10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (2024)

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You are looking for triceps training for women and have enough of flabby arms? Then you've come to the right place!

Flabby upper arms that just shake and wobble when waving are an absolute horror for us women. Since many even like to do without the summer top or dress and sweat love in long-sleeved shirts.

And all this just so that you do not see the flabby arms. You can solve this problem with Targeted triceps training quite simple to get to grips with.

But we women, of course, have other reasons for triceps training. Instead of very thin sleeves, we want beautifully shaped arms. They should not be too muscular. But we want them to show that we're working out.

You will learn in this post

  • What you need to know about biceps and triceps anatomy
  • Basic knowledge of triceps training
  • The best triceps exercises without equipment
  • Triceps training with equipment for home
  • How often you need to train
  • What triceps training has to do with nutrition

And on which part of the body can you see this better than on the arms? So girls. Roll up your sleeves!

Here we show the best exercises for your Triceps workout at home. You can easily do all the exercises in your living room.

But let's also devote a little time to the anatomy of the upper arms. The upper arms consist of two main muscles - the biceps and triceps.

Most work diligently on the biceps. The triceps training is very often neglected.

What you need to know about biceps and triceps anatomy

The biceps makes up about 1/3 of the arm. Its name is derived from the Latin "Bi", which means "two". The biceps is composed of the long (outer) and short (inner) head.

Today, however, we will focus on the triceps. It is the counterpart of the biceps and responsible for the extension of the arm. The triceps are located on the back of the upper arm.

If you know a little Latin, you'll guess that the triceps are made up of three heads (tri stands for three).

Bye Bingo Arms! These exercises really help against bingo arms!

The name triceps comes from the Latin "Musculus Triceps Brachii". 2/3 of the arm is accounted for by the triceps.

The triceps consists of

  • Long head: Caput longum
  • Inner (also medial) head: Caput medial
  • Lateral head: Caput laterale

The lateral and inner part of the triceps is responsible for extension of the forearm in the elbow joint.

And the long head is responsible for lifting the arm backward (retroversion) and bringing the arm toward the body (adduction).

The triceps are involved in all upper body exercises where you need to build pressure. So if you want to train your chest and shoulders, a developed triceps is important.

10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (1)

A strengthened triceps will give you great benefits in strength exercises like bench press.

So in order for the arms to get nice and crisp, we need to train the triceps.

Because only when both the biceps and its counterpart are trained, the arm muscles come out beautifully. So it really pays to invest time in a triceps workout.

Here's how you can put an end to flabby upper arms.

How to build muscle without equipment!

Basic knowledge of triceps training

Triceps training always consists of exercises that stretch the triceps. As soon as your arm is stretched against a resistance, it is already a triceps exercise.

Our triceps exercises are isolation exercises. This means that they train the triceps quite specifically and independently of the other muscle groups.

When we build muscles on the upper arms, the arms look more beautiful overall. Flabby angled arms have no chance this way more. Angle arms are arms that bob along with every movement. They sit on the underside of the upper arm, which is exactly where strong triceps are normally found. Bingo Arms wobble because we have accumulated body fat in this area, causing the connective tissue to weaken.

With Triceps workout become Muscles built and so even the thinnest or flabbiest little arms to beautifully shaped upper arms.

The triceps strengthen the contours of the arm and sculpt a beautiful backside. Instead of going to the gym, you can do your triceps workout at home.

Through exercises you can promote the individual muscle parts of the triceps more or less. Depending on what exactly you have planned. For this, there are numerous simple triceps exercises that you can do at home.

Once your elbows are in front of your body or above your head, you're using the long head of your triceps more than the other two heads.

For those who want to know exactly, here is a list of all the muscles involved in the workout.

During triceps training, these muscles are activated:

  • Triceps - Triceps Brachii Muscle
  • Cartilage muscle - anconeus muscle

Supporting muscles

  • Anterior part of the deltoid muscle - Musculus Deltoideus Pars Clavicularis
  • Large pectoral muscle - Musculus Pectoralis Major
  • Long radial hand extensor - Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus muscle
  • Short radial hand extensor - Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis muscle

Probably the most famous exercise for triceps training is dips, but let's look at it in detail now.

One workout that I love to do myself is this one from YouTube. In 5 minutes triceps and biceps are trained.

