ring of fire (medecine) (2024)


Senior Member

French - France


I can't find the meaning of this in the following context:
A doctor is waiting for his best friend at the E.R. She's in labour, coming in an ambulance. He goes:
"this is exciting; the labour, dilation, the ring of fire..."

I checked the urban dictionary and ended up with "a medical condition occurring around the anus after eating a spicy meal".
That would be "hémorroïdes", I guess.. (and it would definitely offer a new vision of the famous song!)
I hear that's something that can occur during pregnancy, but I find it strange that he would list it along labour and dilation.
To me, it doesn't just goes along with giving birth as it occurs during the process of pregnancy...

Would anyone concurr?
Thank you.

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In Absentia

Senior Member

UK English

I checked the urban dictionary and ended up with "a

medical condition occurring around the anus after eating a spicy meal".
That would be "hémorroïdes", I guess. ring of fire (medecine) (2)

No not really. It's a slang term for the irritation caused to the anus by the capsaicin in chilli. It's a slightly less rude way of saying "a burning arsehole" but still you wouldn't talk about a ring of fire in that context in polite conversation.

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Senior Member

français - France

Tout simplement "le cercle / l'anneau de feu" au niveau du périnée lors du passage de la tête du bébé.

ring of fire (medecine) (2024)
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