8 Solar Plexus Chakra Stones for Transformation & Personal Power (2024)

INSIDE:The solar plexus is the energy center that controls our personal power, transformation, and independence. Balancing it with solar plexus chakra stones helps us to be authentic and confident in who we are.

The solar plexus chakra is the third energy center in the body. It is locatedat the diaphragm (upper abdomen).

It manages oursense of self; therefore it directs our self-confidence, our authenticity, and our ability to transform and manifest the life we desire.

This chakra is one of the lower chakras, however it is closest to the heart chakra, so it brings us inward to contemplate how we interact with what is outside of us. It is associated with the fire element and the color yellow.

Color - Yellow

Element - Fire

Main Functions - Personal Power, Independence, Responsibility, Transformation, Manifestation, Confidence, and Personal Growth

Areas of the Body - Digestive System, Pancreas, Adrenals, Liver, Gall Bladder

What You Need to Know About the Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is the energy center that fuels the body inside and out with light, radiance, and power. It governs our personality, otherwise known as our sense of self or our ego.

Our opinions, beliefs, and personal power are all tied to this chakra. That means, it has a lot to do with how we feel about ourselves and the people around us.

The level of confidence, willpower, and independence we feel is associated with the solar plexus, as is our sense of purpose and our drive for personal growth.

The solar plexus chakra is a warrior energy that can make us feel like we can take on the world when it is properly balanced. On the other hand, it can lead to self-loathing and control issues when out of balance.

When we strive to manifest changes in our lives, we need to make sure our solar plexus chakra is ready to support us. If it is, we will experiencethe decision-making, self-discipline, and strength we need to achieve our goals.

8 Solar Plexus Chakra Stones for Transformation & Personal Power (1)

What a Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra Looks Like

When the solar plexus chakra is healthy and balanced, we will have the confidence and personal power we need to move our lives forward. We'll be able to effortlessly reach our goals and manifest what we want in our lives.

Our relationships will beharmonious because they will be a reflection of the love we have for ourselves.

It will be easy for us toset clear intentions,make decisions, and take actions that bring us positive changes. We'll be able to lean on our gut intuition to guide us in everything that we do.

Although we'll be able to take control of our lives, we won't feel the need to control things. We'll feel as though we have internal power in our external world. We'll be living responsibly as we are driven with a sense of purpose.

Solar plexus energy is proactive instead of reactive. It gives us the personal strength to overcome challenges that get in the way of our life direction. You'll feel radiant as you honor yourself with self-care practices.

What an Unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra Looks Like

When the solar plexus chakra is out of balance, we often experiencelow self-confidence and self-worth. We may lack a sense of identity and purpose, therefore wearen'tmotivated to grow and change.

A blocked solar plexus can make it hard for us to make a decision. It's easy to feel insecure and to get manipulated by others. We may experience control issues,which could lead to feeling helpless, or on the other end, obsessive about things that don't really matter.

It can lead toirresponsibility, issues with priorities, and having an excessive amount of judgement for yourself and others. A fear of rejection is common, as is being overly sensitive to criticism.

If you find yourself being unable to stand up for what you believe in or overreacting to your circ*mstances, and feeling stressed as a result, it's very likely that your solar plexus is out of balance.

Symptoms of a Blocked Solar Plexus

As you've seen above, when there is a blockage in the solar plexus chakra, it can have dramatic effects on our self-worth and on what we are able to get out of life.

Here's a concise list of what might occur so that you will easily know when your solar plexus chakra needs rebalancing...

Physical Symptoms

  • Digestive issues
  • Weight gain/imbalanced metabolism
  • Sugar cravings
  • Blood sugar issues
  • Acid reflux
  • IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
  • Nausea
  • Feeling drained or depleted
  • Depression
  • Insomnia

Mental & Emotional Symptoms

  • Frustration
  • Anger
  • Stress
  • Perfectionism
  • Irresponsibility
  • Control issues
  • Obsessiveness
  • Unable to make a decision
  • Feeling stuck
  • Low self-image
  • Lack of motivation
  • Not being able to trust your gut
  • Not taking care of yourself
  • Lack of self-acceptance or self-understanding
  • Issues with social status
  • Unable to manifest what you want
  • Everything feels difficult

8 Solar Plexus Chakra Stones for Transformation & Personal Power (3)

The 8 Best Solar Plexus Chakra Stones

Healing stones are one of the most effective tools for optimizing the function of the solar plexus chakra. Here are the bestsolar plexus chakra stones to do the job...


Citrine is a one of the first solar plexus chakra stones most people think of because its energy matches that of a balanced solar plexus. It brings us feelings of empowerment, confidence, and optimism.

It captures the energy of the sun, uplifting us and helping us to experience more joy and happiness. By working to remove the fears that hold us back, Citrine widens our perspective and raises our vibration. We'll feel a boost of physical energy as a result, as well as the mental push we need to manifest our dreams.

