Quick sourdough puff pastry recipe - Sourdough&Olives (2024)

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Quick sourdough puff pastry recipe - Sourdough&Olives (1)

I have made a lot of sourdough crackers lately. Since I first tried to make crackers from my discarded sourdough starter I have been hooked.
But this weekend it was time for a change. There have to be more things you can do with the discard I said to myself, and there is.

Most of you know that you can use the discard for pancakes, waffles, muffins, and much more.
But perhaps not so many of you have tried to make puff pastry, and I think I know why.
Making real puff pastry is a bit tedious and requires time, and not all of us wants to spend that much time on some discarded starter.
But perhaps it’s possible to make a quick version. At least that was what I tried to find out.

There are lots of recipes for puff pastry, most of them with just flour, butter, and water on the internet. I found some based on a sourdough starter as well, but most of them were aiming for croissants, danish pastry and such.
That was not what I was looking for. It was far too complicated and time-consuming.
I just want to do something with my discarded starter, so I don’t have to waste it. I wanted a simplified version of a sourdough puff pastry recipe.

Finally, I found a recipe that I liked. There was no sourdough starter in it, but I liked the method.
I know that there are not many of you who read my blog that understands Swedish, but some of you do, so here is the link.
Normally when you make puff pastry, you roll the butter into the dough in layers. You do that by folding the dough and roll it several times.

Quick sourdough puff pastry recipe - Sourdough&Olives (2)

Quick sourdough puff pastry recipe - Sourdough&Olives (3)

For this puff pastry recipe, you mix half of the butter with the flour and starter. The dough is rolled out into a square. Then you distribute the rest of the butter on one half of the square. I used my cheese grater to cut the butter into thin slices. Fold over the other part of the dough and roll it to an even thickness.
Fold the dough into three parts in one direction and one partin the other direction. You should now have six layers.
Wrap the dough in cling film and let it cool in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes. After that, you can roll the dough into a desired form or thickness.

Quick sourdough puff pastry recipe - Sourdough&Olives (4)

Quick sourdough puff pastry recipe - Sourdough&Olives (5)

Quick sourdough puff pastry recipe - Sourdough&Olives (6)

Quick sourdough puff pastry recipe - Sourdough&Olives (7)

This sourdough puff pastry recipe is a bit rough, and nothing I recommend if you’re planning to make anything more ambitious.
But if you only want to make some quick and easy dessert for yourself and your friends a lazy Sunday afternoon, it may work just fine. It lifts quite a lot after 15 minutes in the oven as you can see in the picture above, but not as much as if you had done it according to a traditional recipe.
After all, it is a simplified variant of puff pastry. The taste, however, isnot simplified at all. Butter tastes good, that’s no news, but combined with all the unique flavors of the sourdough starter makes it even better.

So, if you use towaste you’rediscarded starter, stop doing that immediately. It’s liquid gold.

Quick sourdough puff pastry recipe - Sourdough&Olives (8)

Quick sourdough puff pastry recipe - Sourdough&Olives (9)

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Quick sourdough puff pastry recipe - Sourdough&Olives (10)

A quick puff pastry recipe based on a discarded sourdough starter. The sourdough starter lifts it to another level with its unique flavors.

5 from 1 vote

Course Dessert

Servings 200 gram


  • 80 gram Wheat flour
  • 100 gram sourdough starter discarded, 100% hydration
  • 120 gram butter


  • Note that it's important that all ingredients are cold. Start by mixing the flour, sourdough starter and half of the butter into a dough. Let it rest in the fridge 30 min.

  • Roll out the dough to a square with an even thickness. Distribute the rest of the butter on one half of the square. Use a cheese grater to cut the butter into thin slices

  • Fold over the other part of the dough and roll it to an even thickness.Fold the dough into three parts in one direction and one part in the other direction. You should now have six layers.

  • Wrap the dough in cling film and let it cool in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes. After that, you can roll the dough into a desired form or thickness.


You can freeze the rolled out puff pastry dough for later use. It should be used within 6 months.

Keyword sourdough bread, starter

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Quick sourdough puff pastry recipe - Sourdough&Olives (2024)


What does adding olive oil to sourdough bread do? ›

By adding a little olive oil, this sourdough bread has a softer crust and so much flavor. The olive oil complements the typical sourdough flavor to produce a mellower bread with a beautifully even and moist crumb. Even though this is a high-hydration dough, it is not difficult to make and is very beginner-friendly!

