10 Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure | Vibrant Happy Healthy (2024)

Everything you need to heal, maintain and enhance your body can be found in nature. Smoothies for high blood pressure are made up of pure, wholesome ingredients that are brought to you by nature. Often, health problems arise when we don’t consume enough of the medicine provided for us by the earth and instead rely on man-made products.

Those man-made products may taste good but are for entertainment purposes only, much like reading comic books instead of your math textbook when you’re trying to learn fractions. Man-made stuff like candy and cola don’t contain the nutrition your body needs to stay balanced and do things like regulating your blood pressure.

Why Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure?

10 Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure | Vibrant Happy Healthy (1)Blood pressure is a measure of the pressure of your blood against your arteries. If the pressure at which your blood pumping is too high, it is dangerous. High pressure is placed on your blood vessels and your heart which can lead to a host of medical problems including heart attack and stroke.

Blood pressure is measured on two levels, when your heart is beating and the moments in between. The beating measure is called systolic while the resting is diastolic. A normal blood pressure reading for adults is less than 120 over 80. Anything over that is a cause for concern and if you hit 140 systolic and more than 90 diastolic than you are moving into serious health problem territory.

Being aware of your blood pressure rates is important because high blood pressure can be managed before it develops into something more serious. This management can include a healthy lifestyle that includes smoothies for high blood pressure as well as further management of other dietary and lifestyle choices. Always consult your medical professional if you have any concerns about your blood pressure and health.

Risk factors for developing high blood pressure include the following:

  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • High cholesterol
  • Inactivity
  • Diet high in sodium
  • Diet high in fats
  • Diet high in sugars
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol

There are also factors such as age, family history, gender and other illnesses like chronic kidney disease and sleep apnea that can increase your chances of developing high blood pressure.

How High Blood Pressure Smoothies Can Help

If you eat a diet high in nutrient factor and low in the gunk like trans and saturated fats, you can be able to balance your blood pressure. For some people experiencing high blood pressure, the condition can be controllable with diet and lifestyle changes. However, always remember to consult your physician before making any diet and lifestyle changes.

Consuming smoothies for high blood pressure means you are getting a glass full of goodness that will start to balance your body’s nutrient levels. Balancing those levels can calm that blood pressure down to the state that it needs to be. The more you consume the good stuff, the less pressure you put on your heart and body, and that means your blood can begin to pump at a normal level.

The high pressure is a sign of something gone wrong. It is often a result of the lifestyle that you lead and thankfully you may be able to manage it by making the right choices. If you are here and reading this, then you have decided to do that and that’s great. We have created these smoothies for high blood pressure so you can help regulate your body so the pressure may start to cease.

Eating a whole foods diet is key to reducing your high blood pressure and then you’ve also got to get your lifestyle in check by reducing contaminants and stress. Incorporate these high blood pressure smoothies into your life and take those same food values to other meals in your day.

A smoothie for high blood pressure is not just that, the ingredients in the smoothie should give you an idea of what you should be including in your overall diet.

Additional Tips on Lowering High Blood Pressure

Incorporate movement into your daily activities. You don’t have to start pumping muscle, but make sure you do at least 30 minutes of movement every day. This movement could come in the form of a brisk walk, a yoga session, dancing around your house while you cook or clean or something as simple as always taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Be aware of the movement your body needs and incorporate this into your day-to-day life.

High blood pressure may be controlled if you make better lifestyle decisions and drinking a smoothie for high blood pressure daily can help you do that.

Ok, let’s go!

Smoothie Recipes for High Blood Pressure

Learning you have high blood pressure can be alarming but think of it as your body’s warning mechanism. This is an opportunity to revamp your whole dietary lifestyle. You may get your blood pressure down to where it needs to be by optimizing your health and wellness choices. First off, you need to consult your physician to understand exactly where you are on the blood pressure spectrum. Your physician can advise you as to what steps you need to take.

As a part of a healthy lifestyle, you should increase healthy fats, fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals well reducing bad carbohydrates and sodium. Here we go with a batch of smoothies you can include in your diet to help regulate your blood pressure. You can also take a cue from the ingredients in these smoothies when designing the rest of your meals.

1. Vitamin C Smoothie to Lower Blood Pressure

10 Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure | Vibrant Happy Healthy (2)Serves: 2

Preparation Time: 10 mins.

Studies have shown that vitamin C reduces both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. It is believed a lot of this may have to do with it being a trigger to enhanced production of nitric oxide which helps to dilate vessels.