Yellow Jasper

Yellow Jasper is a solar plexus chakra stone that provides the self-esteem, courage, and motivation we need to move forward in our lives. As a stone of protection, it attracts positive energy to us and brings us more joy.

With its ability to promote harmony between the body and spirit, it provides a deep sense ofinner peace, calming our nerves and emotions. It also helps to reduce misunderstandings and increase stamina.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eyebalances the solar plexus with its protective, grounding, and cleansing energy. Known as the Stone of Courage, it helps to remove fears and inspire confidence in us so that we can move past our obstacles and take risks.

It is one of the best solar plexus chakra stones for helping us access our gut intuition. It also replenishes our energy and improves our willpower.

Physically, Tiger's Eye supports the digestive system and works to reduce food cravings.


Pyrite is a good luck stone that promotes wealth, prosperity, and abundance by improving our creative and manifesting powers. It boosts our emotional strength, inspires personal growth, and helps us to feel confident in our own decisions.

Pyrite supports us with the energy of motivation and self-discovery, driving us to move forward in our lives and to have the courage to transform.

Through positive decision-making, reduced doubt, andprotection from negative energy and thoughts that keep us stuck, this powerful stone helps us persevere and reach our goals.

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz is an empowering crystal that brings out our authenticity by helping us to better understand ourselves. It's light and joyful energy motivates us to dothe tasks we don't like doing.

When we use this solar plexus chakra stone, we feel uplifted as it cleanses our soul, works to heal us on an emotional level, and sparks our gut intuition. With its help, we can learn to make choices that are based on our true personal needs and find solutions from a new perspective.

Yellow Quartz

Yellow Quartz is another solar plexus chakra stone that has a sunny disposition, bringing us a light, happy, vibrant energy that makes us feel alive. It has transformative powers, and we can tap into that energy to come up with creative new solutions that allow us to manifest the changes we desire.

This crystal brings us clarity, optimism, and a strong life-force. It helps us to see our self-worth and to make confident, positive decisions.

Physically, it supports our digestion, metabolism, and provides relief from burnout.


Bronzite is a lower chakra stone that balances the solar plexus with its motivating, hopeful, transformative energy. Known as the Stone of Focused Action, this crystal is here to align your thoughts and actions and help you follow through in a way that makes goal attainment easy.

By decreasing self-doubt and self-defeating thoughts, Bronzite improves our belief in ourselves, which helps to put an end to indecisiveness, negativity, and a lack of self control. It gives us theemotional strength we need to go with the flow and handle difficult situations.

It also supports the digestive system.

Leopardskin Jasper

Leopardskin Jasper is another lower chakra stone that benefits the solar plexus chakra with a strong, magnetic, and harmonious energy. It supports our true needs and protects us as we chase after our dreams.

The healing properties of Leopardskin Jasper work to reduceself-defeating habits, reveals all of our choices, and pushes us toward personal growth.It supports us withlight-hearted motivation, especially when it comes to improving our finances.

Physically, it promotes healthy detoxification and digestion, as well as the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, and spleen.

8 Solar Plexus Chakra Stones for Transformation & Personal Power (12)

Other Solar Plexus Chakra Solutions

Aside from solar plexus chakra stones, there are many other ways to optimize the solar plexus chakra. Some of them include:

  • Essential Oils - Lemon, Chamomile, Cedarwood, Rosemary, Bergamot, Sage, Juniper, Geranium, Saffron, Ginger, Cinnamon, Clove
  • Yoga Poses - Sun Salutations & Warrior Pose
  • Practice trusting your gut
  • Engage in self-care practices
  • Wear yellow clothes
  • Meditation
  • Spend time in the sun
  • Have a campfire or light a fire in a fireplace
  • Recite affirmations for self-love
  • Drink a citrine elixir
  • Eat bananas, sunflower seeds, brown rice, lentils, oats, yellow and orange peppers, sweet potatoes, lemons, yellow pears, squash, and corn

The Takeaway

By working to balance your solar plexus chakra, you will be able to stand in your power and manifest the life you desire. And the solar plexus chakra stones we've outlined are one of the most effective ways to do that.

Read more about all of the chakras:

* Crystals and stones should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment.Please read our full disclosure notice here.

8 Solar Plexus Chakra Stones for Transformation & Personal Power (14)

8 Solar Plexus Chakra Stones for Transformation & Personal Power (15)

8 Solar Plexus Chakra Stones for Transformation & Personal Power (16)

8 Solar Plexus Chakra Stones for Transformation & Personal Power (2024)


8 Solar Plexus Chakra Stones for Transformation & Personal Power? ›

The stones for the solar plexus chakra are Citrine, Amber, Calcite, Tigers Eye, Pyrite, Yellow Jasper, Yellow Topaz, Agate, Yellow Tourmaline, Lemon Quartz, and Sunstone. They help to clear out blockages from the solar plexus and bring strength, determination, and self-esteem.

