorite Transformation | Intuition | Magic Leopardskin Jasper Balance | Intuition | Confidence Lithium Quartz Balance | Stillness | Calm Mahogany Obsidian Safety | Self-Expression | Growth Malachite Personal Growth | Strength | Protection Meteorite Balance | Purpose | Grounding Moldavite Spiritual Growth | Awakening | Psychic Vision Mookaite Jasper Vitality | Personal Growth | Confidence Nuummite Inner Journeying | Magic | Protection Ocean Jasper Peace | Patience | Unity Orange Calcite Passion | Creativity | Energizing Peridot Self-Worth | Prosperity | Growth Pietersite Transformation | Psychic Vision | Enlightenment Pink Halite Cleansing | Self-Love | Calm Pink Optical Calcite Expansion | Cleansing | Love Polychrome Jasper Revitalize | Comfort | Resolution Prasiolite Divine Love | Compassion | Higher Self Precious Opal Clarity | Psychic Vision | Inner Healing Prehnite Serenity | Divine Communication | Awareness Pyrite Confidence | Ambition | Gratitude Rhodochrosite Love | Emotional Healing | Joy Rutilated Quartz Cleansing | Manifestation | Balance Serpentine Vitality | Connection | Transformation Seraphinite Divine Connection | Wholeness | Growth Shiva Lingam Wholeness | Kundalini | Pleasure Stellar Beam Calcite Growth | Astral Travel | Manifestation Sunstone Happiness | Freedom | Abundance Tektite Balance | Awareness | Psychic Vision Tiger Eye Courage | Strength | Wisdom Tiger Iron Creativity | Strength | Manifestation Tourmalinated Quartz Unity | Protection | Clarity Vanadinite Creativity | Vitality | Passion Wulfenite Focus | Originality | Inspiration Yellow Jasper Focus | Courage | Strength Zebra Calcite Balance | Confidence | Harmony Zincite Energizing | Creativity | Manifestation


Vitality | Motivation | Cleansing

Amber’s golden ray carries the energy of life and light, revitalizing the soul and brightening up your day. Strengthening self-belief and motivation, Amber ignites the fire within to pursue and succeed in all endeavours. As a powerful cleanser, Amber purifies the aura by detaching emotional blockages and re-balancing the chakras. LEARN MORE


Confidence | Focus | Creativity

Strengthening the will and raising self-confidence, Amblygonite empowers you to follow your own path. Harnessing the forces of manifestation, it instills the focus and persistence needed to turn your dreams into reality. Dissipating creative blocks by facilitating an endless flow of inspiration, it nurtures your brilliance to shine and thrive. LEARN MORE


Guidance | Focus | Creativity

Activating the crown chakra, Ametrine raises spiritual awareness for receiving Divine guidance. With this newfound enlightenment, it empowers clear and decisive action for transforming your life in a positive way. Ametrine enhances learning by increasing mental clarity, deepening concentration and improving problem solving abilities. LEARN MORE


Grounding | Patience | Growth

Connecting to the Earth’s pulse, Aragonite develops a deeper respect for the environment.Encouraging patience and self-awareness, it teaches the importance of mindfulness and grounding to the present moment. Awakening the Higher Self, Aragonite guides self-understanding to find peace and stability within. LEARN MORE

Auralite 23

Higher Self | Meditation | Spirit Guides

Aligning with your Higher Self, Auralite 23 brings awareness to your own divinity, allowing you to fully step into your power and flow through life with grace. Creating a space of inner stillness, Auralite 23 deepens meditation by instilling a calm and centred state of being. Bridging the spiritual and physical worlds, this enlightened stone strengthens a connection with your guardian angels and spirit guides. LEARN MORE


Connection | Journeying | Transformation

Bismuth’s colourful complexities honour the principle that we are all connected. Its rainbow radiance illuminates the subtle bodies, ascending the mind to facilitate the practice of shamanic journeying and lucid dreaming. It teaches you to embrace change with an open mind and allow the outcome to unfold as your divine plan intended it to be.LEARN MORE

Black Kyanite

Purpose | Intuition | Alignment

Black Kyanite sets you on a quest to discover your soul’s path and purpose. Establishing a calm and clear space for meditation, it quiets the mind to allow for the wisdom of your inner guidance to come through. Activating all chakras and fortifying your auric field, it grounds you into an aligned state of perfect harmony.LEARN MORE

Blue Tiger Eye

Communication | Focus | Manifestation

Blue Tiger Eye helps to find the right words for expressing your truth. Driven by your aspirations and guided by your higher self, it deepens a belief that nothing you seek is out of reach. Aligning your heart and will, it instills the strength and self-assurance to set ambitious goals and attain your wildest dreams. LEARN MORE