Pure exercises for the triceps I present to you now. These are my favorite exercises:

The best triceps exercises without equipment

Without weight and equipment it is very difficult to shape the triceps. But of course we have here at least a few exercises for the Triceps workout without equipment found :) Below you will find exercises with training equipment such as dumbbells, barbells or therabands.

Just like before every workout, here too it is called: Do not forget to warm up! The best warm up exercises we have collected in a separate article.

10 barbell exercises for power women that you will love!

Good to know

You don't have to do all the triceps exercises in one workout. You'll achieve faster results if you keep alternating. This way you set new stimuli and challenge the muscles.

Do 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise and three passes.

Triceps dips for toned upper arms

Dips are an absolute classic that should not be missing from any arm workout. As the name suggests, they strengthen the triceps. But also your chest muscles benefit from it.

The load on the triceps will be greater if you do not lean your upper body forward too much, but keep it relatively straight.

10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (2)

  • Place the palms on a small table. The fingertips point toward you.
  • Angle the legs.
  • Raise and lower the buttocks with the strength of the arms.
  • Do not push yourself off the ground with your legs. The force should come exclusively from the upper arms.

Do 12 repetitions and three passes.

Triceps pushups

Unlike normal push-ups, the focus here is shifted from the chest muscles to the triceps.

10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (3)

  • Place the hands at chest level. The palms form a diamond. The index fingers and thumbs touch each other.
  • Tense the entire body firmly. The back is straight. The elbows are close to the body throughout.
  • Push the upper body away from the floor by stretching the arms. Important: The arms are not fully extended! Breathe out while doing this.
  • Bend the arms, lower the torso. Breathe in.

This is how you can learn push-ups!

By the way, push-ups are even more effective when you elevate your legs. Put them on a workout bench, coffee table or other elevation. However, this is not suitable for beginners.

Push-ups with tight arms as triceps exercise

10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (4)

  • Lie on your stomach. Angle your legs.
  • The arms are at chest level.
  • Tighten the buttocks and abdomen.
  • Push yourself off the floor with the strength of your arms.
  • And then slowly lower the upper body again.
  • By the way, there is a preliminary exercise for real push-ups. With this you can Learn push ups easily!

If you already have good muscles, you can put your legs on an armchair or a bench. So the weight distribution is different.

You thereby increase the weight on the arms during triceps training.

However, this is only for professionals. So all those who find normal push-ups already too boring.

Better than gym: muscle building without equipment

Lying French Press

And we are already at the first "training device" - the water bottle. If you don't have any weights at home, you can turn water bottles into weights.

Normal water bottles are sufficient for beginners. If that is too easy for you, you can simply fill the bottles with sand.

10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (5)

  • Lie on your back. Angle your legs.
  • Grab the water.
  • Important: The upper arms always remain in the same position! You work only with the forearms.
  • Raise and lower the water bottles as shown in the photo.

Pike push ups for strong triceps

10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (6)

  • The starting position is the dog looking down.
  • Your weight is on the palms of your hands and the tops of your feet.
  • The head is held in extension of the spine.
  • Your arms are tightly fixed to the floor next to your chest.
  • Now slowly bend your arms so that your upper body lowers towards the floor.
  • The head touches the mat.
  • Push yourself back up in a controlled manner.
  • The movement comes from the shoulders and not from the hips.

Dips on the bar for the triceps

10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (7)

One piece of equipment you can pull to help are these bars. You'll find them in many parks. They are used for Calisthenics exercises used and train the triceps.

  • Find a bar or two parallel bars. Put your hands on the bar and bend your lower legs a little.
  • Bend the arms and lower the body. And press up again.
  • Make sure you don't sag. The view goes forward.

Triceps training with equipment for home

Triceps training becomes very effective whenever weight comes into play. For this you can kettlebell exercises make, on Barbell workout set or short dumbbells for workout use

We'll show you a few exercises for triceps workout with equipment that you probably have at home.

In the gym, the triceps can be strengthened mainly with cable pulls. But it also works at home with simple equipment like dumbbells.

Dumbbell stretch above the head

This exercise is perfect for beginners. But do not underestimate the weight! This sequence of movements will make you feel the triceps really well.

10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (8)

  • Stand upright, tense the abdomen and buttocks.
  • Grab a dumbbell and hold it in well with both arms.
  • Stretch your arms above your head and slowly lower the dumbbell as shown in the photo.
  • Then slowly lift the dumbbell back up into the air.