What stone helps the solar plexus chakra? ›

The stones for the solar plexus chakra are Citrine, Amber, Calcite, Tigers Eye, Pyrite, Yellow Jasper, Yellow Topaz, Agate, Yellow Tourmaline, Lemon Quartz, and Sunstone. They help to clear out blockages from the solar plexus and bring strength, determination, and self-esteem.

What chakra is associated with personal power? ›

The solar plexus or naval chakra, called Manipura, is our center of personal power. It influences our self-esteem, inner drive and sense of worth.

What stone gives power? ›

One of the best things about red jasper is that the energy it is said to give off is one that is grounded in confidence and power, rather than the high-strung anxiety that can sometimes accompany a surge of adrenaline. This stone can help you feel steadily focused and awake.

What trauma is stored in the solar plexus? ›

Solar Plexus Chakra Traumas: Powerlessness and Tyranny

Solar Plexus Chakra traumas stem from encounters with societal forces that push us to the brink of breakdown.

How do you awaken the solar plexus chakra? ›

Yoga poses for solar plexus chakra:
  1. Dhanurasana (bow pose)
  2. Kapalabhati pranayama or breath of fire.
  3. High Lunge Twist with Anjali mudra (prayer pose)
  4. Parvritta Trikonasana (revolved triangle pose)
  5. Vajroli Mudra.
  6. Bhujangasana (cobra pose)

What happens when you unblock your solar plexus chakra? ›

As you work to align the solar plexus chakra, you will allow for the trapped energy to move more freely through the body, creating a higher sense of purpose and allowing you to better understand your personal identity.

Which chakra gives you power? ›

Manipura Chakra - Solar Plexus

The position of Manipura is listed as being behind the navel at the solar plexus region. Chakra Manipura is the epicenter of will-power or “Icha shakti,” verve and accomplishment. It is said to radiate Prana throughout the body.

What happens when the solar plexus chakra is activated? ›

The solar plexus governs your confidence, your personal power and all matters of growth, so when you are truly activated in the solar plexus, you release any worry about what people think of you, and you are able to focus on growth (whatever that means for you).

Which chakra makes you mentally strong? ›

“The root chakra is the foundation of all other energy centers, so ensuring it's well balanced and unblocked from negative energies is of utmost importance to your overall physical, mental, and spiritual well-being,” says Laura Konst, Complementary Medical Association certified chakra and crystal healer.

Which stone is most powerful? ›

Amethyst is the most powerful gemstone that helps you connect with divine energy. In ancient times, this purple stone was used to get rid of drunkenness and promote mental peace. Amethyst and black tourmaline are the best crystal combinations that help stimulate inner strength.

What is the power infinity stone? ›

Housed in the Orb hidden on the planet Morag, the Power Stone is capable of increasing the user's strength and destroy entire civilizations with a single blast. However, the Stone is too much for most mortal beings to physically handle because its power will destroy them on contact.

What emotion blocks the solar plexus? ›

- Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalance: Low self-esteem, lack of confidence, feeling powerless, or an inability to assert oneself.

What organ is connected to the solar plexus? ›

Your solar plexus, or celiac plexus, is a compilation of nerves and ganglia that is located in your abdomen near the diaphragm and behind your aorta. This nerve center is responsible for the functioning of your abdominal organs like the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder as well as mediating your body's stress response.

Which chakra holds PTSD? ›

Vishudha Chakra is located at the throat and governs self expression. Those who suffer from PTSD as a result of emotional abuse often have blockages in their Vishudha Chakra, causing fear around speaking, self expression, and perhaps could be related to a sufferer having a hard time seeking out help.

How can I strengthen my solar plexus chakra? ›

How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra
  1. Spend time around heat.
  2. Whisper positive affirmations to yourself.
  3. Wear the color yellow.
  4. Eat yellow foods.
  5. Boost your confidence with aromatherapy.
  6. Do heat-building yoga poses.
  7. Follow a chakra meditation.
  8. Do small acts of kindness.

What heals the solar plexus? ›

Meditation and Mindfulness:

When energy is blocked or stagnant in this area, it can lead to feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem, and lack of confidence. Through meditation, you can visualize energy flowing freely through the solar plexus, which helps remove blockages and restore balance.

What blocked solar plexus chakra? ›

It is associated with willpower, self-confidence and emotions. The manipura chakra is often blocked by negative emotions and lack of self-confidence, which can lead to digestive disorders and low self-esteem. Fortunately, lithotherapy can help unblock and balance the solar plexus.

What stone is used to clear chakras? ›

AMETHYST - Crown - Spiritual stone, providing purifying, healing and protective energies to help clear, open and balance the Crown. SODALITE - Third Eye - Help to think more clearly and logically whilst providing a sense of inner peace. Enhances self esteem and belief.

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