Self-Assurance | Achievement | Humility

Bronzite develops a strong sense of self and firm belief in your inherent value. With an increased commitment to achieving your goals, it forges a path to success where nothing and no one can get in your way. Teaching the power of love and compassion, it inspires acts of kindness and humble service to the community.LEARN MORE

Bumblebee Jasper

Purpose | Manifestation | Determination

Bumblebee Jasper initiates a journey toward discovering your WHY. Enhancing the power of manifestation, it unleashes a flow of creative ideas that present new opportunities and solutions. It compels you to take risks, embrace the adventure and pursue your goals regardless of the odds or obstacles you will encounter. LEARN MORE


Confidence | Courage | Passion

Increasing motivation and driving ambition, Carnelian inspires you take action. Boosting confidence to allow for true self-expression, it offers courage in times of new beginnings. Its fiery energy promotes companionship and intimacy, rekindling romances and stimulating sexual desires. LEARN MORE


Revitalizing | Meditation | Enlightenment

Conducting the universal current of light, Chalcopyrite boosts energy and personal vitality. Establishing an unobstructed space for meditation, it navigates the tranquility of a settled mind, establishing peace and clarity of perception. Attuning to higher frequencies, it opens a vast realm of intelligence for imparting celestial wisdom and universal truths. LEARN MORE


Transformation | Clarity | Guidance

The enchanting swirls of Charoite’s violet ray awaken a personal evolution towards self-acceptance and universal love. It offers a clear perception by bringing order to chaotic thoughts and circ*mstances. Strengthening your trust in Divine timing, it offers the reassurance that you are exactly where you need to be. LEARN MORE


Love | Vitality | Hope

Chrysoprase resonates with the rhythm of life and nourishes the soul with unconditional love. Deepening your connection to the natural world, its soft green ray opens the heart and revitalizes the body with the Earth’s energetic pulse. Promoting spiritual and personal growth, Chrysoprase offers the promise of hope for a positive and abundant future. LEARN MORE


Happiness | Manifestation | Creativity

Citrine’s bright and cheerful energy radiates happiness and amplifies the joy in life. Magnifying the power of manifestation, Citrine increases motivation to achieve your goals with intent and action. Revitalizing the mind by clearing mental blocks, Citrine enhances creativity and encourages self-expression. LEARN MORE

Clear Calcite

Clarity | Cleansing | Manifestation

Promoting self-reflection, this optical stone provides a clear perception to issues inhibiting your growth. Encompassing the full colour spectrum of light, it cleanses each of the chakras, removing stagnant densities and restoring an energetic flow throughout the body.Clear Calcite empowers new beginnings with the promise of a bright future. LEARN MORE

Clear Quartz

Personal & Spiritual Growth | Manifestation

Clear Quartz nurtures your overall well-being and growth by accommodating to the specific needs of the beholder. Its clear vibration will amplify your intention out into the universe and magnify the power of manifestation. Harmonizing all the chakras, it’s energy aligns with any frequency to support healing and balance. LEARN MORE


Inner Vision | Dreamwork | Spiritual Growth

Expanding the light of your consciousness, Creedite invites a clear perspective to your current circ*mstances. Creating a beacon of light with the universal current, it opens cosmic doorways to other dimensional worlds. Accessing knowledge from the Akashic records, it deepens an understanding of universal truths and ancient wisdom.LEARN MORE

Dalmatian Stone

Grounding | Playfulness | Loyalty

Grounding into the Earth, Dalmatian Stone aligns your energetic bodies with the flow of life. Uplifting the spirit with immense joy and positivity, it invites you to use a sense of childlike wonder and embrace all of the beauty, laughter, and love this world has to offer. Evaluating your integrity and capability to love, Dalmatian Stone empowers loyal relationships built on unyielding trust and everlasting friendship. LEARN MORE


Abundance | Cleansing | Positivity

When expressing a positive heartfelt intention, Epidote enhances the forces of manifestation to attract an abundance of love and prosperity into your life. Removing resistance, it gently dissolves densities that are causing dis-ease and returns the body to its natural state of flow. With practice, it encourages you to master your mindset by consciously shifting your narrative to reflect a positive outlook on life. LEARN MORE

Golden Calcite

Confidence | Abundance | Perseverance

Golden Calcite instills the confidence to embrace your magnificence and share your soul’s gifts for the highest good. Infinitely luminous, its glistening light is a reminder of your divine inheritance and innate ability of creating a life of abundance. Rising above fear by stepping into action, it teaches you to embrace failure as a detour on the road to success and fulfillment. LEARN MORE