Important: Perform the exercise slowly. And make sure that you do not form a hollow back!

The mega anti hollow back workout!

Triceps press with lunge

This exercise also uses the dumbbells for triceps training.

10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (9)

  • Take a big step forward with your right leg. Angle it slightly.
  • Grab the dumbbells. Tighten the abdomen and buttocks.
  • Slowly lift the short dumbbells from the height of your butt as high behind as possible.
  • And get back into starting position.
  • Important: perform slowly!

You'll love this kettlebell workout!

Triceps workout with kettlebell

And then, of course, you can use kettlebells for training.

10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (10)

  • For this exercise you start in an upright plank. The arms and legs are stretched, the body is tense.
  • In your right hand you hold a kettlebell.
  • Pull them chest and then put them down again.
  • Do at least 10 repetitions before switching sides.

Theraband triceps exercise

But that's not the end of it. A simple theraband can also help you with your triceps workout.

By the way, with Theraband exercises you can train your entire body!

10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (11)

  • Stand with your left leg on the theraband. Step forward with your right leg.
  • Angle your arms in the air. Keep the band pretty tight so that you feel a lot of resistance.
  • Pull the theraband up into the air as high as you can.
  • In this exercise, only the forearms are working. The upper arms are stretched throughout.

So many different exercises you can do with Theraband!

Triceps workout with barbell

A little more weight is involved with the barbell. With it you can do some great exercises for trained arms.

10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (12)

  • Lie flat on your back.
  • Grasp the barbell with both hands slightly more than shoulder width.
  • Slowly raise the barbell until the arms are extended.
  • Then slowly lower it back to your chest.
  • Make sure that your wrists do not bend and that you do not form a hollow back.

Tip: 11 ingenious calisthenics exercises for beginners

Special exercise: triceps stretching

Incorporate the Theraband into your workout as often as you can. It is a very inexpensive training tool that takes up little space and can be used anywhere. You need a column, lantern, pillar or similar to fix the band.

10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (13)

  • Fix the theraband by wrapping it around the column.
  • Grab the ends and wrap them around your hands.
  • Walk away from the column until the tape is on tension.
  • Now make small movements with your arms.
  • Start in front of your body and pull your arms under tension to behind your butt - as in the photo.
  • For triceps exercises like these to turn out effectively, you need to tighten your butt and abdomen.

How often you need to train

In strength training, the basic rule is: quality is better than quantity. It makes more sense to do the exercises slowly and in a controlled manner rather than quickly. You should always alternate the exercises if you want to see results.

You should not train your upper arms more than 2x per week. The reason for this is quickly found: In very many workouts, the triceps are involved in a supporting role. Three to four exercises for the triceps packed into a full-body workout are considered optimal.

Which one you choose is up to you.

What triceps training has to do with nutrition

If you want to have trained triceps, you should first check if you are eating right.

Too much angular flesh is usually accompanied by too much body fat. And this tends to accumulate on the abdomen, legs, buttocks and arms.Tips that will help you get rid of body fatyou can find here. Although this is primarily about belly fat, these findings can be applied to the entire body.

If your body fat percentage is too high, you may be asking yourself: Lose weight or build muscle what do i need to do first? In both cases, you should always rely on a mix of endurance, strength training and nutrition.

It's different if you have thin arms and your body fat percentage is low. Here we recommend starting with bodyweight exercises. And then add weights as the workout progresses. You need to build muscle.

When it comes to nutrition, the same applies in both cases: Muscles need protein to grow. Make sure you eat enough protein. You don't necessarily have to reach for shakes. Legumes, chicken and dairy products also contain plenty of protein.

Our conclusion

Incorporating triceps exercises into your workout really pays off. Arm training shapes our upper arms and makes them beautifully firm. However, arms are only really beautiful if you train them as a whole. That means: biceps, triceps and shoulders.

In the gym you have a lot of training equipment at your disposal, which makes triceps training even more effective. But also at home you can do a lot for your arms.

To browse further:

  • Mega abdominal workout with scissor kicks
  • Lunges with dumbbells - how to do them correctly
  • Squats: How deep do they really need to be?

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10 effective triceps workout exercises for women at home (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.