How to activate a sourdough starter? ›

In short, to “activate” each, you simply add flour and water, stir, and wait — that's all there is to feeding a sourdough starter.

Is sourdough bread healthy? ›

All types of sourdough are relatively healthy, says Largeman-Roth, but the healthiest type of bread — sourdough or otherwise — is whole wheat or whole grain. Whole-grain bread is made with flour containing the entire wheat kernel.

What happens if I add honey to sourdough bread? ›

You'll find I use honey in many of my recipes. I love to use it in my no-knead 100% whole wheat sourdough bread because it makes it much softer and less dense than it would be without it. Subbing it in recipes that call for sugar is not usually as simple as a one-to-one sub, though.

Does olive oil stop dough from rising? ›

The oil will not absorb into the flour or the gluten that forms as a result of the fermentation process. All that oil does is give your dough a coating of elasticity. Aside from providing a barrier for your dough throughout the proofing phase, this will not prevent your dough from rising.

How do I know if I killed my sourdough starter? ›

If you think you killed your starter with heat, always use a probe thermometer to take the temperature in the center of the starter. If it is below 130F/54C it is still alive, even if it was exposed to a higher oven temperature for a short time.

Do you have to discard sourdough starter every time you feed it? ›

It would be best if you discarded some portion of your starter each time you feed it unless you want to continue to let it grow. Eventually, you need to discard the used “food” (flour and water) that's been used to sustain your starter during the last fermentation period.

Why does sourdough starter smell like acetone? ›

In some cases, a type of bacteria may be present in your starter – it naturally produces acetone. Acetone is a natural byproduct of fermentation. It's root cause is often difficult to pinpoint and it can come and go over time. In general, if you keep your starter “healthy” the acetone odor will dissipate.

Is sourdough bread anti-inflammatory? ›

The best bread to reduce gut inflammation is bread made from whole grains. Refined grains, such as the grains found in white bread and white pasta, are known to increase inflammation across the whole body. Sourdough bread and rye bread are both good options for an anti-inflammatory diet.

Can diabetics eat sourdough bread? ›

People with diabetes can eat sourdough bread or any other bread that fits into their dietary plan. That said, because sourdough has a lower glycemic index than other bread varieties, it can be a particularly good choice if you're watching your blood sugar levels.

Which is healthier ciabatta or sourdough? ›

Sourdough bread is healthier than traditional ciabatta bread. Ciabatta bread is a popular type of Italian bread, and therefore, is less nutritious than sourdough bread due to the leavening agent used. However, if you are searching for a healthier ciabatta bread, you can choose one made with sourdough or whole grains.

What pairs well with sourdough bread? ›

  • Just about anything you like:
  • Start with some butter (or a healthier spread if you like)
  • Topp with any smoked meats, ham, salami, liver pate, smoked salmon or other smoked fish, cheese, soft or hard etc.
  • On the sweet side, I like some cream cheese topped with a nice jam. ...
  • Fried egg, ba...
Mar 25, 2024

Is olive oil good with sourdough bread? ›

Yes you can brush the top of your sourdough bread with olive before baking. This can give you a more golden color and enhance the flavor of the crust. Does olive oil make dough softer? Yes - adding olive oil to sourdough bread will result in a softer crust and crumb.

Should you toast sourdough bread? ›

Toasted sourdough bread may sound like a delight, but can cause a rise in blood sugar levels due to its carbohydrate content. However, the extent to which it affects blood sugar levels can vary depending on the type of bread, the amount consumed, and an individual's metabolic response.

What does olive oil do in bread making? ›

Most breads are made from just four simple ingredients: flour, yeast, salt and water. However, you can use olive oil to replace some or all of the water in order to add more flavor to your yeast-risen breads.

Is sourdough bread dipped in olive oil healthy? ›

Sourdough, Olive Oil, and Mediterranean Diet

The olive oil -a traditional staple of the Mediterranean diet and one of its most delicious, as well as health-promoting components- boosts flavor, adds moisture and volume to the bread.

Do Italians put olive oil on their bread? ›

Although you might be used to a pre-dinner snack of bread, olive oil and balsamic vinegar at home or in your local Italian restaurant, it's not actually an Italian tradition. In Italy, bread is typically eaten with other food (although not with other starchy foods like pasta, rice or polenta).

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