Transformation | Intuition | Magic

Reflecting the astonishing spectrum of the Aurora Borealis, Labradorite’s luminous energy unites the chakras to allow for personal transformation. It inspires a journey of self-discovery to uncover the essence of who you truly are. Increasing the awareness of synchronicity as the working magic of co-creation, it encourages taking aligned action from a place of inner guidance. LEARN MORE

Leopardskin Jasper

Balance | Intuition | Confidence

The spotted pattern of Leopardskin Jasper represents the beautiful contrast and exquisite compliment of darkness and light. Honing your gifts of perception, it encourages you to trust your intuition to navigate challenges with finesse and ease. Centred in your power, dignity, and unique sense of self, it empowers a sheer force of will to achieve any goal. LEARN MORE

Lithium Quartz

Balance | Stillness | Calm

Lithium Quartz restores balance to your emotional and spiritual well-being. Cultivating a peaceful space for relaxation, it invites stillness for reaching a deeper state of meditation. When stress levels are rising and feelings of anger emerge, Lithium Quartz calms anxious nerves to regain your composure. LEARN MORE

Mahogany Obsidian

Safety | Self-Expression | Growth

Deepening your energetic roots, Mahogany Obsidian imbues a sense of safety and groundedness within yourself and your body. Allowing you to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin, it empowers the freedom to express your sexuality and desires. Validating feelings of shame, guilt, and unworthiness, it facilitates a gentle release of the energetic blocks that hinder you from growing to your full potential. LEARN MORE


Personal Growth | Strength | Protection

Malachite empowers you to take action and live your life to the fullest. Encouraging change and positive transformation, it enhances your inner strength when faced with a challenging situation. One of the most powerful stones for protection, Malachite strengthens the aura to guard against electromagnetic pollutants and other negative energies. LEARN MORE


Balance | Purpose | Grounding

Meteorite unites cosmic force with the flow of life. It is a reminder that you are an intimate part of this whole creation and contain the essence of the stars within. Grounding to the Earth’s core, it connects you to a constant source of energy, abundance, and power for manifestation. LEARN MORE


Spiritual Growth | Awakening | Psychic Vision

Accelerating spiritual evolution, Moldavite invites you to observe your true nature, beyond limitations and boundaries. Awakening a shift towards enlightenment, Moldavite aligns you to the frequency of Universal consciousness and instills a responsibility to serving the highest good of all. Elevating awareness to other dimensions, it heightens telepathic abilities and invites visionary experiences. LEARN MORE

Mookaite Jasper

Vitality | Personal Growth | Confidence

Mookaite Jasper carries the vibration of the Earth’s pulse to nurture the body, mind and soul with an energizing life force. Encouraging personal growth, it deepens your understanding to the root cause of an obstructing emotional pattern. Moving past inherited limiting beliefs and dissolving the fear of the unknown, it empowers a renewed sense of confidence to take the leap and seek adventure. LEARN MORE


Inner Journeying | Magic | Protection

Guiding a shift in consciousness, Nuummite navigates inner journeying to retrieve insights from past lives and other dimensions. Its transformative energy nurtures your inner magic and intuitive gifts. As a powerfully protective stone, it shields against all negative inflictions, such as curses, ill-wishes, and psychic attacks. LEARN MORE

Ocean Jasper

Peace | Patience | Unity

Echoing the serenity of the shoreline, it attunes you to the soft rhythmic movement of the tide, inviting total peace and relaxation. Teaching patience and compassion, Ocean Jasper emphasizes transformation as a slow and steady process. Empowering a sense of unity for all beings of this Earth, it draws attention to the fragile balance of our ecosystem and our responsibility to preserve the seas so future generations can benefit from its healing abilities.LEARN MORE

Orange Calcite

Passion | Creativity | Energizing

Orange Calcite inspires you to live a passionate life while fulfilling your deepest desires. Stimulating the imagination and illuminating the creative mind, it encourages you to stay open to innovative solutions and wildly new ideas. Revitalizing the mind and increasing the flow of energy throughout the body, it raises your vibration and dissipates stagnant blocks. LEARN MORE


Self-Worth | Prosperity | Growth

Increasing self-worth from realizing your full potential, Peridot emphasizes the belief of infinite possibilities. Overcoming fears of unworthiness and resentment, it shifts your mindset to focus on gratitude and positivity. Teaching forgiveness, Peridot encourages letting go of the burdens that are inhibiting your growth. LEARN MORE