To see some quick effects from Vitamin C, increase its intake and reap the benefits of its diuretic qualities. The diuretic effect is that you may quickly get rid of water and sodium from your kidneys which will reduce overall pressure.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and in turn, provides overall health benefits like protecting your cells by ensuring free radicals are destroyed. This amazing smoothie packs a C punch so you may help your vessels relax, regain and retain their health while ensuring your whole body is benefitting too.


  • 1 large orange, rind-removed, segmented.
  • 1 lemon, rind-removed, segmented
  • 1 banana, peeled
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 cup ice


  1. Place your ingredients into your blender in the order you see them in the ingredients list.
  2. Mix until nice and smooth.

2. Flax Oat Smoothie

10 Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure | Vibrant Happy Healthy (3)Serves: 2

Preparation Time: 10 mins.

One of the keys to lowering blood pressure is to ensure your blood sugar level is not going crazy. When you include high fiber foods in your diet, you help ensure a steady flow of your macronutrients is helping your system. This steady flow ensures that your blood sugar doesn’t spike and you have an even amount of energy moving through you all day. This way of consuming also ensures that you are full for longer so you don’t ingest any unnecessary calories which leads to obesity, which is one of the major factors that lead to the development of high blood pressure.


  • ½ frozen banana
  • ½ cup prepared oatmeal
  • 2 tbsp flaxseed
  • 3-4 almonds
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ cup almond milk
  • ½ cup ice


  1. Place your ingredients into your blender in the order you see them in the ingredients list.
  2. Mix until nice and smooth.

3. Sleepy Cardamom Smoothie to Lower Blood Pressure

10 Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure | Vibrant Happy Healthy (4)Serves: 2

Preparation Time: 10 mins.

High stress can be one of those things that keeps that high blood pressure in gear regardless of what else you do. You need to relax, you need to have a good quality of sleep so you can relax your whole body and your blood pressure. Try this smoothie out a few hours before you settle into bed. Cardamom is an old-world spice that has anti-depressant effects and relaxes you.

When you drink it, the ingredients can soothe your body and muscles and lull you into a looser state of being so it is not just easier to get into sleep but into a better night’s sleep. A good night of rest can work wonders on the pressure of your blood and the pressure you put on your whole body.


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 cardamom pod
  • 1 cup steamed milk, cooled


  1. Place ingredients in your blender in the order that you see them on the list.
  2. Mix until smooth.

4. Smoothie to “Beet” High Blood Pressure

10 Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure | Vibrant Happy Healthy (5)Serves: 2

Preparation Time: 10 mins.

The beetroot looks beautiful but isn’t on the top of many people’s list when it comes to dining or creating smoothies for lowering blood pressure or anything else. But you would be wrong to dismiss this gorgeous purple circle of goodness. Beets contain a high amount of nitrate and nitric acid thathave been proved to be a blood pressure reducer. So including this vibrant veggie in not only your smoothies but also your meal sides could prove to be a healthy addition.


  • 1 medium-sized beetroot, peeled, chopped
  • 1 cup spinach, washed
  • ½ apple
  • ½ cup frozen blueberries
  • 3-4 almonds
  • ½ cup coconut water
  • ½ cup ice


  1. Place your ingredients in your blender in the order they are listed.
  2. Blitz until nice and smooth.

5. The Dairy Merry Smoothie for Blood Pressure

10 Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure | Vibrant Happy Healthy (6)Serves: 2

Preparation Time: 5 mins.

Studies have shown that people who consume healthy dairy also have lower cases of high blood pressure. Good quality dairy is satiating and full of nutrients our body needs. You want to stay away from saturated cheese products, but if you include probiotic yogurts and healthy milks in your diet versus all the gunky dairy, you may see a massive improvement in your blood pressure and overall health. For more Greek yogurt smoothies, check out our 10 Greek Yogurt Smoothie Recipes.


  • ½ cup frozen strawberries
  • ¾ cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • ¾ cup ice


  1. Place your frozen strawberries at the bottom of your blender and add the remaining ingredients on top.
  2. Mix until smooth and creamy.

Smoothies to Lower Insulin and Balance Blood Pressure

If you eat foods full of sugars, you produce insulin. Too much insulin causes your blood pressure to increase because it reduces your kidney’s excretion of sodium and water and that makes your blood vessels tighten up which then increases blood pressure. These smoothies for high blood pressure can reduce your insulin response and in turn may reduce your high blood pressure.

6. Green Low Blood Pressure Smoothie

10 Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure | Vibrant Happy Healthy (7)Serves: 2

Preparation Time: 10 mins.

You need a steady stream of nutrients that are going to keep your blood sugar levels on an even keel. Keeping the blood sugar even can also ensure your blood pressure stays balanced too. Here you have heart-healthy spinach paired with a little bit of natural sugar from the strawberries for a blood-pressure balancing smoothie.


