About UHN eLearning and Online Learning Services (2024)

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      About UHN eLearning and Online Learning Services (4)


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      About UHN eLearning and Online Learning Services (6)


      MyLearning is available to all UHN paid employees, un-paid appointeesand all physicians. All legally mandated training may be completed via this system.

      Registration for additional learning opportunities can be found in the library.

      For short-term, temporary account(s) for users that are not UHN employees/appointees, request MyLearning Temp access via the Service Now catalogue item titled "UHN MyLearning Access" or by clicking the link below:

      Service Catalog - Service Portal (service-now.com)

      Additional important notes:

      • An active network account (tID) is required for MyLearning Temp access
      • A UHN Cost Center or Functional Cost Center (FCC) is required for approval
      • There will be a charge of $12 for each individual active MyLearning license for external users who require MyLearning access for the purpose of completing training. Eg. EPIC
      • Notices will be sent to both the submitter and approver once the MyLearning license has been granted
      • Due to privacy and security reasons, only users with UHN emails will receive notices
      • Existing temp account holders will access MyLearning the same as staff with their network credentials (tID and password)
      • Subject Matter Experts are the designated contacts to support their respective groups in obtaining Mylearning Temp access

      Research staff

      All Research staff (employees and appointees) have access to MyLearning to complete all the required Legally Mandated Training eLearning courses.

      Please contact your Supervisor/Manager for any additional training required for your specific position with UHN.Other training can be accessed through theResearch Training page.

      Help and Support

      Contact the Help Desk
      Phone: 416 340 4800 ext. 4357 (HELP)
      Email: help@uhn.ca

      Supported Web Browsers
      MyLearning is matched to the UHN standard browser, Internet Explorer 11.

      Refer to our comprehensive list of User Guides and Video Tutorials for help using MyLearning.


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      About UHN eLearning and Online Learning Services (2024)


      What is the difference between eLearning and online learning? ›

      Similarly, while eLearning does not require teachers and students to be online at the same time, lessons during online learning are conducted in real-time. As such, students and teachers can communicate through the online platform via audio, video, or/and interactive whiteboard features.

      What is eLearning for health? ›

      e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) is a HEE programme, working in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies, to support patient care by providing e-learning to educate and train the health and social care workforce.

      What is the purpose of eLearning portal? ›

      An eLearning portal is a website that offers learners interaction and collaboration on eLearning content like courses, presentations, podcasts and tests as well as content management for eLearning providers.

      How does eLearning work? ›

      E-learning -- also called electronic learning or web-based training -- is anywhere, anytime instruction delivered over the internet or a corporate intranet to students and other learners via a browser.

      What are the disadvantages of eLearning in healthcare? ›

      However, a lack of clinical skills is a major disadvantage of e-learning, and others include lack of interaction, lack of concentration and more of theoretical.

      What are the benefits of a learning healthcare system? ›

      In a learning health system, internal data and experience are systematically integrated with external evidence and that knowledge is put into practice. As a result, patients get higher quality, safer, more efficient care, and healthcare delivery organization become better places to work.

      Why do you need eLearning? ›

      It's cost-effective because you can deliver training virtually, without the hefty expenses. eLearning is a budget-saver. No more printing workbooks or booking venues. With eLearning, materials can be reproduced without a hitch, and learners can use their own devices.

      What is the main aim of eLearning? ›

      The Major Goals Of eLearning

      Meet the learning style or needs of students. Improve the efficiency and effectiveness. Improve user-accessibility and time flexibility to engage learners in the learning process.

      What is the purpose of the online portal? ›

      A portal is a web-based platform that serves as a gateway to information, services, and resources on the internet. It provides a centralized location for users to access various applications, data, and tools from different sources.

      What is the aim of the eLearning management system? ›

      The main purpose of a Learning Management System (LMS) is to optimize and enhance the learning process, by creating ease for both instructors and learners, enabling mobile and self-paced learning, monitoring and reporting learner progress and saving precious resources by removing manual and redundant tasks.

      Is eLearning good or bad? ›

      Online courses ultimately enable you to achieve your professional and educational goals in a manner that fits your schedule. Another great benefit of online classes is that you can learn at your own pace. Some individuals learn quickly, while others take more time to understand new concepts and ideas.

      What are the positive effects of eLearning? ›

      E-learning is not only easily accessed, but the content is quicker to get through as well. In fact, statistics show that the actual time required for students to learn is reduced by up to 60% in comparison to traditional learning methods!

      Is online learning good or bad? ›

      While an online method of education can be a highly effective alternative medium of education for the mature, self-disciplined student, it is an inappropriate learning environment for more dependent learners.

      What is the difference between eLearning M learning and online learning? ›

      eLearning courses are designed for people who have a good internet connection at the office or home. While mlearning uses tablets or smartphones, eLearning is not limited to tablets or smartphones. There are varied platforms where you can access eLearning courses. These courses are generally available online.

      What's the difference between online and digital learning? ›

      This means that online courses, conducting internet research, even watching online videos, or using digital tools and devices face-to-face with their teacher in a traditional classroom are all considered digital learning. It differs from online learning in that the latter only involves learning through the internet.

      What counts as eLearning? ›

      E-learning is learning from a course or part of a course that is delivered electronically. You access this form of digital learning live online or at your own pace via recorded material. E-learning is varied, provided through video, audio, text, or a combination.

      What is the difference between eLearning and e training? ›

      Training focuses on developing specific skills that enable the employee to perform certain tasks, operations or processes. Continuous training helps employees brush up skills and keep up to date on any changes. On the other hand, eLearning is about acquiring knowledge so that it can be applied in unexpected situations.

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      Author: Neely Ledner

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      Author information

      Name: Neely Ledner

      Birthday: 1998-06-09

      Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

      Phone: +2433516856029

      Job: Central Legal Facilitator

      Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

      Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.