Easy scones recipe (from 6 months+) (2024)

Some things in life are useful to know, especially when faced with on-the-edge situations.

For example, knowing how to swim. I don’t know how to, nobody taught me and I hope to God I won’t be in the position to need this skill.

Unlike swimming, I recently learned a easy scones recipe that uses only 3 basic ingredients and is easily adaptable to whatever you have on hand, provided you stick to the foundation ratio of 3-1-2.

In sticky situations like “what-do-I-make-for-breakfast-that-doesn’t-take-ages”, scones are the easy way out.

For more 3 ingredient recipes, I have gathered 30+ in a collection available as an ebook. For more details, click on the image below.

Easy scones recipe (from 6 months+) (2)

Wait, is there a foolproof basic easy scones recipe?

Yes, and you only need to remember 3 digits to make it work for you, always.

You will need:

  • 3 parts self-raising flour
  • 1 part fat (usually cold diced butter)
  • 2 parts liquid (usually milk)

Let’s have a closer look at each of these elements. And get your oven heating up, as you will be making these before you know it.

The dry ingredient: flour

Ideally, self-raising is best, as it already has the raising agent already incorporated.

However, I always have plain flour in the house and I can easily make it self-raising if I want to.

Roughly, for 100g of plain flour I add 1 teaspoon baking powder to make it self-raising.

I would advise making these with white flour first, so that you get used to the right consistency and how it should feel and look like.

Then, you are free to substitute this partially with ground oats and other types of flour that you might have in the house, like wholewheat or spelt. Just bear in mind the liquid might need adjusting, depending on the absorption degree of a particular flour. I wouldn’t recommend replacing 100% of the white flour, though.

The fat ingredient: cold diced butter

I haven’t made these with anything other than butter, because it gives them the richness and fluffyness that is specific to this type of bake or quick bread.

The butter is rubbed in using your fingertips, so it will get a bit messy, but given the quickness of this scones recipe, it is worth it.

I have read suggestions of substituting butter with shortening or lard, but it will affect texture so it is worth experimenting first.

The wet ingredient

This is the easiest ingredient to substitute, especially if your little one has a dairy intolerance or allergy.

I find milk the easiest and tastiest, but you can use water, juice, or other types of dairy like buttermilk, kefir or sana; even yogurt. Start with a 1:1 substitution and go from there.

For extra protein and nutritional boost, you can also substitute part of the liquid with eggs, bearing in mind that one egg is roughly 50g in weight.

Easy scones recipe (from 6 months+) (3)

What else can I put in this scone recipe?

The great part of this type of bake is that you can make it sweet or savoury.

I went for blueberries here, cause I had a lot to go through and prevent waste, but here’s what you can also use:

  • other sweet stuff, like raisins, sultanas, chocolate chips, nuts and so on
  • savoury things, like grated cheddar, chopped vegetables and so on

Any filling that works with muffins should work here too. But try to keep them at a minimum to avoid soggy scones and any fillings with excessive moisture should be squeezed first.

The mixing

The key to fluffy and well risen scones is not to overmix after adding the liquid.

When you see no more dry patches of flour in your dough, you stop mixing.

Also, it is best if you use a knife to help with mixing, instead of a wooden or stainless steel spoon, as you don’t want to lose the air that you incorporate when mixing the dough.

How to bake the scones

The oven needs to be hot.

Hotter than your usual cake or muffin bakes.

200 Celcius in a fan oven is equivalent to 220 Celsius in an electric oven and 450F in Fahrenheit.

Because the oven is so hot, the bake itself is not very long. About 15 minutes gives them the right colour, but feel free to extend it to 20 minutes if you feel like it. Just pay attention so that they don’t burn.

Get ready, set, let’s bake some scones!

With all these being said, you can find the exact quantities I used below. I had 7 scones in the end.

You can go a step further and brush with milk or beaten egg on top, but sometimes… less is more.

Less faff, more time for you.

If you want to see a video walkthrough of this recipe, you can do so at the link below.


Happy baking!



P.S. Fancy another basic recipe? Then have a look at the basic waffles recipe here. Plenty of options to turn it into something sweet or savoury.

More great bakes from the blog

  • Apple pudding
  • Blueberry galette
  • Carrot muffins
  • 3 ingredients yogurt cake

I write weekly emails where I talk about cooking/baking for my two kids, about leftovers and food waste, but also the latest recipe developments that go on in my head. It is called Weaningful’s Kitchen, and if you fancy getting it in your inbox, leave your email address here and you’ll get the next email. Thank you!

Easy scones recipe (from 6 months+) (4)

Yield: 7

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes

Using the 3-1-2 baking ratio, you will never fail at scones ever again.