  • ½ cup frozen strawberries
  • ½ cup steamed spinach
  • 1 tbsp wheatgrass powder
  • ½ tsp vanilla
  • ½ cup almond milk
  • ¼ cup ice


  1. Place your fruits at the bottom of your blender and add the powder and almond milk.
  2. Mix until nice and smooth.

7. Lime Chia Refresher Smoothie

10 Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure | Vibrant Happy Healthy (8)Serves: 2

Preparation Time: 10 mins.

Pure antioxidants paired with fiber and a heart-healthy fat that gets them to where they need to be will help this smoothie for high blood pressure balance the macronutrients in your diet. When you have the right combination of fats to carbohydrates, you go a long way in helping to reduce the pressure on your vessels.


  • 2 limes
  • ½ tbsp chia seeds
  • ½ cup prepared oatmeal
  • 1 tsp Stevia
  • ¼ cup coconut milk, from a can
  • ¾ cup ice


  1. Remove the rind of your limes, segment, and place in your blender.
  2. Add remaining ingredients in the order you see them in the ingredients list.
  3. Mix until well-combined.

8. Figgy Magnesium Smoothie

10 Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure | Vibrant Happy Healthy (9)Serves: 2

Preparation Time: 10 mins.

Magnesium helps to balance your blood pressure. When you include foods high in magnesium in your diet, you may naturally balance your body’s blood pressure. Not only does magnesium ensure your blood sugar is balanced, but it also helps your body absorb nutrients from your food so you get the benefit of what you are eating.


  • ½ cup figs
  • ½ cup fresh kale
  • ½ frozen banana
  • 1/3 avocado
  • 2 Medjool dates, pitted
  • ½ cup ice


  1. Make sure to peel and segment your figs.
  2. Layer the ingredients according to how you see them on the list.
  3. Mix until smooth.

9. Blueberry Bean Smoothie

10 Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure | Vibrant Happy Healthy (10)Serves: 2

Preparation Time: 10 mins.

White beans are full of magnesium, fiber, and protein and they are great flavor-catchers. In this smoothie, we add the bean for a hearty bulk and pair it with some natural sweetness from the berries. When trying to reduce your blood pressure, you need foods that send you a steady stream of macros which helps with balance and this smoothie for high blood pressure does just that.


  • ½ cup frozen blueberries
  • 1/3 cup prepared white beans
  • Handful mint
  • ½ cup almond milk
  • ½ cup ice


  1. Place ingredients in your blender in the order that you see them on the list.
  2. Mix until smooth.

10. Chocolate Smoothie to Lower High Blood Pressure

10 Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure | Vibrant Happy Healthy (11)Serves: 2

Preparation Time: 15 mins.

Good quality chocolate that is high in the actual cacao bean has natural components that can help you reduce your high blood pressure. Chocolate doesn’t have to be a guilty treat if you eat the kind that is meant to help human bodies. Here we combine magnesium-rich bananas with yummy chocolate for a dessert smoothie that is actually good for your body.


  • ½ cup 80 % bitter chocolate or cacao
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 pkg stevia
  • ½ cup almond milk
  • ½ cup ice


  1. Place ingredients in your blender in the order that you see them on the list.
  2. Mix until smooth.

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Being Blood-Pressure Aware

If you are at risk of high blood pressure, you should consult with your physician who can advise you on making changes that will reduce that risk.Additionally, if you fall under any of the risk categories listed in the introduction, then you need to take precautions instead of waiting for that blood pressure to hit those high levels. Prevention is always better than trying to solve the problem afterward and prevention includes making sure you are putting the cleanest fuel into your body.

Once you start incorporating these smoothies for low blood pressure in your diet and also ensure you are making the right choices in other areas of consumption, you may see your blood pressure lower. This does not mean you can go back to the way you used to eat. The increase in blood pressure was your body’s way of telling you that you were making the wrong choices.

So now that you have regulated yourself, you should continue in the same way. There is nothing wrong with having a treat once in a while, but your diet should be chock-full of vegetables and fruits as well as healthy macronutrients. You want to ensure the food you eat isn’t spiking your insulin levels and that means staying away from sugar in all its forms, whether its bread or pasta or doughnuts and cake. When you need a sugar fix, mix yourself up a fruity smoothie to lower blood pressure and satiate that sweet tooth of yours too.

With a few simple choices in diet and lifestyle, you may grab that high blood pressure by the horns and pull it down to where it should be.

10 Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure | Vibrant Happy Healthy (12)

10 Smoothie Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure | Vibrant Happy Healthy (2024)
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