Transformation | Psychic Vision | Enlightenment

Instilling a sense of hope and an undeniable belief in your personal power, Pietersite inspires the right action towards transforming your life for the better. Developing psychic vision, it guides inner journeying for interdimensional travel and access to the Akashic Records. Awakening higher levels of consciousness, Pietersite invites spiritual leaps and bounds towards a more enlightened state of being. LEARN MORE

Pink Halite

Cleansing | Self-Love | Calm

Pink Halite promotes the purification of your energy and emotions. Nurturing self-love and optimal well-being, this exquisite mineral cultivates a state of inner balance for your body and mind to thrive. Emitting a soft pink glow, it creates a serene atmosphere that can enhance any therapeutic experience. LEARN MORE

Pink Optical Calcite

Expansion | Cleansing | Love

Pink Optical Calcite opens your heart to empower healing and inspire the expansion of joy. Its prismatic formation amplifies purifying light to clear your chakra and subtle energetic systems and restore balance to the emotional body. Strengthening a love of self, Pink Optical Calcite embraces the unconditional acceptance of your authentic feelings and longings. LEARN MORE

Polychrome Jasper

Revitalize | Comfort | Resolution

Polychrome Jasper’s nurturing and steady vibration replenishes the body’s vitality and restores the balance of the heart and mind. Even when the world is turned upside-down, it offers comfort and security to get you through your darkest days. Providing a greater perspective on a situation, it helps to determine a new path toward a peaceful resolution.LEARN MORE


Divine Love | Compassion | Higher Self

Prasiolite opens your heart to the free-flowing expression of divine love. Developing compassion and increasing self-worth, its heart-healing vibration fosters an appreciation of the circ*mstances in your life. Strengthening a connection with your higher self, Prasiolite deepens an understanding of your spiritual path and purpose.LEARN MORE

Precious Opal

Clarity | Psychic Vision | Inner Healing

Precious Opal’s prismatic light cleanses the aura of psychic debris, bringing clarity to the incessant mental chatter that often clouds judgment. Illuminating inner vision, it awakens clairvoyant abilities for gaining insight into the darker aspects of your being. Bringing deep-seated inhibitions into the light of consciousness, it dissolves the pain from your past that still lives on in your body and mind. LEARN MORE


Serenity | Divine Communication | Awareness

Prehnite’s soft green ray promotes a serene atmosphere. Illuminating your inner knowing, it gathers wisdom found in tranquility. It connects you to the messages of angelic guides to light your spiritual path. LEARN MORE


Confidence | Ambition | Gratitude

Releasing thoughts of inadequacy and scarcity, Pyrite increases the confidence to step into your brilliance and share your gifts with the world. Igniting the Divine masculine energy within, it increases your drive to face difficult challenges and see things through to completion. Deepening your appreciation of how far you’ve come on your journey, Pyrite maintains the focus and determination to one day strike gold. LEARN MORE


Love | Emotional Healing | Joy

Developing a deeper appreciation for who you are, Rhodochrosite increases self-awareness to recognize your worth and infinite potential. With patience and compassion, it releases the self-limiting beliefs that were once used as a defensive strategy but now prevents your heart from expanding and experiencing love at its fullest. Reclaiming your sense of wonder, this joyful stone uplifts the spirit and opens the heart to loving yourself and others unconditionally. LEARN MORE

Rutilated Quartz

Cleansing | Manifestation | Balance

Cleansing the aura and energetic bodies, it forms a forcefield to ward off negative interference and psychic attacks. Harnessingthe amplifying power of manifestation, itacceleratesa focused intention for bringing your dreams into being. Grounding cosmic frequencies through the body and into the Earth, Rutilated Quartz aligns the chakra centres and establishes a harmonious mind-body connection. LEARN MORE


Vitality | Connection | Transformation

Awakening the Serpent Power within, Serpentine opens the flow of Kundalini energy. Grounding to our planet’s stabilizing energies, it increases vitality and enhances overall wellbeing. It carries the life force of nature, deepening your connection to all living things and facilitating communication with beings of the Devic realm. LEARN MORE


Divine Connection | Wholeness | Growth

Emanating divine love and joy, its name attributes to Seraphim, the heavenly beings of the highest angelic class. Centering your energy in line with the Light, Seraphinite promotes wholeness and healing for the body, mind, spirit, and Earth. Creating space for a renewed sense of self, it deepens gratitude for the achievements and tribunals that empowered your growth. LEARN MORE