  • 300g (2 US cups) self-raising flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 100g (1/4 cups + 3 tbsp) cold butter, diced
  • 200g milk (1 US cup)
  • 150g (1 US cup) blueberries


  1. Whisk the flour and baking powder together in a bowl.
  2. Using your fingers, rub the butter in the flour until resembles breadcrumbs.
  3. Add the milk, then the blueberries and mix using a knife, until you can't see anymore dry spots of flour.
  4. Take your dough and spread it on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, until it is 2cm thick.
  5. Cut into triangles or circles and spread them a bit so air can circulate in between.
  6. (Optional) Brush with extra milk or beaten egg on top.
  7. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 200C(fan)/220C(electric)/425F/Gas mark 7.


1. If no self-raising flour, use plain flour + 3 teaspoons baking powder

2. If no blueberries, you can find other ideas in the blog post above or you can leave plain.

Nutrition Information:

Yield: 7Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 94Total Fat: 2gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 7mgSodium: 98mgCarbohydrates: 15gFiber: 0gSugar: 0gProtein: 3g

Easy scones recipe (from 6 months+) (8)
Easy scones recipe (from 6 months+) (2024)


What is the secret to making good scones? ›

Top tricks I learnt from the experts for baking perfect scones:
  • Resist the twist.
  • Use frozen butter.
  • Don't overwork the dough.
  • Freeze the dough. ...
  • Create rise and shine.
  • Follow this recipe.
  • Reduce the juice.
  • Fresh is best.
May 10, 2024

What to avoid when making scones? ›

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Baking Scones
  1. Using anything but cold ingredients. The secret to the flakiest scones is to start with cold ingredients — cold butter, cold eggs, and cold cream. ...
  2. Only using all-purpose flour. ...
  3. Overmixing the dough. ...
  4. Not chilling the dough before baking. ...
  5. Baking them ahead of time.
May 1, 2019

How far in advance can you make scones? ›

Make scone dough up to three days ahead. Shape into 3/4"-thick disks, wrap in plastic, and refrigerate until ready to cut and bake. To freeze unbaked scone dough, shape into individual drop scones or disks (cut into wedges but not separated).

Why are my scones not fluffy? ›

Many quick scone recipes recommend self-raising flour, which contains a leavening agent that helps achieve the desired rise. Without this leavening agent, scones can become dense and heavy. However, you can opt for plain flour and add the appropriate amount of baking powder to your mix.

What type of flour is best for scones? ›

We recommend using all-purpose flour. There is some debate as to what flour one should use to go around achieving the perfect scone. This is because within different flours comes different levels of protein.

Is it better to make scones with butter or oil? ›

(A fat is saturated when it is solid at room temperature, like butter, margarine or shortening.) Light Scones contain just 0.3 gram of saturated fat, and 3.6 grams of total fat. In baking, you can generally substitute half the amount of oil as the butter or margarine called for.

Why do you refrigerate scones before baking? ›

Keep scone dough as cold as possible. To avoid over-spreading, I recommend chilling the shaped scones for at least 15 minutes in the refrigerator before baking. In fact, you can even refrigerate overnight for a quick breakfast in the morning! Bake until golden brown.

Why do you put eggs in scones? ›

Scones can be made either with self-raising flour or with plain flour and baking powder. Sweet scones and cheese scones have an egg added to enrich them. Both will rise but whatever scone you make its important that they are handled lightly and not rolled too thinly.

How long should you rest scones before baking? ›

Leave your scones to rest on the tray for about 10 minutes before brushing the tops with some extra milk. Bake in your pre-heated oven for 10 minutes.

How to get scones to rise higher? ›

Once you've cut out your scone shapes, flip them over and place upside down on the baking tray. This will help them rise evenly and counteract any 'squashing' that happened when you cut out the dough. Perfect scones should rise to about 2 inches high.

Should you sift flour for scones? ›

First and foremost, brilliant scones are about having the confidence to do as little as possible. The less you knead the mix, the less the gluten will tighten up – which means your scones will stay loose and crumbly, rather than tight and springy. Make sure you sieve the flour and baking powder into your bowl.

Why are my scones heavy and dense? ›

My scones have a dense, heavy texture and poor volume

You may have used too little raising agent or over handled the dough before it was baked. The oven may have been too cool.

Should you chill scone dough before baking? ›

Keep scones cold before putting them in the oven: For best results, chill the mixture in the fridge before baking, this will help to stiffen up the butter again, which will stop your scones from slumping as soon as they hit the oven's heat.

What are the qualities of a perfect scone? ›

Among the myriad baked goods in the breakfast pastry canon, scones are uniquely delicious in their humble simplicity. The best scones have a crisp, slightly caramelized exterior and a tender, buttery, just-sweet interior. They can be dressed up with a glaze, studded with fruit or nuts, or gently spiced.

What is the best raising agent for scones and why? ›

As well as the raising agent in the flour, baking powder adds a bit of lift to scones. Baking powder is a convenient choice as it is a ready-mixed leavening agent, generally made of bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar (usually some cornflour too).

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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