Shiva Lingam

Wholeness | Kundalini | Pleasure

Harnessing the wholeness of the eternal Universe, Shiva Lingam aligns your entire body, chakra system, and auric field into perfect harmony. Sparking an activation of Kundalini energy, it ignites a spiritual transformation for reaching enlightenment and joyful ecstasy. Strengthening relationships and empowering your sexuality, Shiva Lingam celebrates pleasure found within the shared expression of oneness. LEARN MORE

Stellar Beam Calcite

Growth | Astral Travel | Manifestation

Flooding the aura with its luminous golden glow, Stellar Beam Calcite brings healing to the harmful patterns inhibiting you from moving forward in life. Unlocking cosmic portals for astral travel, it illuminates your journey as you explore the dimensions of the etheric realm. Strengthening your connection to the divine, it creates the foundation for manifesting intentions and experiencing your higher power.



Happiness | Freedom | Abundance

Sunstone brings happiness and joy, even on the gloomiest of days. Breaking through repressed emotion, it assists you in moving beyond old patterns and controlling people that are holding you back from your infinite potential. Enhancing the inner strength to your reclaim independence, Sunstone empowers you to see yourself in a new light with having all you need to create abundance. LEARN MORE


Balance | Awareness | Psychic Vision

Formed by the union of the great cosmos and our beautiful planet, Tektite encompasses a harmonious balance of Yin & Yang forces. A catalyst for spiritual growth, it enhances your awareness by taking you on a journey deep within your self. Strengthening telepathic abilities, it opens transmission to other dimensions for receiving knowledge from beings beyond the physical realm. LEARN MORE

Tiger Eye

Courage | Strength | Wisdom

Tiger Eye inspires you to be fearless in the pursuit of whatever sets your soul on fire. Transforming fear into strength, it empowers you to stand your ground when the going gets tough. Developing a strong will to power through life’s challenges, Tiger Eye provides wisdom and insight to take effective action. LEARN MORE

Tiger Iron

Creativity | Strength | Manifestation

Awakening your inherent talents, Tiger Iron unlocks a creative force that brings all forms of artistic expression into existence. Supercharging the lower chakras, it activates a source of inner strength and fierceness like no other. Rekindling a spark within your spirit and illuminating the true desires of your soul, this energizing stone heightens the willpower to manifest the most beautiful life you can imagine. LEARN MORE

Tourmalinated Quartz

Unity | Protection | Clarity

Embracing the duality of darkness and light, each element emphasizes the qualities of the other, resulting in a perfect balance of complementary forces. Bringing all of the chakras into alignment, Tourmalinated Quartz strengthens the aura to protect from external stressors and psychic attacks. Dissolving emotional blockages and tension from an overactive mind, it heightens your awareness to bring clarity to your thoughts and intentions. LEARN MORE


Creativity | Vitality | Passion

Raising enthusiasm, Vanadinite opens the flow of inspiration to allow your creative endeavours to come into fruition. Boosting vitality, it increases stamina and determination when pursuing your goals. Its fiery energy stimulates the sacral chakra and awakens the physical side of your sensuality. LEARN MORE


Focus | Originality | Inspiration

Setting free the imagination, Wulfenite inspires original thought to formulate a clear plan of action for manifesting your ideas into reality. Encouraging authenticity, it integrates the complexities of your being to determine your divine purpose. A catalyst for inspiration, Wulfenite arouses creativity to emerge new forms of artistic expression. LEARN MORE

Yellow Jasper

Focus | Courage | Strength

Yellow Jasper encourages honest self-reflection to revise your goals and determine your next step. Recognizing that no path is linear, it gathers the courage to change course and continue moving forward at a steady pace. When unforeseen circ*mstances obstruct your journey, it instills strength and perseverance to push through even when you feel like giving up. LEARN MORE

Zebra Calcite

Balance | Confidence | Harmony

Zebra Calcite’s mesmerizing display of the blending and balancing of opposites embraces the necessity of achieving harmony and stability in all aspects of your life. Instilling a strong sense of self, this uplifting stone invites you to embrace all the beautiful quirks and qualities that define your uniqueness. Illuminating other viewpoints to polarizing opinions, it encourages an objective and empathetic approach to arriving at a peaceful resolution. LEARN MORE


Energizing | Creativity | Manifestation

When you are stuck or mentally depleted, Zincite offers an energetic reset. Channeling creativity, it attracts like-minded people and unleashes a free flow of inspiration. Harnessing the power of manifestation, Zincite increases the capacity of your intentions and desires to be realized and brought into being.LEARN MORE

Solar Plexus Chakra Stones (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

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Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.